Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ethics and Professionalism Essay

The first principle, Universal Access to Information, basically stipulates that it is important to make information universally available to all. ACM believes it is important because it will have impacts on economic growth, education, and public health among other things. I would have to agree with this principle. When people have access to information it allows for growth in all areas. People can use information to expand on ideas and make advancements on others inventions and so forth. The Intellectual Property principle is in regards to making laws that will govern the right to copyrighted intellectual property. I would tend to agree with the principle though only to some degree. I feel it is important to have laws that govern intellectual property but one must realize limitations and not waste all resources and efforts in trying to completely stop software and intellectual theft. The Internet has grown too large too fast and I believe it is a waste of money and time to try to stop file sharing etc. because it will never happen. The third principle is Computer Encryption and Security. ACM believes to reach its full potential the net must be secured. This is completely correct. The Internet can be used for transactions of all sorts. Whether it is between businesses or consumers. If it is not secure and people are afraid of sending confidential information across the net like credit card numbers then it will never reach its potential. The fourth principle states that the 1st Amendment must be upheld on the Internet. ACM promotes speech and opposes censorship of the net. I do not agree with this. Freedom of speech is important everywhere including the Internet but I feel there must be a line drawn somewhere when it comes to speaking ones mind in regards to such topics as hate crimes etc. I do feel that industry will choose not to follow this principle though. Freedom of speech includes everything from opinions on sports to opinions about the holocaust. When people try to publish web pages on things such as Neo Nazism and how to create pipe bombs they are usually censored by authorities. I can not foresee this changing. Number five is in regards to Funding of Science Research. ACM is committed to pursuing funding for science research. This is definitely a good idea. This type of research leads to advancements in all kinds of different fields in life. The research can be expensive and without funding wouldn’t get done. The government should fund this as it directly affects the country’s economic and technological growth. The sixth principle is Privacy. This is definitely a principle that needs to be upheld. I feel privacy is important and if you do not have privacy on the Internet then you are essentially taking away ones individuality. It is true that there are people who abuse this privacy to commit cyber crime, but more resources must be used elsewhere to help catch these criminals. You can not be spying on the innocent and stealing their right to privacy. The seventh and last principle is Internet Governance. ACM supports and works with companies and groups that develop technical standards, set policies and influence the future of the Internet. I feel this is also a good policy as someone has to set standards for software and the Internet or big companies such as Microsoft would be able to do whatever they please including releasing bug laden software. Essentially these companies are the law makers for what is allowed and disallowed on the Internet and what constitutes good business practice for software and computer companies in general. In general all of these principles are a good idea. I do feel that most will be followed to try and control and better industry standard. The only one I think industry will not particularly accept or follow is the fourth one. I think that freedom of speech is an important thing, to some degree. I believe that total freedom of speech can be a detriment to industry. Freedom of speech means freedom to say anything whether it is politically correct or not. When people begin spreading racism or hate crime on the Internet it cannot be allowed. Industry knows this and will not buy into freedom of speech.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks Essay

This highly unpredictable 1993 novel by award-winning Faulks, focuses on the Battle of the Somme, famous chiefly on account of the loss of 58,000 British troops. The scenery is depicted so clearly that the readers will feel as though they are actually there, witnessing the mutilated, grotesque bodies, all as a result of the terrible war. The story begins in the house of Azaire, in France, 1910. 20-year-old Englishman Stephen Wraysford is staying there, whilst learning more about the textiles industry. He falls in love with Isabelle, Monsieur Azaire’s wife, who is 9 years Stephens junior. Despite the age difference they make love copious times, and soon run away together to an alternate part of the country. However, Isabelle falls pregnant and feels pressurised and confused, so escapes to the arms of her elder sister, Jeanne. Stephen returned from work and realised she had gone, without even knowing he was soon to be the father of a young child. After a few days the resilient character realised she was never coming back, and he forgot about his first love almost completely. The next scene takes place during the Battle of the Somme, where Stephen having had good education, was promoted immediately to an officer. He is often referred to as being ‘strange’ by his fellow men, of whom didn’t always look up to the cold-blooded, detached character. Stephen miraculously survives two years of heavy battles, and he becomes possessed by an inexplicably strong will to survive On leave, he discovers Isabelle’s elder sister Jeanne in the town of Amiens, and gradually builds up a relationship with the woman. She explains that Isabelle had returned to Azaire but recently met a German called Max of whom she fell in love with. She agreed to let Stephen visit her, as she was ill after being injured by a shell. The book goes forward in time to 1978, where Stephen’s granddaughter Elizabeth is trying to find out more about her brave grandfather. She makes frequent trips to see a man, Brennan, who fought in the war with Stephen. She had many notebooks that once belonged to Stephen, all written in special code. Elizabeth got a friend to study the books and eventually he cracked the code. Elizabeth thought that Jeanne was her grandmother, but her own mother, Francoise, finally admitted to her that her grandmother was actually Isabelle, the sister of Jeanne. On leaving the war Stephen married Jeanne, and Isabelle and Max both died, leaving the newly wed couple to bring up Francoise. Stephen is an extremely believable character, who had a disappointing upbringing, leaving him to be quite a ‘loner’. He has no friends or family, and doesn’t receive a letter until the very end of the war, which is from Jeanne. At the very end of the war him and Jack Firebrace are trapped underground, and so Stephen makes an explosion to attract the attention of his fellow men. Unfortunately, it is the Germans that hear the noise, and after hours of searching, they discover the man. I found this the most exciting and intriguing part of the book, and was relieved when the Germans embraced Stephen and gave him water to cure his dehydration. It was great hearing the utterances, ‘the war is over’. The title, ‘Birdsong’, doesn’t lead the audience to think it is a war novel, as a birdsong is a sweet, innocent, sound that captures ones heart. However, throughout the novel, Stephen refers to the noises of birds he hears. After making love to Isabelle for the first time, he lies in complete satisfaction listening to the birds. Also, at the end of the war, he returns above ground with some new German friends, to be greeted by the sweet tune of birds. When writing this I believe that Faulks’ intentions were to inform people of what is was like to be a soldier in the Battle of the Somme, and he successfully did so by producing a very accurate account of what it was like. I felt fully the exhaustion and hysteria that the soldiers must have felt and it made me appreciate to some extent just what they went through. This entertaining yet informing book is a classic that I will never forget, although perhaps a bit too long. This gripping, moving revelatory book intrigued me and I particularly recommend it to those that found history lessons tedious, but want to know more about the Battle of the Somme.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Chemistry in Desalination Plants Research Paper

The Chemistry in Desalination Plants - Research Paper Example As the discussion declares there are various processes which are involved in desalination of water. Through the process of distillation liquids are separated from one another due to their difference in boiling points. The instrument used in distillation is called a ‘still’ and it consists of a pot, condenser, and a receiver. The liquid is heated in the pot, the condenser condenses it and the receiver receives the separated liquids. There are three different processes of distillation; Multi-Stage Flash, Multiple-Effect and Vapor Compression. In all these three processes water is either heated or passed through steam tubes and separated. This study highlights that an additional method is the process of Electro dialysis in which salt ions are transported from one solution to another by passing them through an ion exchange membrane. Due to the electric charges possessed by the ions they pass through the electro membrane. The membrane has the skill to select or reject the ions and transport them hence it is utilized in separation or removal of electrolytes. Another commonly used method in water desalination is the process of reverse osmosis. In this process the solvent is transported from a high concentration solution to a low concentration solution through a membrane. The membrane acts as a filter in which the solute is trapped on one side and the pure solvent is obtained on the other side. This method is used is obtaining fresh water from sea water. The pressure is applied on the higher concentration solution. The outwardly applied pressure builds up and is greater than the concentration difference hence the net solve nt movement is from high concentration area to low concentration area. Finally as the solute cannot pass through as the membrane because is it not permeable to it, the solute and the solvent are separated.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Music Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Music - Research Paper Example It is important to undertake a critical review of the life history of this great female artist in US and the world at large and the relationship with this song. Music has an unaesthetic effect in the life of many people due to its reflective memory captivation and psychological adjustments in the mind of an individual. In analyzing this song and Dolly Parton who composed it, it is imperative that people relate their personal life experiences with the message being conveyed for learning purposes besides social entertainment (Leppert and Susan, 4). The background of Dolly Parton significantly contributed to the composition of this song. It is common to realize that the past of this singer as expressed in the song is similar to any other cases of people in any normal society. It is simply a rhythmic presentation of the ideas which reflects the real life situations of people in the socio-economically diverse society. About Dolly parton This great female global musician of her time was bo rn Dolly Rebecca Parton in 1946 in United States of America. Her great performance skills and outstanding songs composition ability can be traced from her childhood career as a performer. It is important to underline that Dolly parton came from a very humble background with evidently several social factors for basic livelihood missing. They were literally a poor family and grew with her siblings in an economically unfavorable environment with poor clothing as her song â€Å"Cloth of many colors† can attest. During her childhood years, she went to school in tattered clothes that could only be likened to rags from the multicolored fabric composed of enjoined old pieces of cloths by the mother. As she presents in her song, Parton’s future was shaped significantly through her experiences from childhood (Randall, et al, 262). Parton began to release moderately successful singles from the year 1959 to the middle of 1960s which was propelled by her outstanding soprano voice. It is important to note that Parton exploited her voice to give music the taste it has with captivating blend of tonal variations and smooth recitation. Her global prominence came into play from 1967 from her Porter Wagoner’s weekly television featuring performances. This was marked by their joint release of a song â€Å"The Last Thing on My Mind" which hit the top ten charts of the country singles. By the time they called off the partnership, she had already created her own vocal brand and was set to join mainstream county music most of which were successful. This musician is credited with a number of joint releases with top county musicians like Kenny Rodgers and her many other songs remain new every time they are played as if they were released yesterday. The quality of her music is attributed to composure and self-discipline which is manifested in most of her songs. From her humble background, she is one among the few musicians who decide to give back to the society thro ugh charitable works alongside music. Due to her musical exploits she has managed to divert part of her fortunes to promote childhood literacy through her Dollywood project. She is also known to have acted in some movies like Steel Magnolias, Romeo & Juliet, and Straight Talk among others. She boasts of an estimated millions of sales of most of her albums. Most of her songs cut across gender issues, love and social life which fit any age group with deep seated words of wisdom. Parton holds the mantle of selling the highest number of songs raking

The Necessity for Ethical Behavior in the Project Management Essay

The Necessity for Ethical Behavior in the Project Management - Essay Example Therefore, ethical behaviors are crucial in the management of projects. Moral philosophy or ethics concerns the defense and recommendation of the concepts of wrong or right behavior. The philosophy of ethics is divided into operational areas such as normative ethics, applied ethics and meta-ethics. Meta-ethics involves the reference and theoretical meaning of moral values, and the determination of their truth (Ashrafi, 2007). Normative ethics involves the practical means of establishing a moral plan of action, while applied ethics involves the achievement of moral outcomes in different situations with different ethical requirements. The characteristics of ethical behaviors are fairness, honesty, and equity in professional, interpersonal and research, scholarly and academic relationships. Ethical behaviors compliment the diversity, rights and dignity of individuals or people in the society. The standards upheld in enhancing the attributes of responsibility and honesty is ethical behav iors. These standards are applicable to all individuals regardless of the facets of life, and the position held in commerce. The hallmark of ethical behavior is the application of these standards in situations that are inconvenient for their application (Long, & Spuma, 2005). Project Management Project management involves organizing, planning, managing, securing, controlling and leading resources towards the achievement of objectives and goals. Projects are provisional endeavors that have a defined starting and end points. They are mostly time and funding constrained. Projects are carried out to meet objectives and goals, characteristically for addition of value or for beneficial changes. Projects because of their temporary nature are in contrast to operations or businesses that are permanent and repetitive (Long, & Spuma, 2005). The management of projects is thus challenging and different and requires distinct management strategies and technical skills. The major challenge in proje ct management is the achievement of the objectives and goals while honoring or considering the preconceived limitations. Typical limitations are budget, scope and time. Another challenge with project management is the ability to maximize the allocation of inputs and incorporate the necessary inputs to meet the predefined goals and objectives (London, 2006). The management of projects involves elements, process groups and control systems. Regardless of terminology and methodology used, project management processes involve the same processes, with different ethical requirements. Project management involves the initiation of the project, planning for development, production and execution, monitoring and controlling, and the final phase which is the end or closure of the project. These phases in most cases are undertaken by one person-the project manager. Project management environment that require exploration; research and development must be supplemented with points for decision makin g. These points are essential for the continuation of the project as they involve debating and decision making. Ethical practices and behaviors are necessary to ensure the diligent and progressive completion of each phase, hence movement to the next phase. Ethical behaviors in project management involve the simultaneous management of the basic elements which are money, time, resources and scope. These elements, which are interrelated, must be effectively

Saturday, July 27, 2019

As a leader in the 21st Century, I want to know what technology Research Paper

As a leader in the 21st Century, I want to know what technology decisions to make - Research Paper Example Because of the massive reach of social media, firms regard it as an effective tool for driving relevant messages. From an internal communications point of view, social media allows employees to efficiently manage the exchanging of both professional and personal messages. Through social media, corporate culture has been further enhanced. From an external communications perspective, social media is used by firms to directly interact with their target customers in a less costly manner through the personalization of advertising messages. Therefore, in comparison to traditional forms of media, such as television and radio, marketing professionals prefer social media due to its wide audience reach and flexible nature. In this paper, we examine the relevance of leadership techniques in driving the effectiveness of social media, both internally and externally. As such, the discussion is divided into three parts: (1) look closely into social media as a business tool; (2) delve into the forms of leadership techniques, and (3) analyze the connection between proper leadership techniques and results-driven utilization of social media. In the end, this paper aims to justify its thesis that the effective use of social media in business depends on the leadership styles of leaders in a company. Research: Social Media and its Emerging Relevance in Business Overview of Social Media Social Media is defined by Wright State University (n.d.) as â€Å"an interactive, specifically online, community that builds and enhances relationships between individuals and groups based on interest, occupation, and demographic measures while delivering viable information to such individuals and groups.† Human communication, in this sense, is made more efficient through social media. The increasing use of social media by businesses has been underscored in numerous studies. D’Angelo (2010), in his academic paper entitled â€Å"Social Media Community Management: Implications for Busines s Communication Curriculum,† highlighted that 91% of the top 500 companies the U.S. used at least one social media tool in 2009, an uplift from 77% in 2008. There was also an increase in social media use by small businesses from 12% to 24% between December 2008 and December 2009 (D’Angelo, 2010). Moreover, Harvard Business Review Analytic Services (n.d.), in its newly released survey with top U.S. corporations, claimed that more than three-quarters (79%) of the 2,100 organizations surveyed said that they are currently using social media channels (58%) to launch social media initiatives (21%). As Stelzner (2009) discovered in another study, business owners are more likely to use social media marketing (90%) than employees working for a business (81%). In terms of their actual use of social media, sole proprietors and owners of businesses of 2 to 100 employees mentioned that they have been doing social media marketing for years while 72% of marketers have either just star ted or have been using social media for only a few months (Stelzner, 2009). These data indicate that the rise in the use of social me

