Thursday, August 8, 2019

Do Some Elements Of Religion Have More Weight Than Others Essay

Do Some Elements Of Religion Have More Weight Than Others - Essay Example However these elements do not hold same value as each other. Elements like belief system, rituals and emotional experience have more value than other elements of religion. Belief system has always been the foundation of a religion and without it the pillar of religion would shake. Every religion is based on certain beliefs and faith and hence it has more weight than other elements. Without belief there a religion cannot exist. According to (Cline,2011)â€Å"Religion is certainly a type of belief system, but not all belief systems are religion. Differentiating religious from non-religious belief systems is sometimes easy, but other times rather difficult†. Religious beliefs gives a meaning and perception to a person’s imagination .Religious beliefs are supernatural in nature and people believe in it with full faith .People and various communities throughout the world have been believing in sets of rules and customs since ages, which is passed on to them by their ancestor s. These religious belief systems are based on the writings and teachings made by the founder of these religious concepts. The ideas and thoughts of religion are codified in to belief system and hence it’s of high value.... Even though the religion has 8 elements few element can be seen as totally absent. We can see that element like true devotion and self realization is absent .The people are now more in to religion for material benefits and there is not honesty or truth in their practice of religion. People are not pure in their thought and actions even though they follow the customs and rituals of their religion. To be faithful in religion, one must be pure in thoughts and deeds and in the present religious practice it is more of outwardly action that inward. Sometimes people practice a religion just for namesake and there is no meaning to it from their part. In ancient times, God and religion was really sacred concepts and people gave it prior importance than people of these times. Another element totally absent in religion is the process of self realization. People all over the world do pray and perform rituals, but they fail to acknowledge the divinity inside them. This problem arises due to the l ack of education from religious perspective. People believe that God is an outwardly thing and pray and struggle before God. They fail to understand that God exist in the core of our heart and realizing him is the sole way to be happy. People mostly love God for their self benefit and not out of natural love for him. When one understands that God is inside him, he will be blissful and content with life. People need to enquire about self and his purpose on this earth in order to prove his love to God. Scientology is a concept which believes that human beings are immortal and it concentrates on human rights. As per (Kent,1997) â€Å"Although some social scientists insist that Scientology is a religion, the more appropriate position to take is that the

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