Monday, September 30, 2019

Globalization processes Essay

Globalization had brought different effects to the society. It had changed that world and how the world processes. Different states join together in creating a better world for humanity. Different businesses establish parts of their business in different parts of the planet in order to provide work for the underdeveloped or developing nations. Most of these nations profit from the globalization processes of the world because this is the way in which they acquire profit. Having a Multi-national Corporation (MNC) invest in one of those nations provides good opportunity not only for the government but also the people. Among the entities involved in the process of globalization, the people are said to profit most for the reason that they are given opportunities and jobs for their family. However in another perspective, the MNCs could be seen as the most profitable entity in the aspect of globalization. It is known to many that the labor pay for the people of the developed and underdeveloped nations are lower than the average labor wage of developed nations. Through investing in different developed and under developed nations, the MNCs are able to save more profit than they usually have. Within the process of expansion of these MNCs one of the most affected individuals are the women. Most underdeveloped and developing nations provide less labor pay for the women in comparison to men. Although now a days gender equality had been slowly implemented, most of these countries still adhere to their conservative perspective that men and women should not be treated or provided equal treatment. One good example is Bangladesh in which hosts different garment factories in the country (Sachs, 2004). It is known that the work of sewing is immediately associated with women. Therefore, they need women workers to be able to do the work on the garments. Most of the brands being produced by women are â€Å"GAP, Polo, Yves Saint Laurent, Wal-Mart JC-Penny and others† (Sachs, 2004). In support to the issue mentioned by Jeffrey Sachs (2005) in his book â€Å"The End of Poverty† other articles also stated the same concern in which Sachs had mentioned. Most corporations prefer having their businesses moved to underdeveloped or developing nations due to the factor of culture and specifically, â€Å"feminine† traits. It is said. In the written work of Thrift (1989) and Taylor (1992) it is specifically stated that Malay women are one of the races in which they prefer in working with some of their products, â€Å"fast fingers, fine eyes sight, the passivity to withstand low-skilled, unstimulating work are said to be biological attributes to be unique to ‘oriental’ women (Thrift and Taylor p. 134). In addition, a Chinese engineer stated that, â€Å"Our work is designed for females†¦ if we employ men, within two or three months they’d run away†¦ Girls under thirty are easier to train and easier to adapt to the job function† (Thrift and Taylor p. 134). Evidently, the MNC’s prefer women in comparison to men due to the personalities that they have. MNCs know that they cannot treat men like they could treat women therefore, making women the main target of these corporations. In the context of the cost of labor, most MNC’s prefer women because they are given less compensation compared to men. In countries such as Malaysia, men have provided higher salaries therefore making them less of a priority to be hired. It is also believed by most MNC’s that unschooled women in Malaysia could only use some training and after a while they will be more efficient to work in factories (Ong, 1987). This context is very degrading for men. Men are not preferred due to their nature and personality. In another side, women are more empowered because they are preferred by most companies. They are able to provide for their family’s needs without being dependent on men. But if seen in a cultural perspective, become the breadwinner of the family. Although it brings positive outcome for women, the changes in structure of the society will be present and slowly evident (Sachs, 2004). With these types of situation one may ask, how do these situations come about? Such situations become evident to the society of underdeveloped and developing countries due to their need to uplift the situation of their economy. Most of these nations are indebt with developed countries, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) or the (WB) World Bank. If one could recall, there had become a debt crisis during the 1980’s in which made many nations indebt to different monetary organization to be able to survive (Sachs and Collins, 1989). Until this very day, many nations are still struggling to create answered to the decade long debt that they have. One of the answers they have seen is Foreign Direct Investments (FDI). In this type of solution, the underdeveloped and developing nations call upon the developed states to invest business in their countries. These developing and underdeveloped countries create way in which they could invite foreign investors in their country. Few of those schemes are the free trade zones and their women workers. With this situation, most of the MNCs take advantage of the tax-free situations and the subsidies given by the host government (Arregui and Baez, 1991). With the studies done by Arregui and Baez, they stated that women workers is also one of the reasons in which transnational companies decided to invest in the specific underdeveloped or developing countries. In addition, it is also stated that in the history of the world, most women are given low compensation (Arregui and Baez, 1991). Most of the time, these women are the most vulnerable and exploited workers because they have no choice but to agree upon the compensation given to them. Although Thrift and Taylor indicated that the skills needed are less compared to other works, Arregui and Baez firmly stated that the internalization of work currently requires more skills than before. With their view of the gender aspects of men and women, the authors have identified that