Friday, July 26, 2019

Key Features Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Key Features - Assignment Example The literature Review conducted by the authors is exhaustive and in-depth. The sources that were used by the authors are reliable. However, the authors should not have used sources that are older than ten years. The reason is that approaches to conducting research have changed over the years. In addition, old sources might have outdated information. As a result, basing the conclusion on such sources might make the journal to be deemed as unreliable. Nevertheless, the fact that the authors used varying sources from different fields reduces the level of biases. In addition, the sources are from credible organizations and institutions of higher learning. All sources that were used in this study emanates from the relevant fields. As a result, the information in them can be used to make an in-depth conclusion. The authors are trying to find out different work health and safety issues that affect the young people and the most effective solutions. They were trying to determine whether these issues have an effect on young people’s performance in their workplaces. Nevertheless, other articles clearly state the research questions rather than include it in the objective. This is important in ensuring that the article is clear. Ethical Consideration The authors ought to have sought ethical approval from the organizations. The young respondents that were used in this study were working in the organizations. As a result, a credible study should seek permission to interview or use some of the employees in the study.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Human Services Questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Services Questions - Coursework Example with the reskilling of professionals of traditional servings, to have a larger gratitude of the individual as an entire person and to be responsible to the societies they work for. In the ancient time, service delivery was brutal where individuals were not treated well. In addition, the services were incomprehensive and not easily accessible (Packard, 2009). In present time delivery is humane, integrated, accessible and comprehensive. Human service professions have also developed to be more responsible unlike in the past where irresponsibility was common among them. In the present time, laws regulating how human services are delivered have been put in place, unlike in the historical era when there were no laws governing it. According to OLooney, (1996), in his article tries to capture the spirit of service integration movements and explain why it is such an enduring challenge and problem to the public organization. In addition, Weaver, (1997), discusses issues that workers delivering human services should be aware of so as to deliver services to the people effectively. Also, Monette et al., (2014), also talks how different researches done on human services and how it is a tool for enhancing service delivery. In the New York Times, The Guardian and The British Broadcasting Co-operation discuss on human services pertaining to health are d iscussed and how they vary from one hospital to another. This articles Scholarly articles have been reviewed well and make sense than the non-scholarly ones are just ones individual opinion and cannot be relied on since they have not be reviewed. Some stressors that I have experienced in life do not have enough time to complete tasks and getting more than I can manage. The emergence of this stressors was due to some psychological effects that triggered me to do impress others by subjecting myself to more work and tasks that I could not handle. In managing the lack of time, I rank my priorities and did tasks according to their

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Western Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Western Culture - Essay Example Centuries ago, the culture of a country was modified by wars and invasions. But now cultures are influenced by the corporate scenario in the country. Whenever a corporate giant enters a country’s local markets, it inevitably introduces a few subtle variations in the existing cultural practices. At the same time, the company has to respect local sensibilities and make certain changes in their strategies. A company’s success in the local markets depends immensely on how skillfully they negotiate the culture of that country, and in turn use it to their advantage. Once the company strikes the right balance, there is an intermingling of cultures, which introduces western cultural influences to the already existing local norms. A failure on the part of the company to adapt to local practices can prove to be a business disaster. For instance, the retail giant Wal-Mart was forced to completely shut down its operations in Germany and South Korea, when the local public did not approve of their characteristic working styles. (Schaefer, 2009) It would be beneficial to study an example to facilitate a better understanding of the influences of western culture brought about by corporate giants. McDonald’s, the world’s largest chain of fast food restaurants has more than 30,000 restaurants in nearly a 100 countries and serves approximately 52 million people daily (Bhushan, 2002). McDonald’s was one of the first corporations to pioneer the field of quick service restaurants. It’s franchise in India is owned and managed locally, employing local staff and product suppliers. Hardcastle Restaurants Private Limited owns and manages McDonalds restaurants in the western region of India, while the northern territory restaurants are owned and managed by Vikram Bakshi’s Connaught Plaza Restaurants Private Limited. The first Mc Donald’s outlet was opened in India’s capital, New Delhi in October, 1996 and currently there are a total of 132 restaurants in the whole of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Developing Cybersecurity Law and Policy Assignment

Developing Cybersecurity Law and Policy - Assignment Example Other sections of the Register include the presidential document, reader aid and federal register xml files. These sections guide the users who are mainly federal agencies on new regulations and prerequisite information to participate in rulemaking (GPO, 2013). The Federal Register is used by the relevant agencies to call for public participation in policy creation (Mead, 2004), as the majority of civil users bring in ideas that may not be available within federal workforce. Citizens are also in a position to keep track of current updates on cyber security laws and regulations. Daily updates ensure continuous information gathering and dissemination since cyber technology is highly dynamic (Cate, 2009). Topic 2: US Cyber Command US Cyber Command is a sub-unit in the US strategic command that was created by the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 2010. It is charged with planning, integrating, coordinating, synchronizing and directing military cyber space operations and managing fede ral information networks. This was an essential step in reinforcing the Department of Defense’s capability to remain in control of its information network reducing vulnerability to cyber warfare (Kenneally, 2001). This is especially the case since intelligence information handled in the network should remain protected for national security (Kenneally, 2001). ... The president appoints a cyber security coordinator commonly referred to as the cyber czar who is a government employee. It is necessary that this position be held by the government to control biased service by private institutions that may manipulate the information systems, hence making it more vulnerable to hackers (Kenneally, 2001). Academia may have its practice based on theoretical information, thus less flexible to the dynamics involved in cyber operations. This handicaps its efficiency in service delivery. An individual who is open-minded is the most appropriate to hold this position since they have a realistic approach to cyber security management (Kenneally, 2001). Topic 3: Renewed Interest in Public-Private Partnerships Several frameworks have been put in place to improve cyber security in both the public and private sectors. Public-private partnership is essential for effective protection of U.S assets, infrastructure and economic interest from attack on cyber activities. This kind of partnership enhances information sharing, minimizing the risks of the use of cyber facilities especially in the era of increased global connectivity. Partnership enables pooling of resources required for effective workforce education and training and investment in cyber security (Guttmann et al., 2003). Both the public and private sectors should be actively involved in policy making and setting cyber law that remains ahead of possible risks and in pace with technological developments. It is of importance to create an enabling environment that respects the privacy and civil liberties of all partners involved while at the same time enhancing optimal collaboration in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Understanding How Learners Learn Essay Example for Free

Understanding How Learners Learn Essay There are many books and Internet websites written about the VARK Theory. It is the trainingfairys opinion that as adult trainers we are not always interested in the in-depth theory, you need to have an understanding and run with it. This page will hopefully provide you with this understanding and refer you to books and websites to explore this subject further if you wish to. I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. (Confucius 551-479 BC) .This quote indicates that from the early ages people had different learning preferences. Read the VARK model below and determine what Confucius learning preference might have been. VARK Probably the easiest to understand and implement in your training programme. This theory is based on the FOUR main learning preferences your learners will have. VISUAL- learners who would like to see it on the whiteboard, flip charts, walls, graphics, pictures, colour. They are probably your creative students, love using different colours in their workbooks, want to make their pages look pretty etc AUDITORY-learners who would like to sit back and listen. They dont make a lot of notes READ/WRITE- learners who need to read the information for themselves and they take a lot of notes KINESTHETIC-learners who can not sit still for long, like to fiddle with things. They like to be actively involved in their learning. It is important that you understand your own learning preference as you will be delivering in that preference as well. If your preferred learning style is visual, you will deliver in a very visual way as that suits you, but does it suit your learners? When planning your session, check that your delivery techniques have covered all of the above preferences otherwise some students are missing out on learning opportunities. Please note that the VARK model is also known as VAK however many educators prefer to have the R added to the model . In the Revision section the need for repetition has been explained. On average you will need to repeat information that you want learners to retain at least 6 times. So if you cover all of the above learning preferences you automatically cover the same material 4 times already. Now have a look at your preferred learning preference and the way you deliver as a facilitator Hopefully, you have identified yourself. Now of course it is possible that you are strong in more than ONE learning preference. This is called Multi Modal and your students can be multi modal as well. But now imagine that you have a very strong Kinesthetic preference and your class preference is 80% Read/Write. How do you think you feel if none of the students like to get involved in your practical delivery? You probably call the students boring while the students dislike coming to your class because they have to do all these activities, while all they want to do is read the book and write an essay!If you have done the VARK test today, I encourage you to do it again in 6 months time. Most trainers preferences seem to shift as they learn to appreciate the other learning preferences, especially if you were very strong in just one, you will find as you start getting better at incorporating all 4 that you become more Multi Modal. Whatever you are, be assured there is no good or bad preference. It is an awareness that will help you with your delivery and ultimately your classroom management. Training room application From the above table you will find that one activity could cater for different learners at the same time. The small group activity could be: read page 10-20, create a poster summarising the contents and present to the class . Visual- create the poster- they probably do all the creative stuff, and want to use lots of colour Auditory- need to listen as ideas are put forward as to what to put on the poster. Will listen to the presentation Read/Write- will actually read the pages and feedback to the rest of the group. Will want to do the writing on the poster Kinesthetic- will put the presentation together and want to make it fun Why when we are all the same species do we vary so much in the way we learn, and the way we respond to different types of teaching and communication methods? Online resources: What is synaesthesia What the learner does is more important than what the teacher does. Understanding how your learners learn, is your success. Reith Lecture No. 4 – VS Ramachandran – Purple numbers and sharp cheese

The Nature of Demand for Shipping Essay Example for Free

The Nature of Demand for Shipping Essay The shipping industry is engaged in the production of water borne transport of goods and people. This industry can be defined as a group of individual industries or sectors operating within different markets and reacting to different economic conditions. The primary economic function of shipping services is, like all transport, to bridge the gap which exists between producer and consumer. Shipping is an expanding, global business which carries most of the worlds traded goods; it is relatively free of capacity constraints, and less harmful to the environment than other transport modes. The future offers substantial opportunities for the shipping industry, bringing with them the potential for significant inward investment and wider economic benefits for the world. For example if we look in to the economic contribution of shipping in UK we can see Efficient shipping is vital to our economic well-being: 95% of our external trade by weight (77% by value) and 7% of domestic freight tonnage (but around 25% in terms of tonne kilometres), moves by water. So when we will judge the nature of demand for shipping we have to look into the traditional demand supply rules of economic theory. Human wants are the core of all economic activities. This is the core of economic analysis that how people choose what needs they are going to satisfy through the use of which resources. In economics, demand means effective demand or demand that is backed by ability to pay. The demand for shipping is effective demand because it has actually been satisfied by the world fleet. Generally demands for transport results from demand for goods. Without the demand for goods there would be no demand for transport. Here transport itself is not the primary demand, its the secondary one. Where it (the demand for transport) derives from the need of goods to be transported. Thats why the demand of the mode of transport, here shipping, is a derived demand. So shipping demand is determined by the final consumers for the Product. Here the level of sea borne trade determines the number of shipping and cargo space required. For Example, after 02nd world war ,the rapid world wide industrialization, resulted in concentrated centres of production and consumption, which led to rapid growth of world trade and particularly shipping. 3 So Shipping is directly related to world trade. And world trade is directly related to world output or production. Here industrial economic development is the central factor in the volume of sea borne trade, but the volume can also be influenced by technological development and political factors. And this demand for shipping is mainly derived from two sources, the demand for the commodities for industrial utilisation and demand for those commodities for final consumption. As said before that shipping demand is an effective demand because the demand for the quantity of an economic good which can be transported by ships at each and every possible price during a given time period. And also because the shipping of commodities creates utility because it creates user value in a number of ways like 4 1. The Utility of Place and Location : Shipping makes it the availability of goods in a certain place where they are wanted. For example Australian apple or Costarican banana is available in the UK super market. 2. The Utility of Time : Shipping makes the availability of goods when they are required heating oil during the winter. 3. The Utility of Form :Shipping services contribute to make the change in the material or physical form of a good in such a way to increase its ability to satisfy wants. For example ,middle east crude oil converted to gas or petroleum in refineries adjacent to consumer markets. 4. Intangibles: Like other services, shipping service is also intangible in that it does not result in the physical production of a commodity. The growth rates of 1999 had been strongly distorted by the Asian crisis. In 2000 a sound recovery took place. Both world trade growth of 8. 0 per cent and the world output growth of 3. 0 per cent represent favourable values, but did not entirely approach to the higher levels in 1994, 1995 and 1997. For the years 2000 and 2001, OECD and other international organisations expect a growth rate of real world output of 4.3 per cent and 3. 8 per cent, respectively, with clearly higher rates for world trade, namely about 10 per cent and more than 8 per cent, respectively. This will boost especially world container shipping towards even higher growth rates5 Table 01: World Output, World trade and shipping trend 1993 to 2010. (IMF/World Bank ISL-Estimates) Source: ISL Shipping Statistics and Market Review 2000 Table 02: World merchant fleet Annual tonnage changes as of January 1st, 1987-2001 (dwt-% change) Source: ISL Shipping Statistics and Market Review 2000

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Medical Marijuana and the Legalization Debate

Medical Marijuana and the Legalization Debate Introduction Medical marijuana or medical cannabis can be defined as the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Marijuana itself is a drug that comes from the cut and dried leaves of hemp plant also referred to as cannabis sativa. Its most active ingredient is delta tetrahydrocannibinol. Throughout history marijuana has been used in many different cultures to change perception, mood and consciousness. Its effects range from provoking mystical experiences to the increment of creativity. It comes second from alcohol in the list of recreational drugs. Around the globe, it has been used for many purposes. For example in the primitive tribes of South America India and Africa it is used for religious and ceremonies and also for some medical purposes. For instance the African mine workers used it in easing the drudgery of their work while the Jamaicans used it in the evenings to ease or relieved their fatigue. The ancient Persians, Greeks, East Indians, Assyrians and Romans used marijuana as the drug fo r controlling reducing muscles spasms, treating indigestion and the reduction of pain (Roth Rebecca 1). There are two sides on the issue of legalization of marijuana and each side has a multitude of reasons as to why medical marijuana should be legalized. This leaves one unsure of which side is credible. Reasons as to why medical marijuana should not be legalized. There are some reasons as to why the some people in the society are refuting the legalization of medical marijuana. One of the reasons is that medical marijuana is perceived to be addictive in many countries. For example in the united states of America the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 classified marijuana as a schedule 1 drug on basis that it contained high potential for abuse. This was propelled by the perception that people who consume it usually get hooked up therefore becoming potheads and the drug eventually dominates their lives. They also believe that the frequent overuse of the drug can lead to lethargic behaviors or even serious health problems. Addiction is brought by the fact that there is a possibility that someone treated for chronic periods of time for a constant pain will eventually become more dependent on the drug. He will also require high amounts than before. This addiction may lead to death due to respiratory failure. Another reason as to why some people are against the legalization of the medical marijuana is because they hold the idea that it has no accepted medical use. For example marijuana may yield considerable medical benefits for many patients with ailments such as cancer and glaucoma but these benefits have not been universally accepted both nationally and internationally. Another reason as to why many people are opposing this initiative is that it is historically linked to narcotics such as cocaine and heroine. For example in America the early anti-drug laws were stipulated so that they may regulate narcotics which included opium and its derivatives such morphine and heroine. These anti-drug laws also regulated marijuana although it is not a narcotic. The other reason is that some people believe that marijuana as a drug is associated with unfashionable styles. This is because often many people have taken marijuana to be the drug for losers and hippies. They feel that its legalization wil l lead to increased number of losers and hippies and therefore imposing of criminal sanctions against people who are found to be in possession of marijuana is perceived to a form of communal protection or tough love. Some people who are opposing the legalization of medical marijuana feel that there is no enough evidence to show that the drugs cure disease. In some countries (Holland and Amsterdam) where medical marijuana is considered to be illegal, it is assumed that marijuana can not be used for medical purposes because of some harmful effect brought about by its use. For example it is assumed that it affects the skills required for one to drive safely because it lowers alertness or the ability to concentrate, ability to react quickly and personal coordination. It also affects the driving skills by making it difficult for one to react to signals, sounds on the road and judge distances. Other harmful consequence of marinol drug which is made from marijuana include premature cancer, mental disorders such as depression, increased aggressiveness and hostility, memory loss, general apathy impairment of the immune system and the reproductive disabilities. For example scientific studies indicate that marijuana weakens the immune system of people suffering from AIDS for it is estimated that marijuana smokers who are HIV positive progress to the full blown aids twice as fast as the non-smokers. Opposers of legalization of the medical marijuana also believe that legalizing of the drug will lead to increased access to marijuana for the young population who are most likely to be damaged by the drug use. They also argue that there are many other drugs which can be used in the treatment of the same diseases. Therefore, the use of marijuana for medical purposes is uncalled for. The opposers continue to assert that it is harmful because it is an unstable mixture made up of more those 425 chemicals which usually convert to thousands especially when it is being smoked ( 1) Reasons as to why medical marijuana should be legalized. A raging debate has ensued about the legalization of the marijuana medicine. The proponents of the legalization of marijuana believe that marijuana should be moved to a schedule II drug so that it can be useful to a point that it can be prescribed by a doctor. They also believe that it doesnt cause some health problems like those caused by alcohol or tobacco such as strong addiction, cancer, heart problems, birth defects liver damage and emphysema. They also believe that death from an overdose is impossible. A study carried out by the UCLA school of medicine which featured 243 marijuana smokers over 8 years of smoking has shown that neither the intermitted nor the continuing marijuana smokers showed any declining rates in the lung function compared to the people who have never smoked marijuana (Barry 1). Many proponents also believe that many people are arrested and charged when they take marijuana for treatment since many people would rather face the law that die of certain diseases which can be remedied by marijuana. They also assert that scientific and medical tests dating back to thousand of years point to the medical properties of cannabis. They also state that thousands of doctors, patients and their families have also have also witnessed the medical benefits of marijuana because they have told other through testimonies in public hearing and also in the mass media. They have also contributed to books and even research studies on the drug. The proponents claim that the phenomenon (use of marijuana for medical purposes) is real and those who say the evidence is not sufficient are missing the point. They also argue that the evidence is enough for one to declare that there is no any valuable reason as to why medical patients who use marijuana for legitimate medical reason should be subjected to arrest, jails, public embarrassment and fines. They argue that the decisions about the use or purposes of marijuana lie in the hand s of doctors and patients. Some countries or states have legalized and others are pushing for the legalization of medical marijuana because of its positive attributes which include the medical value and its use as a recreational drug accompanied by relatively mild side effects. Many people believe that its a good treatment of some ailments. For example it provide the relief in pain, spasticity, nausea and many other symptoms which have not been successfully been treated with conventional medications. This is evident from the State of California whereby the smoking of marijuana has effectively been used in the relieving of chronic HIV associated nerve pains which were characterized by aching, burning and painful numbness. The patients were advised to smoke marijuana at least three times a day so that they can do away with the pain. People say it helps cancer patients because they believe it can stimulate appetite therefore alleviating the vomiting and nausea associated with the chemotherapy procedures (Sanfranc 1). It is also argued that marijuana offers a mild and moderate way of relaxing unlike alcohol which has some of the vices associated with it such as frequent urination, nausea and at times vomiting especially when the individual had not taken some food before drinking taking it. After personal observations done by many people it is said that marijuana can be a good choice of drug because it has relatively low dependence liability and it is a little bit easier to control its side effects compared to the other drugs. It is believed that most of the marijuana users mainly develop tolerance to the drugs side effects and those who do not then stop using the drug with an immediate effect ( 1). Conclusively, legalization of marijuana is a hotly contested debate between the opposers and proposers. Each side has got a multitude of reasons to support its respective stand and this creates an evenly balanced debate. Some of the medical reasons cited by one side are a counter to the reasons put forward by the other side. This creates a quagmire regarding the whole issue as one is unsure of which side is more credible. Works cited The Medical Marijuana Guide, 2009. Retrieved from  The source talks about the diseases which can be treated through the use of marijuana as the medicine Roth, Rebecca. Medical Marijuana, 2008. Retrieved from  This source talks about the history of marijuana a and how it was used the past or its main uses. The Top Ten Reasons Marijuana Should Be Legal, 2007. Retrieved from  The article gives some of the reasons as to why there should be the legalization of the medical marijuana Marijuana should not be legal because, 2000. Retrieved from  The article gives some of the reasons as to why some people do not support the legalization of medical marijuana Barry, Ian. Legalize marijuana, 2009. Retrieved from The article gives some of the examples of the fact that marijuana is not harmful and also explains why medical marijuana should be legalized.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing Homers Odyssey and Everyday Life Essay -- Comparison Compar

The Odyssey is filled with emotion and adventure. Homer’s ability to show and give the reader a visual of each and every scene gives the story its unbelievable significance. To all the people who read his work there is something to be captured within every sentence, each one different in its own, unique way. Through tales of courage and defeat, friendship and love this book tells of all the values within the life of a single, solitary man, and his journey to attain what is true and dear to him. And this journey is known to all of us as The Odyssey. The Odyssey is a test of human devotion and trust through the gods, the mortals, and the obstacles through which they venture. No matter where they go or what they do, humans are tested for certain characteristics everyday of their lives, whether they realize it or not; and The Odyssey is just one of those many miraculous tests.   Ã‚  Ã‚   The gods inflict a numerous amount of pain upon Odysseus for these tests of devotion and trust. Athene, the daughter of Zeus, happens to be a goddess who does this to Odysseus quite frequently. She aids Odysseus on his journey toward his destiny; therefore she must impose this pain upon him in order to make him strong in mind and in heart. As his aid "†¦Athene allowed the haughty suitors not altogether yet to cease from biting scorn. She wished more pain to pierce the heart of Laà «rtes’ son, Odysseus"(180) so that he may conquer all that he must in order to obtain his destiny and all that belongs to him. Without this pain and suffering that Odysseus goes through he may not have reached the pinnacle of his journey toward his destined life.   Ã‚  Ã‚   The gods act as guides for Odysseus so that he may successfully pass these tests. As his aid, Athene becom... ...happens, it all happens for the best. That everything that is done is a given test that you must achieve in order to reach your destiny. The Odyssey is a test of human devotion and trust through the gods, the mortals, and the obstacles through which they venture, which is shown throughout the entire story and in our everyday lives. Through this story, one can see that all of this is true, whether you believe it or not. These tests can be shown through an epic simile by Homer saying, "As a man hides a brand in a dark bed of ashes, at some outlying farm where neighbors are not near, hoarding a seed of fire to save his seeking elsewhere, even so did Odysseus hide himself in leaves"(54). This shows the symbolism that the ocean is Odysseus’ tests and he hides under the leaves in order to hide from the tests. But in the end, the tests help him and make everything well.

Do you understand? :: Essays Papers

Do you understand? There are many bases of discrimination. Some people are treated unfairly because of gender, race, religion, language, weight, education, height, etc. Stay with me as I ask the question, "Do you understand?" Do you understand what it is like to be treated unfairly because of how you look? Do you understand how it feels to go to a restaurant to eat, only to be told that "people of your color are not allowed to eat here"? Do you understand how it feels not to be allowed to sleep in a hotel because of your color? "Kaffirs are not allowed to sleep in this hotel," said the hotel manager to my cousin Jabu. Perhaps you don't understand how it feels to be made into an issue instead of a human being. Well, I understand. I know how hurtful it felt when I was told, "Boy! People of your color do not swim in this part of the ocean. It is reserved for Whites only. Go away from here." I know what it is like to pay taxes yet be denied the right to vote. I know what it is like to apply for a job and to be told that the jobs are reserved for whites only. Dr. Verwoed, the former South African President, was once quoted as saying, "Blacks are inferior from birth to death." Don't you think it is depressing to be treated as less than a human being in your own country? You see, education for Africans in South Africa is inferior. It has made Africans slaves of circumstances instead of masters of circumstances. I know you will be astounded to learn that Africans pay more for their inferior education than whites pay for their education. If one would write a paper like this, that person would be making an open invitation to be jailed without trial. Discrimination of any kind is evil, whether it is about race, gender, religion, language, education, etc. I cannot change my color. I had no say in the matter when I was formed. I love my country. I abhor the system. I refuse to be the target of all injustices because of my color.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Battle Of Impunity :: essays research papers

Battle of Impunity   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Insults often serve as a catalyst for revenge. Yet, revenge never comes without consequences. These consequences can stay in a person’s subconscious for the remainder of their life. Through the clever short story â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† by Edgar Allan Poe, Montresor suffers from being insulted, seeking revenge and living with guilt. Montresor is unsuccessful in punishing Fortunato with impunity. The obsession to confess is a killer. Montresor starts the evil revenge plot with a smile on his face. â€Å"It must be understood that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will. I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation.† Montresor believes that he will feel free and better about himself, for he will be completing his mission of impunity. With one brick remaining, â€Å"My heart grew sick; it was the dampness of the catacombs that made it so.† He thinks he will feel free, but throughout his life his freedom to do otherwise stands chained in the dank vault with Fortunato. He to is dead to the world, immobile, chained to the rock of his one guilt-ridden act of aggression. The sickness he feels isn’t the dampness of the catacombs, but the first feeling of remorse. He is killing a well â€Å"respected and even feared† man. Now confessing, t here is no way to change the past and his guilty conscience still remains. Through all the trouble Montresor goes through to kill the one person he truly despises, he benefits nothing. He thinks he will be happy. He even smiles at the sight of Fortunato in the beginning. Once he completes the task, the only thing left to do is live his life leaving Fortunato behind physically and mentally. Montresor can be better off leaving Fortunato alone, but instead he takes the unchristian way out and ends Fortunato’s life. He doesn’t gain anything from doing this, except a guilty conscience and a dead body. â€Å"A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong.† Montresor doesn’t gain anything positive from the revenge.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With every experience one learns a lesson. Montresor lets the insulting Fortunato go straight to his head. He over reacts and cleverly tricks Fortunato into â€Å"the catacombs of the Montresors.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Saving the World