having higher wages for men is very important in order to provide for their family. (Arregui and Baez, 1991)Such situation must be taken into consideration given that men, in the norms of the society are immediately entitled to provide for his family. Women on the other hand are not required to do so because of their responsibilities in the home. In context, having high salary for men is positive while women having high salary imply negativity. Sachs also adheres to this type of idea. He stated that the relationship of the family members becomes different. If the women are given high salary, the men would immediately be regarded to take care of the children compared to the usual. There is a great tendency that the women would be working for the family while the men will work at home and handle the children (Sachs, 2004). However, the current economic situations of the families in the underdeveloped and developing countries are in need to have a better economic lifestyle than what they have at present. The current lifestyle of families is that the mother and the father work for their children but then the lack of emotional attachment becomes an issue. In Sachs’ opinion, such problem does not only affect the gender responsibilities of men and women but also the welfare of the next generation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Roman Catholic Church

For the full-scale of culture application to business environment cognitive competencies, this assignment will discuss the culture characteristics, analyses the culture for business operation, study the culture synthesis, and then give recommendations according to the applications of business environment in particular. According the requirement of this assignment, I have chosen the country of Italy to complete the tasks of this assignment. 2. The Background of Italy To understand the culture of Italy better, this part is to introduce the source of the Italy background in details.Thus, this part will illustrate the language, education, religion, social structure, political, and economic philosophy of Italy. 2. 1 Languages of Italy Italian is the official language in Italy. Never the less, the 96% of the native Italians speak Italian. For these partial of native Italians, their main mother tongue are including German, Catalan, Greek, French, Slovenian, Albanian, Corsican, Cambrian, Bav arian, Waller and Croatian. However, half of the total Italian population speak their mother tongue, called regional dialects (quintessential. Co. K, 2014). According to the history records and the geography of Italy, these regional dialects major are including Sicilian, Venetian, Freudian, Neapolitan, Melamine, Sardinian, Clinician, Algerian, and Piedmont. Italy is a free state to educate all nationalities in Italy. For those 3 years old children in Italy, they can start their kindergarten education. According to the European education standards, the children aged 5- 5. 5 years old in Italy are allowed to start their primary school education for 5 years without of examination requirement.They must start their First Grade Secondary School education for 3 years when they are aged 11 to 14, after they past all of the exams, they are allowed to start their Second Grade Secondary School (High School) education, which requires students to pass all of their exams before their graduation, and they will obtain a diploma certificate within 3-5 years according to different faculty requirements (understandingly. Mom, 2014). 2. 3 Religion of Italy According to the source of the Italy history, the main religion of Italy is Roman Catholicism. The Roman Catholicism centre is in the Vatican City, and the pope also stays in it.Islam is the second religion in Italy sources from the immigrants of due to the only few Jews left after the War II (Kim, 2014). 2. 4 Social Structure of Italy In Italy, family is the most valuable social structure, because family can stabilize their family members by supporting each other with emotion and finance. In north of Italy, only the nuclear family stay together normally. But in the south of Italy, the extended family usually stay together. According to the main Roman Catholic religion, you can see the Catholic churches are more than any other country.The religion is high in Italy, and you can see them in many lobbies and buildings, and you will find people's names, trade, and profession are in particular patron saint. The church proclaims transparent hierarchy to Italy. Expect is provided to older people, successful businessman, and well-connected people (quintessential. Co. UK, 2014). 2. 5 Political Ideology of Italy Italy is a republic country since June 1946, voted by plebiscites. Its constitution was created in 1948. The president of Italy take turns to select by the elections of Italians ( inconsiderableness. Com, 2014) 2. Economic Ideology of Italy After the postwar, Italy concentrates to rebuild its economy successfully from being an integral member of NATO & Joining the European Economic Community. However, the left-wing Red Brigades destroyed the stability of Italy from 1970 to the early 1980. Later on, the governments of â€Å"Revolving door† managed Italy an unstable polity from 1980-1990. In Jan 1999, Treasury Secretary Carlo Clamps permitted Italy currency (infeasible. Mom, 2014). Nowadays, the economi cs of Italy is diversified by many industries, and the well-developed industrial in the north are most held by private companies (internationalization. Mom, 2014). Although Italy has experienced the global crisis in 2008, but Italy GAP of Italy increased from IIS$1737. 8 billion in 2004 to US $1982. 94 billion Gag 2014(Satanist. Com, 2014). This part is to analyses the Italy culture from its history and geography. 3. 