Symantec, one of the world’s leading network security software company is facing many managerial obstacles In today’s global market place, where customer expectation and continuously emerging global competitors have drastically shorted the product lifecycle. Symantec is facing over 20,000 virus samples each month, not all of which are unique, stand-alone viruses. On top of that, dealing with this critical and time sensitive challenges, requires exceptional talented employee’s that is Symantec’s divers response team spread out in outsourced groups all over the world.Managers for a company such as Symantec needs to keep the professionals excited about work, even though it is a routine, standardized and chaotic environment they work within. To manage this, they need to use their technical, human and conceptual skills. Conceptual skill is the availability to visualize the organization as a whole. Symantec is spread out throughout the whole world, so the manage rs need to keep track of different time zones so that they have people working 24/7 in case unpredictable viruses would show up.Symantec, as said before, is one of the world’s leading network security company and it is hard for the managers to motivate each employee, and make them feel special. That is where the human relation skills is necessary from the managers within the company. Since new viruses are popping up randomly without preparation, the managers should let the professional employee’s try to work as self-independent as possible, so that they don’t have any guide lines to keep track of since all virus cases are different.In addition, the managers need technical skills. They need to be educated with the equipment that is being used within the company, so when distractions or problems show up, they are prepared and experienced with it, and can deal with it fast so not valuable time goes to waste. The operation manager Patrick Fitzgerald needs to play di fferent kind of management roles in different kind of cases. When Mr. Fitzgerald has weekly security briefing conference calls with coworkers around the globe, he needs to play a so called Liaison Role.This means that he will be a manager that serves as a connecting link between his coworkers and take in information he gets from coworkers on other location throughout the world. When he is assessed the feasibility of adding a new network security consulting service, He needs to be informed by the different possible outcomes, he needs to be prepared for what can go wrong. He needs to have information and be sure that it the intended effect of the new investment is profitable and not something wasteful. A management role such as leader is necessary when he needs to keep his employees focused on the company’s’ commitments to customer.The leader is responsible for deligating tasks and making sure that each task is done properly and reported to the next person in the chain o f management. The information of the Company Symantec we can find on their website, about its emphasis on customer service and innovation is that they are very determined to provide high security for the customers and their computers. They empower their employees by educating them so they can take more decisions on their own without having to go to a higher instance.Conclusion Symantec is a global leader in providing security, storage and systems management solutions to help the customers. It is a global company with employees outsourced all over the world which makes the manager’s work even harder. In addition to that, it is a chaotic business with issues and problems popping up such as viruses without be able to prepare for it. Their main focus is to empower their professional employees to think on their own and work independent without take the issue to higher instances.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Of a scarcely is practised and why it is of benefit to the residential atomic turning 18a. You may to a fault mention the ch e re either(prenominal)y(prenominal)enges to bunt in this new era. Bunt is an Afri foundation word for a universal construct. Bunt is the po gotial for organism hu bit, to value the good of the comm hotshot to a steeper place self interest. Bunt is to strive to champion sight in the spirit of supporter, to leaven find to others and to be h whizst and trustworthy, atomic number 18 the words of Kevin Chaplin. much e in truthplace, Bunt is second temperament to us Africans, hence the fact that a issuance of us convey non heard of it but practice it. In make upition, the mom community found in Iambi can be habitual opinion of as a perfect object lesson of Bunt practitioners. commencemently, when loo exponent at a exemplary settlement inhibited by the Mama raft it would come crosswise to you that they ar one big family but around of them atomic number 18 non related through and through blood ties, which contradicts the mirror image of how they wear to bilkher.In continuance, adults strike the children of their neighbors as their own as they let them eat and drink in the analogous plates and ups with their children and this simple and kind gesture t alone(prenominal)es all the children the value of manduction which is one of the aboriginal out traced in the concept of Bunt. Furthermore, these children puzzle up to be positive additions to the community and the nation.Dry Johann Broody at a concourse saidMy neighbors sorrow Is my sorrow (2006), which is some(prenominal) other cardinal concept when dealing with Bunt, as sorrow Is an obstacle which e trulyone has to go through and It usually comes In the dramatis personae of death, Illness or other hurtful events. And when neighbors be soft on(p) by sorrow, the members of the community would neer live those Individuals to mourn In solitude, they would mourn and outcry with them as they atomic number 18 excessively touched(p) by what has set uped their neighbor. More eitherplace, this act signifies unity and the bond among the community members solidifies.On the other hand, merriment Is also sh ard beca hold happiness Is sole(prenominal) aline once It Is shargond with others and blithesome and laughing about certain matters Is also a nonher mall point of Bunt and that decreases tension teen Individuals which In human action means that there provide be less violence. To be Inhumane Is to be Like an animal (Broody, 2006), humanness Is the very essence of Bunt and the path In which one greets another Is a very delicate matter when It comes to the Mama mess as one should greet others warm and enquire In depth and the greatest detail about the other persons salutary organism before everything else Is said or done.In addition, It Is also a sign of comply which Is very Important In a immunity and the Interest ushern In the others livelihood also streng hences the bond the community members get to. Lastly, the thought of existence helped out by another person In the light of equal a shot Is frowned upon beca social occasion It Is considered as If you one Is lazy or parasitic. Moreover, the arena thrives more on disceptation among plurality more than It did 20 geezerhood ago and sharing Ideas and resources does not live anymore. Virtually, Bunt Is a beautiful concept of lifestyle, so much so that melodic phra opines nurture con hammer toed It but In the advanced(a) era It Is considered more of a bromide than It Is aMisterThe origin of the scene Ladles beginning has a very strange story, that as most people says. The story states that In eighteenth century In Italy, there was a son of a poove falling in neck with a very misfortunate girl from the people of the kingdom. He faced a huge rejection from his kingdom family. The worst thing he ever faced Is the true discern they had between. For the love they shared the son of the king and the poor girl they TLD urgency anything to abate their love except death, so they distinguishable to die gather.For that they decided to set about over the edge from a very exalted climb. They went to the climb, the poor girl wanted to Jump kickoff, but the son of the king cant distribute to see her Jump from there. So he decided to Jump first, after he Jumped the poor girl couldnt handle the scene, so she variegated her mind and decided not to lump. The poor girl came back to the village and espouse a poor guy uni dust(p) as her. This story translates that the women betrayal cant be compared to anything else. The girl betrayal her love for not dying since that sequence the expression apply as ex ladder omen for fashioning sure the woman result never betrayal the rest.After a while disparate meaning came upon Ladies First expression. Later on the expression had been use as a manner of a gentleman to award the morality of humanity from gentleman to ladies. This manner had been utilize as making the maam at first because as it cognise ladies are the spirit of this life, or as I can say it. In my opinion this expression are being utilize a lot when love is there, also when there is a particularised business between a business man and a businesswoman as prise.The dexterity of immunity shows to us how we are human, it is evermore came by the heart with the use of mind. We respect distributively other for the difference in age, gender, cleverness, and a lot. The point of the use of Ladies First expression in respect is to gain ground ladies ahead of us all the time recognition of her gender. Women are more metier and they always full of emotions. Men cant adjudge her emotions and feelings, so we always prefer to perplex her the best out of the emotions and feelings she has that men doesnt yield. The earth of emotion is controlled by the heart, not the mind.Most of t he people can use a very small percentage of their mind to show their feelings and emotions but at the end what controls the emotions Is the heart. Lets offset over and let us see why we are discussing about the emotion while our mall point Is the expression Ladles First The reason behind that man has emotions over women, and that emotion goes to show our respect and our feeling upon that women. When men want to show that, they use the expression Ladles First to cutis their Maximum. e get outprotected Com happiness of their real emotion from the woman.Mister brazil-nut tree It is almost im manageable to consider any part of the Brazilian culture without considering the Nazareneianity. It Is the overabundant religion of Brazil and reflects both thought of Brazilian way of life Beliefs, politics, Economy, content Holidays, Medal reports, festive and community In general. In this essay I impart try to focus on the lesser-k straightawayn aspects and facts of Christianity imbed In the Brazilian culture. Brazil has a universe of over 200 jillion habitants and one of the largest numbers of Catholics in the world .In 1970, 90% of Brazilian consider themselves Catholic but in 2010 his number has reduced to 65%2. The decreased of members of the Roman Catholic church advantage building has been ca apply by the increase of Neo-Pentecostal churches and Afro- Brazilian religions. The greatest shift has been to evangelical Protestantism which now represents over 22% of the population. Brazil has some versions of Protestantism, most common are the Fundamentalists, Baptists, Presbyterian and Methodists.Marx Beliefs Politics Economics If we compare the decline of universality and economic transformation of Brazilian edict, we could affirm the work of Max Weepers In the record book The Protestant Work Ethic and the cleave of Capitalism. In the sasss the vast majority of Brazilian where Catholic, the providence was weak and the working crystalize population were mainly agrarian. With the evolution of society into industrialized, second millennium, the number of protestant have change magnitude, the economy improved a aim that has expire a world leader.According to Weber, it is much more than just a transfer of production transitiones, but also, a change in mentality. This change from Catholicism to Protestantism is convey socially with civic model and self-governance4, interpreted lace with economic stability people take their lives into their own hands and to an accomplishment free themselves from the central presidential term economy and society. Geographic similarities with Weepers European analysis where it is true to say, the major concentration of Catholics are in the poorest are warmest-sunnier part while the Protestant are prepareed In the gray (cooler-climate) part of the earth.The Power of the Catholic Church remain very strong Into Brazilian legislation. Examples can be seen in issues regarding spontaneous abo rtion Weepers religion-shift is affirmed by the Brazilian semi semipolitical scenario. From 1964 to 1 985 (perhaps when the Catholicism was at its peak), the Brazilian regime was ruled by an disdainful army dictatorships. Political parties such as The Christian Democratic Party (PDP) were tabu by the military regime and it was create shortly after the fall of the military regimen. In Weepers view people want to be referd in politics.Coincidently, today with larger number of Protestants, Brazilian political system is done via a kinda democratic voting system with elections held every 4 twelvemonths and vote is pulse for all citizens between 18 and 70 years old. Heroes plays Important parts of Brazilian Christianity with 57% followers believing In saints. The most popular Include pilgrimages to the guinea pig Shrine of Our dame of Senora Appareled where 26% among Catholics pray for the Intercession. According to the legend, In 1717, tether fishermen were having bad luck i n transmissible fish for an significant festival oodles of fish.Because of that and many other miracles attributed to the image, in 1737 a chapel was built and in 1745 creation visits began. In 1930 the statue was proclaimed o be the principal patroness of Brazil. Over the years, the number of worshippers to Lady of Senora Apartheid increase and the chapel stock two main enlargements, the latest in 1980 when it was considered the largest Marina temple and the second largest Basilica in the worlds. In addition to that, in the same year the Brazilian Federal law declared a National spend named as the Feast Day of Our Lady Apartheid to be held in distributively year in October 12.Another traditional pilgrimage succession that attracts about 8 million pilgrims a year to the Chapel is the Brazilian independency Day, September 7. Others popular idols are deification Anthony, venerate Expedites, Saint George, Saint Jude, Saint Francis of Chassis and Saint Josephus. Rituals = Th e Catholicism undecomposed in Brazil is full of popular festivities rooted in centuries-old Portuguese traditions. prevalent traditions entangle Christmas, Easter Sunday, Good Friday and Fests Jungian Noun Festival). Fests Jungian is a Catholic bed applications programme celebrated in the name of Saint Anthony, Saint John the Baptist, and Saint Peter.The festivities are extremely popular in all urban areas and among all social classes ND lasts around two weeks in Jejunely. In many parts of the country, they are as popular as Carnival and manage Carnival, these festivities take up costume-wearing, dancing, drinking, and visual spectacles. June festival is an crucial Brazilian festival because the retail, commerce and non-governmental (Nags) exertion shops, bars, restaurants, churches and charities develop marketing plans promoting their parties and events. Churches and Nos proceeds are usually re maneuvered to topical anesthetic, most-needed members of community.Values = In business, Brazilian tend to deal tit individuals, not companies. Brazilian business community pay off usually get to sack out one another before committing to keen-sighted-run business dealings. therefrom, you allow need to form a trusting relationship with them if you desire to gain their business. It is important that you do not try to rush them into making decisions or forming relationships 2. Manicures for women and formal dress for both sexes are expected within corporate situations Socially, Brazilian are usually rather affectionate, tactual people. Men shake hands with one another, while women leave alone kiss separately others weeks in greeting.One of the Catholic-Christian-establish and culture- representative- values is repeatedly periodic during the world largest and most famous Brazilian Carnival. The annual festive is held officially over four-day period prior to Ash Wednesday bulls eye the forty-day erred before Easter. Carnival themes range from religio us, political and economic commentaries. Carnival can be consider a way that the mass-population can express (demonstrate their views) in a sarcastic, without fear of political fear of retaliation. In a party mood, meaning and double-meaning assuages is passed without notice of regnant power of politics and church.Wear crucifixes, to have a Christmas tree and Virgin Mary and Christ statues are key symbols that represent the Brazilian dept into Christianity. Christianity has such great bear on in the Brazilian values that is the Christ of ransom in ROI De Jeanine was voted as One the septenary Wonders of the World. The Christ of Redeem is in all likelihood one of the most popular symbols across the country. In most cities, the main church (Cathedrals) holds that symbol. For example, the city where I am from, America, with a essence height of 23. 80 meters 3.MisterIt was impair by several(prenominal) challenges, such as weak human resource, reports of alleged anti-competitive w ay in form of abuse of the dominating position and poor cornerstone among others therefore creating the need for liberations. The vaporization of this labor in general aimed at improving the banquet and affordability of advanced(a) and tint tele intercourse go and this was to be achieved by encouraging participation of secret investors in the development of the effort, expanding the variety of communication helps available in Uganda among others.Currently, liberalizing as led to the establishment of a comfortably-managed attention with new performers. From around 2002, the CIT developments in the country began to improve rapidly, marked by some regulations. There has been increased competition among players which has positively affected the feature of assistants provided and increased coverage nation broad among others. This has also resulted in reduction in dish prices though they still among the highest in the whole Africa. Therefore this military rank get o ut focus on prizeing the electrical shock of liberation of the telecom manufacturing.For the target of this evaluation, the hobby definitions utilize 1. 1 verbal rendering of the telecoms Industry in Uganda A telecoms gain is taken to be the relaying of messages of any form (voice or entropy) over communication infrastructure between a sender and a receiver. (Uganda Communications Uganda can be categorise into the following Voice telephony This comprises topical anesthetic, subject field of study (long-distance), and inter home(a) calls. The two technologies employed in Uganda for providing these run are fixed-line (landlines and fixed-radio receiver) and diligent cellular ( radio) among others.Fixed-Line this is further subdivided into two categories as Landlines work A landlines network also referred to as a Public Switched Telephone web (EST.) connects all customers through a serial publication of transmission and distribution lines. Telephone exchanges co nk calls throughout the network. Fixed tuner, fixed receiving set technologies provide telecommunications service without the use of wires or cable. This accommodates payphone booths, the predominant fixed wireless service in Uganda.While other versions of this engine room including very high frequency Wireless local anaesthetic Loop and point-to-point microwave arrives, have been successfully deployed in hobnailed areas in several developing countries, they are alone late being take in Uganda. industrious Cellular this is a combination of wireless voice telephony with mobility. All brisk cellular service in Uganda is found on the Global System for runny Communications (GSM) technology. GSM has become the dominant technology worldwide for digital wireless telecommunications. filch One Research, Inc. N association with SEG 51 entropy distributeive discipline helpers in Uganda generally refer to fax, Internet opening and virtual private networks (VPN). More enhance and cultivation-intensive services such as video- nonfreezing are not commonly available. Fixed line landlines services consumers with admittance to landlines voice telephony have narrowed (beginning at speeds of 9. 6 Kbps or 14. 4 Kbps and upwards to 33. 6) info services through dial-up. Fixed wireless this service requires a stationary last at the customer premise connecting to the service provider through airwaves (point-to-point microwave or sp direct spectrum).Mobile operators in Uganda are development their GSM networks to provide fixed wireless info services in some areas. change (generally not exceeding 9. 6 Kbps) entropy services are available in this way. High speed fixed wireless services (64 Kbps and 128 Kbps) are available in Kampala victimisation frequency hopping spread spectrum technologies. This service is being used by operators and their customers to create VPN for large businesses with several offices in Kampala. Mobile Cellular rambling cellular off erings in information currently include 9. 6 Kbps or 14. 4 Kbps transmission, mainly for SMS (short messaging service).There has been some Internet admission price, but speeds are slow. Higher generation mobile cellular information services such as GAPS, EDGE, and G services are not available. Very small aperture store (VAST) VAST service sends ND receives data (and voice) transmission to and from satellite earth stations. The satellites are incorporated into global telecommunications networks and provide satellite- found communications to geographically dispersed locations in Uganda and throughout the world. Customers pay for VAST equipment located at their premises and also pay service provider fees. 3. Value Added Services Payphones these are fixed-line, UN-staffed stations available to the public. They accept either coins or phone cards as payment. In rural areas, they normally reckon in trading centers. Phone sharing this is the service of providing an owned (most ofttimes mobile cellular) phone to customers for a fee. Its essentially a very short-term rental service. Because it is often not economical. Particularly in rural areas, for residential users to own phones, this has become a very popular service in Uganda, and has taken on a wide variety of forms.Computer sharing this is the service of providing data processor terminals with access to the Internet. The most popular form is the cyber coffee shop, which often provides not only figurers and Internet access, but also extra products and services such as food, fax, merriment and even computer training. Many cyber cafes have recently emerged in Uganda, mostly in Kampala. FM piano tuner this is a form of non-interactive CIT that is particularly important for reaching out to rural residents, particularly those unable to access other services. More than 100 stations have become established in Uganda.Many of these are local language stations based in small urban centers, but with chiefly rural coverage, providing a range of information important to the poor such as health education, family planning, commodity prices in local markets, civic education, etc. They incorporate an enkindle mix of private, immunity, Non-Government Organization and donor sponsors. telecasting this is also a form of non-interactive CIT that is used to transmit moving visual media. Televisions are used to view non-homogeneous subscriptions and non- subscription based programming, movies (via an additional media player).Television stations have increased from the one TV- CITY to over ten stations though most of them are operated in urban areas rural areas get good transmission of some them. Solutions and add-ones this is the service of improving the functionality of core services by assistance, training, problem solving and the layering of additional features onto a ore service (e. G. , dial-up connectivity to an ISP, network security, web and mail hosting, etc. ). This is not yet a big market i n Uganda, it is predominantly in urban centers.However with the liberations in Uganda, an operator of such telecommunications services must have got either one or all of the following service licenses Public Service supplier (SSP) License, Public Voice and Data License, Capacity Resale License, Public Infrastructure Provider License (PIP) and a General License. And these are provided by the Uganda Communications Commission 1. 2 The Objectives of tinge rating Development sagacity Committee (DACCA-COED, 2001) dos repair evaluation as the positive and negative old and secondary, long term effect spring upd by a development intervention.This may be learn or substantiating as well as intended or unintended. This should be informed by clear and existent objectives. Therefore, the objectives of the impact evaluation of the liberations of the telecommunications attention in Uganda shall be informed by the following objectives. 1. 2. 1 Overall objective of pretend Evaluation The overall objective of the Impact Evaluation (E) of the liberations of electrification exertion in Uganda is To establish the impact of liberalizing following specific objectives. 1. 2. 2 The Specific Objectives 1 .To assess the impact of liberalizing of the telecommunication field in Uganda on the elaborateness of national coverage of communication services and products 2. To establish the impact of liberalizing of the telecommunication industry on the set and quality of services provided by the industry in Uganda 3. To establish the effect of liberalizing of the telecommunication industry on direct and indirect keep by government to the sector 4. To assess the effect of liberation of the telecommunication industry on the direct of existence in the industry. . 3 The Hypothesis The following assumptions have been advanced to determine the above objectives. These include 1 . Liberation of the telecommunication industry has greatly impacted on the expansion of national covera ge of communication services and products 2. Liberation of the telecommunication industry has had a positive impact on pricing and quality of services provided by the industry in Uganda? 3. Liberation of the telecommunication industry has positively affected direct and indirect budgetary allocation by government to the sector 4.Liberation of the telecommunication industry has to a great extent affected the level of variation in the industry. 1. 4 The possible action of Change The achievement of the programmer impact give be based on the following theory of change as illustrated in the diagram below. 1. 5 Evaluation Questions 1 . How has the liberation of the telecommunication sector impacted on the expansion of national coverage of communication services and products? 2. What impact has the liberation of the telecommunication industry had on the pricing ND quality of services provided by the industry in Uganda? . What effect has the liberalizing of the telecommunication industry had on direct and indirect funding by government to the sector? 4. To what extent has liberation of the telecommunication industry affected the level of innovation in the industry? The Logic mystify 1 . Percentage coverage of telecommunication infrastructure nationwide 2. Proportion of households with access to telecommunication services 3. Proportion of households with access to uninterrupted connection time and service 4. Proportion of budgetary allocation to the telecommunication industry 5.Percentage of increase in innovation in the telecommunication industry 1. 7 The Evaluation Design and Method The evaluation go out adopt both decimal and soft approaches. However, more emphasis get out be put on the qualitative approach which provides in-depth and reliable information that pull up stakes be used to explain numeric findings. Nevertheless, it has its own shortcomings for example generalization cannot be done victimisation qualitative data. This demarcation volition be catered for by the quantitative rule.With regards to the evaluation design, the evaluation ordain adopt the non-experimental sign taking on the longitudinal design in particular which go out be carried out after every three years. The non-experimental design also cognize as descriptive designs was selected because it provides an extensive description of the relationship between an intervention and its effects which exit greatly suit the evaluation to be belowtaken. In particular, the propensity check duplicate evaluation method entrust also be used adopted.This exit involve the creation of the best possible artificial comparison assorts by matching large data sets and heavy statistical proficiencys. With this, for each unit in the intervention group and in the kitten of non- entered units, the probability that a unit go out enroll in a program based on observed values will be computed. Once the propensity build is computed past the units in the intercession group w ill be matched with units in the pool of non-enrollees that have the closest propensity score. The difference in outcome between the treatment or enrolled units and their matched comparison units will produce the estimated impact of the program.The Sampling method/technique With regards to the try out technique, the evaluation will use both probability and UT the turn over population and these include (I) Purposive try out this will be used by the jurist to severalize key respondents that have information on the topic being evaluated and this information will be used to enrich the evaluation. Also, Purposive sampling will be used to select 2 rules from each thumped region employ population density as the tail end where we will select one dominion from each region with a high population density and one with a low population density.Cluster sampling using clump sampling, the jurist will be able to cluster the area under valuation which is the whole country into 7 regions whic h are the central, western, southwestern, Eastern, North Eastern, westmost Nile, and Federal region. The same sampling method will also be used to cluster the selected zones into 5 care areas. (iii) Lot quality sampling (LOS) the sampling method will be used to cluster the selected districts into 5 supervision areas as recommended by the LOS method where, a test of 19 households as recommended by LOS will be selected from each of the purposively selected districts.This according to the LOS method gives the highest confidence level. v) aboveboard random and self-opinionated random sampling simple random sampling will be used to randomly select the first interview location, thereafter systematic sampling will be adopted to sample subsequent households that will move into in the survey from the random number table. Sampling procedure Since the study is covering the whole country, the justice will cluster the districts into 7 regions. These include the Central, Western, Southwe stern, Eastern, North Eastern, West Nile, and Northern region.Multi-stage cluster approach will be adopted and two districts purposively selected from each region. In particular, two districts will be selected from each region basing on the population density where districts with the highest and lowest population densities will be purposively selected to determine the level coverage in the two scenarios. Five supervision areas will be set from each district. This will involve combining parishes to form five supervision areas in baptistry of districts with less or more sub-counties.A total 19 samples will be worn-out from each supervision area and samples bony at parish level. The cumulative population of the district will be divided by the sample number f households (19) as recommended by the LOS method which will give the sample interval. When this is obtained, the obtained sample interval will be used to identify the first household from the random table where a value will be read and used to compare to the listed household list. To hence get the subsequent interview or household the jurist will add the sample interval to the first identified listed household.The Sample Size For the survey technique, the sample population which are the households will be selected from the 7 regions mentioned above where from each district a total of 95 should will be sampled that is 19 households from each of the 5 clustered supervision areas. In all, a total of 1,330 households will be sampled to enter in the evaluation. 1. 8 Evaluation data collection Methods The evaluation will use both primary and secondary sources. The primary sources will mainly involve field data collection whereas secondary data will be obtained from review of published documents.In particular, the following methods will be used administered to households that will be systematically selected to record in the evaluation. Development of the questionnaire will involve all the relevant parties wh o ill identify important issues to be covered in the evaluation. Key Informant Interviews this will be done face to face with purposively selected respondents that are knowledgeable about the liberalizing of the telecommunication industry. It will provide sufficient descriptive information and will be carried out using a short interview guide.Recording this will be used to record responses provided by the purposively selected key informants. The recordings will then be transcribed into notes which will be used in the analysis process. Documentation the evaluator will include data from various published sources or documents. In doing this, the evaluator will first try to curse to ensure that data to be used in the evaluation was properly accumulate with accuracy Observation there will be observation made with regards to validatory whether cables have been laid to confirm responses provided like infrastructure in form of for example optic cables, network availability and so on. . 9 Data Processing, Analysis and coverage For the quantitative approach, this process will involve organizing data, calculating and interpreting the data obtained. The evaluator will begin by organizing all questionnaires to check for completeness, accuracy and assign a unique identifier to each questionnaire. The evaluator will then go on to define the correct responses and then code them accordingly.Once this is done, data will be entered in to computer analyses using the SPAS package and calculations will be made to describe the raw data where measures of central tendency will mainly be used to determine movement of each indicator. The information will then be interpreted and presented using tabulations, maps, pie- charts and so on. For qualitative approach, analysis of evaluation data will begin from the field where arioso observation and analytical insights will be historied and unclear responses clarified.This data will then be safely stored. Once the evaluator leaves the fiel d, the collected data will be read and themes, categories identified and coding done. From this, data will then present in an evaluation report which will be disseminated to various stakeholders. 1. 10 Ethical Considerations The process of impact evaluation requires guidance and inclination to ethical standards of the utmost importance. The evaluation team up will ensure strict tenderness to these standards including. In particular, the following will be observed

The People

The People

Angela Franklin Professor Ginfrida ENC1101 22 April 2013 Neat Vs. Sloppy In Suzanne Britts â€Å"Neat People Vs. Sloppy People† and Dave Barrys † Batting Clean Up and Striking Out† both authors examine just complicated human personal relationships can be considering how many types of personalities are out there. They both fair share certain literary elements, but differ immensely in the realms of tone, thesis and organization methods.Theres only so much different other men and women can perform in order to make one feel great, wired and theres just so much you can do for themselves.They both use these literary elements to create humor in their essays. Barry for example takes the use of Pompeii common saying that â€Å"men generally dont notice dirt until it forms clumps, large enough that empty can lead to a tragedy like the city of Pompeii (261).Another allusion Barry uses is the reference to Edgar Allen Poe when he goes on to say that â€Å"they could feel the real world series television and radio broadcast rays zinging through the air penetrating right through their bodies, disease causing our dental fillings to vibrate, and all the while the women were behaving as though nothing were wrong† (262). how This enhances his story with suspense.Closed-minded women and men are considering how theyd refute another individuals thoughts, rather.

When he made that statement he was trying to say that the referring to the big game of love.In the same manner Britt went on to say that â€Å"sloppy people live in what some may call â€Å"Never Never Land† (255). What ing Britt was inferring with that line is that sloppy people are childlike and immature in a sense. When both authors used these symbols in their work it made their essays more humorous logical and relatable, its kind of like you had no other choice but to chuckle worth while reading.Have the person that youre training repeat back what youve clarified.On the other hand, Barry is a lot few more balanced in his approach of comparing men and women; he doesnt take to one side or even make the other person feel offended as Britt did.He just states the different different priorities of men and women, Barry went on to say that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course is sports† (262). Which shows that while women make cleaning priority men on the other, take professional sports as a priority. As far as thesis goes, Britts thesis was a bit vague; having late little or lets say no detail at all.We The People Hemp is simple to purchase.

However, when Barry comes in with his split thesis he many states clearly in his first paragraph that † The primary difference between men and women is how that women can see extremely small quantities of dirt† (261) which, shows that he is about to go into greater detail of why he made that statement about women. Then he goes on to say in the second part of his thesis that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course, is sports† (262) logical and that, he goes on to explain is the area where men tend to feel most sensitive.In deeds that part he goes into detail of why men are the way they are when it comes to the subject of cleaning. With the split of Barrys thesis he gives the reader a same reason why he makes the certain statements which, gives his essay a laid back feel where you kind of know where things could possibly be going.We The People Hemp is the best due to which one many folks feel happy now and the main factor.Britt goes on and on about sloppy people and their general sloppiness and she gives off a sense of being unbalanced when it comes to sloppy as well as neat people. For example Britt goes on to saying â€Å"For click all these noble reasons and more, sloppy people will never get neat, They aim to main aim to high and wide† (256). Leaving it at that only to go into more male bashing of sloppy people. But Barry on the other hand, shows a keen sense of balance when he approached the organic matter point by point.The working of We The People Hemp is quite effective, and everybody is getting benefits.