1 History of Italy To know the history of Italy is to know the culture root of Italy. Basically, Italy has a long history with a solid culture foundation. The historical record of Italy has been started by Indo-European immigrants since 2000 B. C. To 1000 B. C. In its 3rd century B. C. Romans has overthrown Indo-European and dominated the civilization of Etruscan to Italy and with the Rome leadership control until the 4th & 5th centuries A. D. After that, the barbarian has taken the Western Roman Empire. From that time on, many other ethnic groups contended to fragmente d polity for a few centuries. But during this period of 13th to the 16th century, it has made Italy a cultural center for the Western world. Rome Empire has enthroned Italy for total about 22 centuries in its history, which has covered the most of the Italy history (infeasible. Com, 2014).The territories of Sardinia, Naples, and Milan were given to Austria after the Spanish Succession War in the year of 1713, but Austria lost some these territories in the year of 1735. After a few decades in the year 1800, Mr.. Napoleon finally unified Italy and declared himself as the Italy king in 1805. However, he did not last long. After 10 years, Austria dominated its power into a disunited Italy again in the Congress of Vienna. Italians are not convinced by the Austria control and always try to uprisings, but unsuccessfully destroyed by the Austria armies in the year of 1820, 1821, and 1831.As know as the brilliant liberal nationalist, Mr.. Giuseppe Amazing formed the Regiments, which is the f oundation of Italy unity. After that, the patriots of Italy gave the leadership hope on Mr.. Count Camille Did Cavort from the House of Savoy in Sardinia, and who finally united Italy in 1852. He brought his armies to help England and France in the Crimean War from 1853 to 1856. He gains the Lombardy territories in 1859 due to supporting to France in the war to against Austria. In the year of 1860, Sardinia was enlarged by the territories of Roman, Tuscany and Pram from the plebiscite voting.In the same year, Sardinia was enlarged by the territories of Sicily & Naples from Mr.. Giuseppe Garibaldi triumphant return war. In the year of 1861, Italian people finally claimed Victor Emmanuel II to be the king of Italy. In 1886, Venetian attached. On the 20th September 1870, the papal of Rome announced Italy is a unified peninsula which is independent nation under one constitutional monarchy (infeasible. Com, 2014). In the World War l, Italy declared its neutrality. Italy went to the war w ith Allies in 1915 and gained some lands, but Italy put it as the postwar settlement.To rescue Italy from Bolshevism, the dissatisfied Italians were introduced to Fascist Party by a socialist called Mr.. Mussolini in 1919. Mr.. Mussolini conquered Rome and being the prime minister on 28th October 1922. He is the dictator of Italy. In 1935, he attacked Ethiopia for annexation. In 1936, he allied with Doll Hitler in Rome. However, Allies invaded Italy in 1943. The time Mussolini lost dictatorship, and the Fascist Partisans killed him on 28th April 1945. Italy entered a war to attack Germany in 1943. Italians plebiscite voted to have a republic nation in June 1946.According to the peace treaty on 1 5th September 1947, Italian declared to return the lands to Greece and France originally. In 1954, Italy received Tries area west (a 90-square-mile zone) from Yugoslav (infeasible. Com, 2014). Nowadays, Italy is a stable country to build internal business. 3. 2 Geography of Italy According t o the world map segment, the geography of Italy is a unified peninsula country in the south of Europe, and it looks like a boot in the world map (infeasible. Com, 2014). The neighbor countries of Italy are surrounded by Andorra,Monaco, France, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania and Greece. The total size of cities are including Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Palermo and Genoa (worldpopulationreview. Com, 2014). Whereby, Rome is the capital city of Italy. From those researches, Italy is one of the countries to do international business with whole of the Europe countries. 4. Recommendation for doing Global Business in Italy This part will give the recommendations for doing business in Italy according to its culture of history, geography, language, education, religion, social structure, political, and economic philosophy. 4.Respect Different cultural customs Although, it is 96% of them are native Italians and speak Italian, but they may have different mother tongue or dialect and cul ture customs. Therefore, we have to respect each of them accordingly. To an international business, knowing the local culture is as knowing the needs of the local people. If you can provide the thing to that area's people, you will have business opportunity. 4. 2 Well-managed Cross Culture Management There are cultural conflicts between cultures. Therefore, international businessmen need to understand the difference and culture conflicts between each of them.Hence, the cross culture management needs to be created and studied by businessman and his staffs. Because you will have contact with local staff and customers, developing a well-managed cross culture management will help the stabilization of the employees and increase your business market share. 4. 3 Follow the religion characteristics of Roman Catholic As we know that the Roman Catholic is one of the largest and biggest religion in Italy, and Italy is the culture centre of Europe. To follow the Roman Catholic characteristics i s one of the best and fastest ways to fit into global international business to the local ND the whole Europe.If you can put your business to fit into the Roman Catholic quickly, your business can be accepted by the Roman Catholics easily. According to the culture study and analysis, I have understood the Italy culture differences to do global business. Therefore, I have learnt the repetitions of respecting the Italians. I have acknowledged the cultural intelligence is one of the important factors to bring the successful international business. This essay have gone through the characteristics of languages of Italy, Roman Catholic church Although it is true that some claim that the Crusades were initially launched to help seal the rift between Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christianity, there were essential differences between Christianity in Byzantium and