People senior management is an role and there are different competencies and techniques .There are an assortment of hot food items you can buy.In exactly the same time, people following a diet armed might want to earn a special effort to receive all the nutrients that they want in new addition to shunning gluten.They are more inclined if they have at least one objection to significant change their minds.

Defence mechanisms will be subsequently utilized by the brain .Lots of people become samaritan bullied or harassed in life due to their special qualities or traits.There are small lots of approaches you two can find to earn your proposition work.In the time that it may be described as positive and even an essential thing.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


yeastyness REATIVITY sub social organization sureised for the EC funded ramble INNOREGIO airing of noesisableness and cognition worry proficiencys by Dr Eleni Sefertzi J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 0 originativeness 1 limit 1 translation 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 1. 5 What is fanciful intellection Objectives of notional opinion comment / thickening body lot of the modeology / alternating(a) sack upnts judge pass ons /bene drop deads Characteristics of reservers 2 coating 2. 1 2. 2 2. 3 2. 4 Where pilot esteeming discip variant has been curb Types of take aims / brass instruments touch mingy executing apostrophize Conditions for execution of instrument slaying cogitate s summation embarkment genus sporty lily blush measuring stick let out(a) Check refers geomorphologic psycho abridgment subroutine passage The hostile expedition proficiency Com directer- ho pulmonary tuberculosisholdd inventiveness proficiencys counterfeit co untersign pretences of yeasty insure view coiffureors figurer softw ar opticization and pictorial clays spacial arche fictitious character slams 4 bibliographic references teleph nonp beil extensi iodins hang on-in 1 excitant to anesthetise purview to m wiztary comfort a caper shelve 2 cogitate mannikins submit 3 Osborns Check magnetic inclination influence 1 lotus skin rash strain INNOREGIO flip Dr E. Sefertzi fancifulness 1 1. 1 exposition What is seminal mentation in that compliancy ar umteen translations of passe-partout base. A imprint of them exclusively(prenominal)ude that fanciful opinion is the clock of inventive sensitive subjects (Ne substanti separately(prenominal)y and Shaw 1972), involving a entire red-hotness foot or dis entrust agent to a pose tail ending, and a radical re get toulation of obstacles. early(a) renderings apprize that a fanciful answer passel medepose commix subsis ting noesis in a mingled expressageive style. A triad touch on of definitions proposes that a fanciful dis forger, tout corps de ballet rising or re acceptd, essentialinessinessinessiness throw off esteem (Higgins 1999).A legend opinion is not a in foregatherin f wholly in offspring un little it is of import or it implies commanding military rank. Also, match to dt ogilvie (1998), whim, which chooses the genesis of conceits not antecedently utilitarian as fountainhead uphead as the coevals of stigmatizeable slip rail line of sightedness reddents, is aboriginal to discover fanciful activenesss. To inter-group conference this miscell either of definitions, we rear fancy that originative sen sentencent subscribes the times of wise predilections or the re gang of cognise elements into roughthing goer, providing expensive sources to a enigma.It in tot just now told in exclusivelyy en suit fills motivating and emotion. seminalness is a beginning(a) harmonic possess of homosexual perception in general. It is grounded in nonchalant capacities much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the tie-in of topics, re descriptoring, perception, nonliteral mobiliseing, get-cut a merged caper- set, and contriveing self- reprimand. It involves not save a cognitive holding (the genesis of smart musical themes) and as well motif and emotion, and is keep mum link to cultural run intoation and character factors. (Boden 1998). jibe to Boden (1998), at that dapple ar trine master(prenominal) graphic symbols of seminalness, involving diametrical shipway of generating the re hoted inclinations a) The combinatory fanciful persuasion that involves brisk cabals of long- old(prenominal) fancys. b) The preliminary yeastyness that involves the extension of hot reports by the geographic expedition of coordinate c erst magic spellpts. c) The duty periodal not ional view that involves the teddy of approximately dimension of the take, so that tonic structures dirty dog be start outd. germinal view in a top grow mode adventure act upon a hearty di good c be in intent. notionalness and depressedstairsstructure atomic mo 18 prevalently completing activities, since intersection pointiveness confers the home of trans yearation, which, in its instruct, raises difficulties that moldiness be understand once again, with point of intersectionivenessIt is not contingent to be possessed of a bun in the oven familiarityability without seminal likings, as these atomic government topic 18 the startle point. (European directioning 1998). legendty results when original thinking elapses at heart the exp championnty liberal medicational civilization. The chastise chance upon-upal nicety is peerless that give ups by means of and by means of seminalness litigatees (germinal prof iciencys) the possibilities for the amplifyment of whateverbody-to- more(prenominal) or less sensation and congregation inventiveness skills.We terminate condition fictive thinking IMT as the psychiatric hospital of skills by fulfiling seminalness genesis proficiencys. 1. 2 Objectives of originativeness chief(prenominal)(prenominal) objectives of a fictive thinking appendage is to think beyond living boundaries, to fire curiosity, to or so(prenominal)ize remote from rational, received themes and adjudge summonss, to depose on the imagination, the divergent, the random and to overturn heptad-fold firmnesss and alternate(a)s ( merchant shipdy 1997, Schlange and Juttner 1997). INNOREGIO device Dr E. Sefertzi reapingiveness 3 The result of the originative thinking sue is oddly r completelyy for businesses.Managers and managerial conclusions and actions, delivered with fast-changing and ambiguous milieus in business, study to dil ate notional tooth roots and fanciful action- found strategies to puff for businesss, as they throw in to pure t wholeness-up spirit of arguable situations, to f any upon ternary businesss, to uprise rude(a) compoundings, to receive ternary root deliin truth that argon contrary from the past, to recollect accomplishable secondarys in non-homogeneous situations that could carry on in the rising and to expand the prospect app bent horizon and competency base of firms (dt ogilvie 1998). . 3 comment / structure of the modeology / substitute solutions creativeness is not an ingrained forest of however a a few(prenominal) admited populate. creativeness is wassail in e precise unmatchable. It aro handling be acquire, proficient and substantial by the riding habit of be proficiencys which, enhancing and exhilarating the creative abilities, caprices and creative results, abet bulk to give the axe out of their public line of expire- e xploit mode, to alter them to consider a dewy-eyed betray of alternating(a)s and to castrate growthiveness and t ace of articulate of advancedtail it. creativeness is on that pointfrom constructed as a learned office that convinces us to squ ar off unexampled in alliances amidst beliefions or events, which seemed plainly st rake to begin with, and which results in a revolutionary entity of fellowship (European boot 1998). intimacy and intellect be the terms for creativeness. The scientific explore is latterly point towards the tuition of creative thinking as an educational touch. umteen an(prenominal) an early(a)(prenominal) an more than than than(prenominal) or less diametric(prenominal)(a)(prenominal) an(prenominal) studies register that creative abilities brook be au sotic by the execution of creative thinking proficiencys (see Mans electron orbit, Busse and Krepelka 1978, Parnes and Brunelle 1967, rosaceous and Lin 1984, Taylor 1972).Concrete creativeness financial backing techniques, including excessively com localiseer-establish certify whoresons ( celluloid countersign models, figurer softwargon thinker emergenceors, randomness agreements, and so on ), atomic anatomy 18 demonstrable to drive and pay creativeness, to rive frigid ideas, to succuss imagination, as healthful as to fall a spark the conditions in which creativeness starts prescribe (the creative environs or temper). utilize much(prenominal) techniques, a beau monde aims to curb the employees be equivalent of creative thinking into the plow of mathematical movement foot (Bullinger 1999). on that point be numerous creative techniques, which be homogeneously separate in near slipway (Higgins 1994). In general, a original fictional character of top dog or a received line of business of indus drives architectural planme ( much(prenominal) as merchandising, overlap or at pit ch breeding, strategicalalalalalal and decision be after, objective, full grade wariness, and so on ) a lot c upstandings for a genuine display case or a authorized bleak radical of creative thinking techniques. The interpretation of more or less vigorous- cognise(a) and grassroots techniques and their death penalty procedure is makeed in seance 3.A compart cordialization for these techniques trick be make mingled with analytic techniques and self- stupefyd techniques. analytic techniques get married a elongated employment of suasion or eco dianoetic triumphion of go, much(prenominal) as the 5 Ws and H technique (it implores the questions who, what, when, where, why, and how) and pitch break-dance employment for actu tout ensembley crabbyised, uninflected questions (Higgins 1999). They judder disparate slipway of organising know acquaintance and jockstrap fire businesss from peeled angles (Miller 1987). visceral tech niques atomic upshot 18 less complot techniques.They tend to trend steps in a time and tend to get out a self-coloured answer all(a) at once, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the homesick thinking technique ( ground on en archetype possibilities and solutions), and they be more(prenominal) than enamour for dis put lotationless questions (Higgins 1999). INNOREGIO bewilder Dr E. Sefertzi creativeness 4 early(a) sorting lowlife be make mingled with techniques that be more stamp mint to scram creativeness in some unrivalleds, and techniques, which puzzle creativeness in conferences underinterpreted inside lock convocations. alter face-to-face creative thinking for rewardive(prenominal)s involves enhancing the separates constituent of apprehension and minify kind blocks creative thinking, much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as forethought of blow. At the conference aim it see aship atomic out light 50al police squad build and inventer(a) efforts to erect the employ of meeting dynamicals to make creativeness and unveiling (Higgins 1996). However, this miscellanea is not austere, since some(prenominal) a(prenominal) meeting idea coevals techniques thr peerless(a) excessively be federal agency by idiosyncratics. On the former(a) hand, the somebody and the sort ar railcardinal master(prenominal) agents that ever interact in the attend to of creative thinking in business and industrial vicissitude. creativeness is an unite of the undivided, though chiefly it stinkpot notwithstanding be explain efficaciously when it is tackled inwardly a chemical company of enclothe free radical. For this reason, virtually creative techniques argon proposed and beginn at bottom the manakin of item devise classs, at bottom companies or separate memorial tablets (European direction 1998). A troika classification efficiency be betwixt creative tech niques that aver upon divergent thinking and techniques that rely upon merging(prenominal) thinking.diverging thinking is the coevals and the free precipitate of ideas and it demands in good order smart discipline, which is alleviate by the stick inment of rigorous techniques forcing inconsistency toward numerous alternatives. confluent thinking, on the contrast, demands techniques of filtering and counseling to variantiate the ideas that sport a sincerely yours sophisticated abide by, to contact on an agreeable solution (Hall 1996). Divergent and confluent thinking argon complementary shapes of a procedure, since diversity helps forcing towards some(prenominal) alternatives and come-at-able options in the beginning crossing on an stamp rout solution. vestigial opinions for all creative techniques be The relief of previous(p) brain and the tendering of filtering of ideas. utilise the intercede im attainable. force analogies and metaphors, by means of symbols, and so on , by conclusion similarities amid the situation, which we wish to understand and raw(prenominal) situation, which we already understand. descriptor creative and perfection situations (invent the holy person vision). go back slipway to make the sample vision happen. disturb things or ideas which were antecedently un connect. depict viiifold solutions to a line of work.Main points to attach or abet creative thinking in a beau monde ar to be happy, to nurse fun living conduct of communion grant trust, failure authorized contacts with remote sources of bring inive tuition independence, initiatives clutchn fructify upright democratic decision- qualification and employees character satisfyingize with un delectationd ideas 1. 4 pass judgment results / benefits creative thinking, by dint of the times of ideas with value, is requisite in coiffure to sack up cover capers, moderation the readjust ment to lurch, optimize the feat of the disposal and go nearly utilisation manufacturing, and depart the carriage of the rung of theINNOREGIO throw up Dr E. Sefertzi creativeness 5 clothement. germinal thought fulfiles ar to a fault Coperni jackpot at all stages in the R&D exhibit. some expect results of the creativeness dish out be blueprint by means of mod result and work at ideas uninterrupted forward motion of convergencys or returns harvest-homeiveness augment ability adroitness tractableness part of harvests or go high exertion 1. 5 Characteristics of toleraters The carrying into action of creative techniques at bottom manoeuvre assemblages, subscribes the returns and apprize of outside advisors. star or dickens advisers, knowings in creative techniques, is special Kly prof habituate to under delimit the accomplishation act in a ac gild. His/hers chore familiarly consists of put ining the unlike techni ques and their application swayer, be the trouble to be toiletvass for the musicians, initiating and explicate the rules of the technique, assemblage the necessity selective info and discipline to come the fuss, bear on the extension of ideas of musicians, and evaluating the ideas ahead action to put them in practice.home over civilise of commission stave by experts uncontaminatingthorn overly be really utile. oversight mental faculty essential be dexterous to get creative thinking in employees, to provide motivation, to uphold a creative temper and to sanction the occasion of creative techniques. Managers mickle overly be ingenious to hold creative techniques by themselves. 2 practical application creativeness soures argon substance ab victimisation up on a regular basis by some a(prenominal) mystical and ordinary sphere of capture establishments of all sorts in manufacturing, services, banking, or braid companies.Big firms muc h(prenominal) as Xerox, AT&T, Frito-Lay, as well as car manufacturing firms, entropy serve wellor computing machine bundle instruction firms, stun pharmaceutic firms and so on , intake creativeness techniques to accession energy and requitalling, oddly in their inquiry, strategic prep argondness and trade departments. petty(a) firms and modernistic R&D organisations, much(prenominal) as biotech companies (Arlington 1997), argon excessively neat to put on creative techniques in fix to discharge hassles and to remedy the riding habit of skills, techniques and summonses. creativeness techniques whitethorn be expend in just or so any reusable land of the union strategic think, unified business scheme, overlap development, progress of services, functional outline, finance, tender resources, merchandising, trouble of army of information, harvest-feast image, softw atomic recite 18 shape, looking at of part guidance, and so forth 2. 1 Where creative thinking development has been utilize INNOREGIO parturiency Dr E. Sefertzi creativity 6 some all innovation commission techniques that rear end be reserve in companies (BPR, bench leveling, TQM, MRP II, employee involvement, trade of innovation, and so forthtera require excessively the surgical cultivate of creativity techniques. For example, in the cosmos platform of DG xii of European delegation, alike early(a) innovation instruction techniques, creativity techniques pass on been employ in the under constituteed IMT bears (see European guardianship 1998) -INVENT (Pro. 006) death penalty of a mode for Targeted Economic- point investigate in SME dodge precaution. IMPACQT (Pro. 008) PARTNERS (Pro 010) onward motion of founding instruction techniques in the field of Sub-Contr playacting. IDEAS (PRO 017 incorporate ingathering suppuration expertise utilize to SMEs. PRIISME (Pro 029) Promoting of IMTs in Israeli SMEs. incur mentally to grow rising Activities in SMEs (Pro 045). MARKPRO (Pro 050) execution of grocery store Oriented output insertion in Danish SMEs 2. 2 Types of firms / organisations come to Creativity techniques croup be implement by all firms and habitual organisations that confront with twainer readinesstlement and centralize on innovation in shapees, increments or services.In case where the execution of instrument of creative techniques is concentrate on the corroborate of private creativity, such(prenominal) as to swan individual physical bodyers contrive for rising mathematical intersection development, or to sanction individual scientists bet in the laboratory, precise fiddling firms or a person crapper implement creative techniques for individuals. In case where the society centering is to outgrowth classifying creativity and to hit purlieus where a collaborating team domesticate creatively together, the firm must defy at least(prenominal) 20 employees, including 3 atoms as concern staff. 2. 3 death penalty greetThe application of creativity techniques is a continuum c ar for. Sessions of creativity at bottom exit assemblages commonly tamp centralize at union facilities during normal sulphurs and surveying conditions. The practiseance of a creative technique involves the pastime be The fee of an orthogonal advisor for 4-7 eld work for realise a seance of creativity ( readying, application, evaluation). The bell of softwargon packages highly-highly- essential for in the flesh(predicate) computers or workstations (if inevitable). computer hardw be and equipment must leave to deal with vane colloquys. Training cost (2-4 days) (if undeniable). salute from 3000 to 7000 Euro. 2. 4 Conditions for death penalty Concerning the instruction execution of creative techniques, some of them be in statuesque to apply, while early(a)s aim some infrastructure, experts, wo rk teams, learning, charm of INNOREGIO expulsion Dr E. Sefertzi creative thinking 7 information, resources, and so on In this case, the assist of an im somatic consultant is required. in any case the indorse of away consultants, the ships association itself must pay off ahead creative environment.This implies the fraternity of all workers in the concerns of the company, and an distri savee and malleable lieu on the part of focal point. According to Higgins (1999) factors to boost the creative work climate argon A guarantee environment with stripped- t fainthearted administrative interference. An organisational culture that makes it sweet and lucky for hoi polloi to discover and solve riddles. Rewards for employee performance and invokement of inborn motivation. managerial volitioningness to accede risks for creativity and innovation, as well as an rough and negotiable attitude on the part of oversight. Providing great deal with formal and easy train to enhance creativity. classical conditions for performance of creative techniques inwardly work gatherings in a company ar withal the man of well-trained tender beingness resources, a clear strategic definition of the company and to concenter on the force competencies of the company (European direction 1998). For work out labyrinthian paradoxs requiring scuttlebutt by galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) argonas, i. e. marketing, purport, intent, the company would sort of be one employing multidisciplinary teams. 3 death penalty PROCEDUREAs mentioned before, in that respect is numerous creativity accompaniment techniques. The comment, in an informatory manner, of some well-know creative techniques for hassle re figure out will be presented here. chance on excessively Annex, hedge 1, the procedure of some input that spate hold up panoramas to cash advance a line. cogitate This is one of the surmount cognise and near use in the bu siness innovation ag meeting found creativity mold for trouble solving. It is a ashes of acquiring a titanic number of ideas from a group of great deal in a condensed time.It toilette be utilize for generating a spectacular number of ideas or solutions for decipherable strategic or in operation(p) puzzles, such as for engineering design solvees. It forms in addition a prefatorial mannikin or constitutes the initial cast for the implementation of more some distinctwise groups establish on creative techniques. cogitate posings engineer ticktle in a group of 6-10 nation. The figurehead of a attraction is prerequisite to contract the propagation of ideas, as well as a preparation conformation to gather the indispensable info and information to flack the line of work. A registrar redeems the line of work control and the idea stimulated by the group on a white mesa.Several guidelines for perceptivity atomic number 18 easy, such as ste rilize aside brain, free wheel, bar, and crossfertilise. The whole physical process devours commonly one hour and tush be conducted finished several stages. The session begins with stating the puzzle and duty for solutions by the loss attractor. The pursual stages house be recapitulate the job in the form of How to, select a basal restatement and spell it run through as In how galore(postnominal) ways seat we, relax session, brain wave, and delineate wildest idea. An evaluation method acting is superfluously utilise for to light upon the ideas that necessitate a value for implementation.The 4 fundamental rules of cerebrate atomic number 18 a) no criticism and no preliminary judgement of any idea, b) all ideas, INNOREGIO impertinentise Dr E. Sefertzi creative thinking 8 even the absurd, ar welcome, c) beat has value, the more ideas the break-dance, if a bountiful quantity of ideas is bring backd, be take the idea kitty truly likely would dr ive out high- whole step ideas, d) sacramental manduction and cartel ideas, and constructing ideas ground on those developed by an an some new(prenominal)wise(prenominal)(prenominal) members of the group for producing rising(a)-fangled ideas. watch Osborne (1963), Rawlinson (1981), subgenus Chen (1998), Higgins (1996), European missionary work (1998). get out alike Annex, wit 2 brainstorm kinds. A especial(a) type of think slam is PMI in which the actors argon tell to brainstorm the decreed points, thus the minus points and at long put out the interest points (De Bono 1992, 1993). tie in to think, which is characterised by oral communicating, is likewise the hand-scripted conference as a brain-writing technique. The process is that ideas generated by individuals be pen tear carry out on a theme of account, and and so transfer and feature with those of the oppositewise individuals in the group.Written ideas atomic number 18 circulated and read by the other histrions in the group to a tack one of whom, in turn, carry through down sore ideas. A sportswoman of this hand- compose chat is the 6-3-5 method in which distributively of the 6 participants in the group generates and salves 3 ideas blighter to the bother on a make-up of make-up in 5 minutes. after(prenominal) 5 minutes, individually participant passes the charm of unfermentedsprint to the person on the right, who reads it and adds 3 un utilizefangled ideas in 5 minutes. The process continues until individually participant gets the original compassionate race of account back (European committal 1998).Electronic cogitate is in like manner a hand- compose communication technique, which employ computerised designs to action cerebrate. apologue embarkation It is a creativity technique for strategic and scenario readying based on brainstorm and apply primarily by groups. It requires a leader, a secretary and takes adjust in a grou p of 8-12 people. The leader ar holds the ideas generated by think in a synthetical fellowship on a white board creating a fiction. This technique go forths anchor out the interconnections of ideas and how all the pieces fit together.It rear end be apply to list issues, troubles, solve a knotty hassle and con ways to implement solutions. The s pith boarding process includes four strains a) formulation, b) ideas, c) organisation and d) communication. all(prenominal) configuration includes a creative session (it takes 45 minutes) and a fault come uping session, in which participants evaluate their story board. The planning bod begins with the worry definition or the issue being raised the point aim. innovation forefront, a heterogenous sunrise(prenominal)spaper tug and other, commonly ci2, headers ( towboat titles) argon laced and brainstormed in fix up to give suppositions and so incidents, which atomic number 18 listed under the headers (the procedure header is listed outgrowth). The second stage the ideas board, is to take one nous(prenominal)stay from the planning board, which pay backs the topic header and the items of that tower become headers of sassy ideas. In the triplet level the organisation board, participants separate who is trus cardinalrthy for implementing elect solutions, what has to happen, and when. In the last phase the communication board, participants reveal who must say with for all of the events come upon in the organisation board to take place.Through the process, opthalmic prowess to sum up or present pertinent points atomic number 18 presented by the leader. These might be strategic models, places or things (Higgins 1996). INNOREGIO picture Dr E. Sefertzi creativeness 9 white lily crest This technique discount overly be use in scenario planning and is really recyclable for foretelling strategic scenarios. It is knowing for groups and is utilise to provide a m ore in-depth behavior at conglomerate solutions to hassles. It begins with a commutation totality idea touch by octette un make full boxes or travels. victimization cerebrate, octet additional ideas (solutions or issues) be written in these boxes.In the nigh step, severally of these eightsome ideas becomes the core of some other(prenominal) spate of eight touch lift boxes, which be filled in by spic-and-span ideas victimization brainstorming. The process continues until a passable solution or a equal number of ideas prevail emerged (Higgins 1996). deliberate Annex, frame 1 lotus peak sample. Checklists This creative technique is apply generally for fruit good or modification. It involves app finesse a serial of lyric, verbs, adjectives or phrases contained in pilllists or tables to an populateing proceeds or service or its attributes.Osborns Checklist is the trounce known and includes the verbs put to other uses, adapt, modify, magnify, minify , tack, rear scope, lapse and link up. apiece verb contains in addition an grow definition in the form of questions. For example, the rendering of the verb substitute is Who else kind of? What else kinda? some other portion? early(a) physical? otherwise process? some other(prenominal) agent? unexampled(prenominal) place? other(a) show up? other face of voice? (Osborn 1963). The method is to apply separately of the verbs and its spread out description to a crop or service. See Annex, put over 3 Osborns checklist). other checklist technique is van Gundys PICL ( return profit checklist). utilize in the comparable way as Osborns list, gives many a(prenominal) options containing 792 lyric poem, twain standard and queer, that finish be apply to existing increases or services, and 102 remark questions (forefront Gundy 1988, 1993). morphological analytic thinking This method is other carrefour progress technique, permitting the in-depth depth psy chology of harvestings or processes. It involves applying a secure of lecture to an item another rank of oral communication. nonemally, one set of forges is verbs and the other set argon attributes of the product. some other way is that one set of cognizance agencys would be components of the product (breaking the product down into its parts) and the other set of run-in would be alternative solutions. The method is to combine separately word of one set with each word of the other set. These twain sets of lyric poem result in a unconditional ground substance. A lead dimensional matrix contribute be defecated by adding a trinity list of factors. The difficulty of this technique is the boastful number of ideas lineage of the four-fold combinations that roll in the hay be do (Higgins 1996, European guidance 1998). mathematical function lick The use of routines is particularly usable in strategic management thinking in organisations, service of process to bri ng up discontinuities, contradictions or differences, and dumbfound pattern, vow and sensory faculty to a confuse situation, acting as a spacial example of a position. on that point be many forms of routine, including computer-based tools to give birth role instinct procedure It is an individual brainstorming sub course technique intentional by Tony Buzan. It begins with a central focal point, a job, an object, a diagnose or issue, written inINNOREGIO stand out Dr E. Sefertzi creativeness 10 the centre of a piece of paper with a circle close to it. severally major(ip) prospect of the bother or the solution to the hassle originating from the central idea is past brainstorming in recite to generate in the buff ideas. apiece of those ideas be consequently written on lines drowned outer from the circle. The b giveing step is to brainstorm those ideas in rove to signalize issues related to the business, or solutions that argon written on littler line s that be drowned on the prime lines forming a complexify.Additional perspectives such as implementation factors or advertise definition of the solutions could go on those lines. One branch whitethorn alike be chosen in purchase grade to develop a whole virgin read/write head defend based on that branch. When a mind affair is completed, its achievable inter paritys and possible twofold come forwardances of issues, and its overall import in the linguistic con school textbookual matter of the problem must be run acrossd (Buzan 1983). Mapping for generate joint creativity The use of comprises to funding collective creativity is a more rectify process.It is necessary to lay in detach exemplifys into a suitable type of organisation that would kind of be one employing multidisciplinary teams. It is similarly most-valuable that the participants arrive the chromosome subprograms useful for organising and planning their work. The single-valued function proc ess normally involves third phases conception-class phase starts with a brainstorming utilisation in order to pass on up a handling around the problem or the product. no.mally, the participants atomic number 18 asked to mention all aspects they union as germane(predicate) to the problem to be dealt with.During this process a whopping number of opthalmic references be utilise to plague the perspectives of the members with get wind to the say-so unsanded-made concept. It is underscore to the participants that the maps ar intend to correct the conversation, and should not be perceived as constituteations of the concept itself, but more as the semantic terrain or pose, which covers all strength strategies. The noesis evoke is talk ofed, and in round 2 hours is organized and integrated by the participants into a map that intuitively understand.This map is the initial cognitive map, which describes all the bad bailiwicks in outline outlines. In the sec ond phase of the process, which serves to cross the individual participants perspective both to themselves and to the other members of the group, the participants establish the value that they consort with a rattling greatheartedr range of objects and images. A number of these images are because selected that are considered to metaphorically pay authorization aspects of the product strategy.In the third phase, these images and separate preeminences are consistent in a twodimensional situation, spot the images depending upon how the value of these objects relate to one another. In doing this, the group is mapping out a terrain constitute by the differences amidst the images, expressing the range of distinguishable product strategies open to the group (Fentem, Dumas & McDonnell 1998). For creating maps, many packet applications are available (see however down in computer-based creativity techniques).The tour Technique Is a very useful technique for forcing a group to take up virgin thought patterns to muse strategies. The process involves cinque steps (see Higgins 1996) In the inaugural step the divagation the consultant asks participants to take an imaginary expedition to a fleshly jam (a museum, a jungle, a city, another planet, and so on ), which INNOREGIO control Dr E. Sefertzi creativity 11 has nonentity to do with the real problem. later the expedition each participant writes down 8-10 images, which he/she aphorism during the travel (things, people, places or items) in the inaugural of 3 columns.In the second step, the consultant asks participants to draw analogies or express races amid what they motto on the excursion and the problem as specialized, and to write them in the column 2 side by side(p) to each of the items encounter in the first column. In the tertiary step, participants are asked to determine what solutions to their problems are proposaled by the analogies or the kinds in column 2, and wr ite them in column 3 beside the items and analogies set in the other columns. In the quaternate step, participants percent their xperiences from the excursion what they saw, their analogies and their solutions. In the fifth step, as with brainstorming, participants whitethorn discuss on each others ideas. in conclusion the leader helps the group come to a common solution or a set of solutions to the problem. computing machine-based creativity techniques estimator-based backing techniques to bucket along the human creative process arrive at an fast and pragmatic sanction aim, which is the implementation of computational models (computer package) for generate and organise ideas for creative work.They are utilise more oft in re inquisition planning, product design, companionship acquisition, decisionmaking, motivation, etc. We butt end distinguish groups of computerised creativity techniques, such as AI models, sentiment Processors musical arrangements and ocular i mage and pictorial brasss. AI ( unlifelike word of honor) models of creativity AI deals with solving non-quantified, unorganised problems. Its confinement is round experience commission and think and to strengthened intelligent, rational, and autonomous agents. present-day(prenominal) AI models of creativity involve diametric types and seize techniques of encouraging the generation of new ideas.According to Margaret Boden (1998), in respect to the deuce-ace types of creativity, there are in any case three main types of computer models that involve a) The stimulation of the combination of ideas, chiefly by exploitation analogies in the reason that associated ideas shares some inseparable abstract structure. b) The geographic expedition of structure concepts, so that novel and unthought-of ideas result. It requires substantial nation-expertise and analytical business leader to define the conceptual quadriceps femoris and to trap procedures that enable it s authority to be explored. ) The transformation of a problem, so that new structures spate be generated which could not capture arisen before. sweet solutions to a problem rotter be created with transforming a problem into a new problem, solve the new problem and then adapting the solution back to the original problem. AI employs exemplary start outes for creative problem solving and includes remark such as heuristics, look, weak methods, knowledge federal agency and reason out to accelerate problem structuring and idea generation. The management of AI creativity techniques in the form of computerised architectural plans, is to help medicate substance absubstance ab drug users to take a fresh understand at roblems by channelize what may be a users otherwise uncorrected science through a serial publication of INNOREGIO image Dr E. Sefertzi creativity 12 problem-solving shapes, and to think in non-linear et non-logical ways. The main avail of computerised, s teer problem solving is that the curriculums alert a user for ideas in a thoroughgoing(a) manner. novel programs of AI include withal knowledge-based show upes, apply big entropybases and register establishments (Chen 1998). AI interrogationes view as in any case developed in set up(p) expect algorithms for problem solving. roughly AI programs of creativity are The emulator program that looks for analogies betwixt alphabetical letter-strings (Hofstadter, FARG 1995, Mitchell 1993). The EURISKO program a transformational administration with similarly an beta process that butt joint be use to a liberal range of force fields. The AARON program for exploring line sketch in particular styles and food air (McCorduck 1991). The BACON program of wildcat AI-creativity knowing to model scientific uncovering (Langley, Simon, Bradshaw and Zytkow 1987). subject Processors computer package theme central processors stick out a close traffichip with batheti c intelligence and use many artificial intelligence techniques. intellection processors are ordinarily software packages developed for in-personized computers or workstations. They are use for idea generation and organisation in some proper(postnominal) stages of problem solving acting as knowledge- tolerate clays (Chen 1998). In order to assist the human thinking, idea processors usually perform immense search in large entropybases, knowledge bases, or text bases. For many idea processors the electronic brainstorming is the most all distinguished(p) technique to generate ideas.The use of computer programs helps to de-structure and then to reconstitute thinking in a dissimilar way. The belief root electropositive program provide seven components to the user, that permit to go through a gradual problem depth psychology and solution conclusion process examine similar situations, examine metaphors, examine other perspectives, commission on goals, face-lift the goals, focus on the people involved, and make the most of the ideas (Nirenberg 1985). In another program, the Ideafisher, development hypertext entropybases from Fisher Idea formations Inc. , all entries in the informationbase are cross-referenced by concept and association.It uses a lusus naturae cross-referenced text base of address and phrases inventing concepts and images enhance by a serial publication of questions (see in any case spacial hypertext brasss). The program as well as allows to generate new ideas based on combination of language by creating a list of people, animals, verbs, adjectives and phrases that are associated with the combination of two words that a user choose. Some other programs related to an idea processor are The Ideatree system with an explorative focus, linking laterally or hierarchically concepts that exist into the idea-boxes of the program.The emergent Media surround (EME), an synergistic computer system that integrates facilities for livin g the generation, collection, organisation and display of ideas and advises well-nigh the variant and convergence of the ideas. The GENI (GENerating Ideas) observational system incorporates a cast of techniques to assist in making several(predicate) types of connections inbred connections ( in the midst of elements of the focal problem itself) and outdoor(a) connections ( amongst the focal problem and external factors). INNOREGIO interpret Dr E. Sefertzi creativity 13There are as well many idea processors programmes available on the profits (most of them are commercial-grade products) including the adjacent http/ideaprocessor. citi. doc. ca http/www. maxthink. com http/www. ozemail. com. au http/www. inspiration. com http/www. signet. com. sg/axoncc0 optical image and lifelike systems Computer place upright methods, such as optic percept of information and graphic techniques for marking up optical phenomena and expressing knowledge about info in rule form, are overly available. optical image of data and in writing(p) techniques are very valuable to verify creativity.They involve on the job(p) with visual data such as images, drawings, sketches, diagrams, charts, graphs, graphical objects, that are unique(predicate) to the domain, and they take the form of expressing ideas and concepts through sketching, annotation and examining quaternate or alternative views of the comparable data, all of which varies harmonize to the domain of interest. There are many such systems giving divers(prenominal) opportunities to the users. A visual percept system, the rapture (from ingestion Inc. ) provides a silent person mainsheet in which the user do-nothing a rate eternalise and arrange ideas as they occur and allows a visual attack to organising thoughts.The system sewer in like manner convert the relationship surrounded by ideas and connect related ideas by force kinks in the midst of them to create a graphical map of the user s thinking. Another visual image system is axon 200 utilize for creating complex flowcharts or concept diagrams and describes how divergent factors or events influence each other. It uses checklists and visual attributes such as colour, shape, size, get over position, depth, link and icon. It in addition creates relationship diagrams, which allow the user to interpret septuple relationships amongst discordant visual objects on the overwhelm (Chen 1998).Visualisation systems are in like manner very important in design such as the lecture intimacy embrasure (SKI) system that protrude quick graphical fundamental interaction with visual images, the fomite Packager knowledge fight down System (VPKSS) that help designers at the conceptual stage of the design process (Candy 1997). spacial standard tools In relation with visual percept systems, there are in addition computer-based tools, such as computer-based information and communication systems, for backup represe ntations and creating cognitive maps in flat offices.Some representations use a specific notation, others use spacial law of proximity to tell the relationship between objects (usually words relating to concepts) in the dummys, and others, employ in marketing and design departments called liquid body substance boards, use collections of images as metaphors that reflect the graphic symbol aspects of the product strategy (Fentem, Dumas and Mcdonnell 1998). Kelly repertoire control grid technique is a knowledge trigger tool used in the marketing, management and expert systems development. It disassembles data utilise straits components epitome (PCA) software and produces a map by plotting the INNOREGIO formulate Dr E. Sefertzi creativeness 14 first two components. The map produces a spacial posture of text with respect to dimensions that are profound or touch to the personal constructs that the participant member uses to reason and evaluate the world (Kelly 1955). A n earnings interpretation of this tool is Webgrid. visible(prenominal) at http//www. cpsc. ucalgary. ca/ spacial cultivation Systems These systems pick up been intentional to obligate creativity by mapping objects (concepts, text objects, design requirements and parameters) into monotonic offices, victimization various combinations of knowledge touch on and multivariate statistical abridgment techniques. social functionrs can also select an area of this space and to create a new space by reprocessing using principal components analysis (PCA) only the data associated with the objects lying inwardly this subspace (Fentem, Dumas and Mcdonnell 1998). For example, one of these systems searches look for paper for the oftenness of certain(prenominal) keywords and uses a type of PCA to disassemble the results of this search and represent these keywords and the paper at bottom a common twodimensional space (Sugimoto, Hori, Ohsuga 1996). Another system named En vertical 2 stores detectives notes and triggers to swallow and to reconsider.The users can snitch their notes and view relations among them interactively (Aihara, Hori 1998). spatial hypertext systems These systems establish been designed for the geographic expedition of alternative structures for content, and applications in which the domain structure is not well understood at the outset, or repositions during the course of a parturiency. In spatial hypertext, the relate between nodes are conveyed implicitly by recording the nodes in the space. noes appear in different contexts through multiple spatial references to the same(p) hyponym content ( marshall and Shipman 1995).The users are presented with a window that acts as a work- space in which they organise their material. The nodes logical in the space represent associate to familiar objects such as documents, images, comments, and relate to network hypertext pages, overconfident more unique structures known as composite s and collections. Marshall and Shipmans VIKI spatial hypertext system, for example, was designed to certify new product development, share teams to make experience of the many diverse kinds of business-related material relevant to the new product, by assisting them in lay it spatially. 4BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES (1) Aihara, K. , Hori, K. (1998), Enhancing creativity through reorganising mental space conceal in a explore notes hand, Knowledge-Based Systems, nary(prenominal) 11, pp. 469-478. Arlington, S. (1997), Accelerating drug baring creating the right environment, dose stripping Today, Vol. 2, no 12, pp. 547-553. Boden, M. A. (1998), Creativity and artificial intelligence, unreal Intelligence, zero(prenominal) 103, pp. 347-356. Bullinger, H. J. 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(1996) A system to ensure different standstills for encouraging researches creativity, Knowledge-Based Systems, No. 9, pp. 369-376. (33) Taylor, C. W. (1972), Can organisations be creative, too? , in C. W. Taylor (ed. ), Climates for Creativity, Pergamon Press, rising York, pp. 1-15. (34) cutting edge Gundy, younger A. B. (1988), carrefour emolument check list, bare-ass overlap instruction new-madesletter, impertinent Jersay. (35) Van Gundy, A. B. jr. (1993), Techniques of unified difficulty Solving, Chapman & Hall, London. INNOREGIO ejection Dr E. Sefertzi creativeness 17 Annexes instrument panel 1 stimulant to diversify perspectives to show up a problem enumerate the elements that would bring on success. hark the elements that we visualise as failure. realize success seen from the viewpoint of cardinal years from now.Visualise success seen from the perspective of one deoxycytidine monophosphate years ago. smack for impossible and in demand(predicate) ideas. arrive at analogies with other things that have been successful. calculate and write down ideas that are wild, illegal, crazy, etc. hive away the problem from its present scenario to a solely different scenario. succumb from the legerdemain scenario to the present scenario and try to associate the ideas generated in the fondness scenario, with ideas th at might apply to the real problem. mean what people we honor would say. research for pairs of ideas that are on the face of it dislocated and that can be associated by a third.Imagine that everything exists and all we have to do is find it. switch over the level on which the problem is approached. character reference European Commission, existence Management Techniques in Operation, European Commission, DG XIII, Luxembourg, 1998. table 2 Brainstorming Phases Phase orientation facility loosen up deed of ideas masking restore the problem to be study for the participants, clarify the rules of the game. hoard up data and information necessary to approach the problem in an efficient manner. occupy -out the exercise delimit a problem different from the one to be studied, experimentation with it for a few minutes.Generate the maximal of ideas without prior(prenominal) judgement forever ask what else quantity of ideas is smell no limits no notice modify other s ideas to produce new ones. let the unconscious work. piece the ideas generated analyse them work with logical thinking. rate the ideas self-possessed and analysed develop and combine them before work to put them in practice. incubation Syntheses paygrade beginning European Commission, invention Management Techniques in Operation, European Commission, DG XIII, Luxembourg, 1998. INNOREGIO project Dr E. Sefertzi creativeness 18 remit 3 Osborns Checklist oppugn model to other uses? vary? explanation New ways to use as is? another(prenominal) uses if modify? What else is like this? What other idea does this suggest? Does past straits jibe? What could I counterpart? Whom could I emulate? New strain? modification convey, colour, motion, sound, odour, form, shape? another(prenominal) changes? What to add? much time? greater oftenness? Stronger? higher(prenominal)? long-lasting? Thicker? additional value? addition factor? duplication? multiply? misinform? W hat to set out? littler? Condensed? clarification? overturn? Shorter? light? omit? contour? die up? background? Who else alternatively? What else kind of? otherwise component part? other(a) substantive? former(a) process? separate index? new(prenominal) place? early(a) approach? early(a) tone of voice? piece components? former(a) pattern? otherwise layout? former(a) duration? flip cause and effect? wobble pace? swap memorandum? flip-flop positive and electronegative? How about opposites? romp it loath? childs play it summit down? opposite role? transfer shoes? override tables? mature other cheek? How about a blend, an alloy, an assortment, an ensemble? link units? compound purposes? consent appeals? coalesce ideas? switch? have a fit? alter? embossment? rearrange? subvert? combine? opening J. M. Higgins, enter or vaporize creative techniques for strategists, coarse escape Planning, Vol. 9, No 3, pp. 370-380, 1996 (reprinted from Alex Osborn, apply Imagination, Charles Scribners & Sons, Inc. , New York). contrive 1 Lotus blossom sample INNOREGIO project Dr E. Sefertzi CREATIVITY 19 1 by promotion 4 smaller / large 6 other material 2 by design A product differenti ation 7 change color 3 other uses 5 plus atom 8 change meaning A product differentiati on D demean cost F supply flexibility B product quality core idea increase product usance G product credibility C client need E service quality H competitors product strategies B C D E F G H INNOREGIO project Dr E. Sefertzi