Roman Catholicism that was developing independently. In fact, there were also strained tensions because of a history of the Roman Catholic church claiming wide swaths of territory from the other side through forged documents (Riley-Smith) which purported to claim a lot of Byzantium’s land for the Pope.Political, religious and cultural-economic conditions in the Arab world of the European Middle Ages were superior to those of Europe. The Moors had a history of expansionism into Europe at this point, and the culture of the Islamic world was much more advanced, especially in terms of mathematics, astronomy, and architecture (Allen and Amt).This is also exemplified in the historical clashes between Christianity and Islam, which are portrayed by the author as wor king within different paradigms of involvement in acquired territories throughout the history of the medieval Crusades, the rise of European imperialism, and the present state of affairs. When Urban put out the call to the Crusade, many people signed up. Some signed from a sense of religious duty. At the time, there was a great deal of stagnancy in the social system of feudal Europe too, without a lot of social mobility.The Crusades were an opportunity for some who signed up to improve their social status, political status, and even religious status. There was a lot of diversity among those who responded to Urban’s rousing call.   When interacting with the native populations of the Islamic world of the time, the Christian crusaders acted in different means and capacities, forming alliances with some, and utterly destroying and ransacking others. One interesting interaction was that of the rise of bartering between the Christians and native populations.During this time there was a sort of cultural bartering when the Europeans gave elements of their culture to more Eastern cultures and took some of the elements of the Eastern cultures and made them their own. One of these elements that the Europeans took was the concept of mercantile trading (Madden). Mercantile trading, as opposed to local trading, was more lucrative. There was a lot of anti-Semitism, fear and persecution in the era of the Crusades. Western Christians viewed Jews as another race, not quite human.Jews became aware of the Christians in many cases through persecution, and reacted accordingly. Perspectives of the Crusades varied between those involved in different capacities. Some undoubtedly felt cheated. Arabs generally felt surprised that Jerusalem fell and shocked at the invaders’ manners. Jews felt persecuted and threatened. There was a lot of stereotyping involved on all sides. The new Frankish territories of Outremer reflected their origins in the West in many ways, perhaps t he most obvious of which were cultural and architectural.Of course, with culture being transplanted to another area, there are also elements of hybrid nature to consider, with the Crusaders wanting to approximate new societies distinct from the communities from which they came, but in many cases succeeded in creating a sort of fusion culture based on elements taken from Western impetus and useful other elements in the new environment. REFERENCE Jonathan Riley-Smith, The Crusades a History (second edition) J. Allen & Emilie Amt, The Crusades: A Reader Thomas F. Madden, The Crusades: The Essential Readings

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Fatherland, by Frederick Kempe Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fatherland, by Frederick Kempe - Term Paper Example Remember that Germany has been declared guilty for the two wars of the 20th century. In addition, 11 million victims were persecuted and murdered during the holocaust including 6 million Jews, many children and women, gays, lesbians, gypsies and others who were labeled as outcasts by Nazis. During the start of the Nazi movement, most Jewish groups and establishments were boycotted and laws were implemented to discriminate against the Jews. Such laws included a prohibition against mixed marriages, a prohibition against Jews holding government positions, and a prohibition against their appearance in public places. Jews were also required to wear yellow stars to identify them in public areas. They were soon moved to ghetto or confided spaces. Now that they are building a new German generation, what would be the effect on this to the Jews? How would a new German generation run the world if given the chance? East Germany is testing the country’s ability to integrate itself before it integrates the rest of Eastern Europe into the European Union. And Germany’s military is dispatching its troops abroad on a combat mission for the first time since World War II – to former Yugoslavia, a place of heart-stopping German atrocities. It was a mission whose symbolism spoke both of the country’s growing influence and of its shrinking self-constraints. Demographic change had brought the country its largest ethnic minority ever, the Turks. But whether they would happily co-exist or would suffer the same fate with the Jews, that remains to be seen. One long-term side effect of the Third Reich is the breaking of natural relationship between a German and a Jew. The link between victim and perpetrator is unnatural. The ghosts of the past keep them at odds. But there are those who are not affected by the past. The author recounts

Friday, September 27, 2019

Health Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health Economy - Essay Example (Fagnani, 1999). Principles Health economy plays an integral part in a country’s economy. The recent economic downturn has resulted in serious issues and one among them is the poor management of health economy. As the economic status of common people has gone through a tough phase, the government must help them in managing their medical expenses. This can be achieved by incorporating certain unique principles that would minimize their expenses. Insurance is one among the popular approaches that has been in use for many years. The main aim of insurance is to help the patients during surgeries or unexpected health problems. (Gruber, 2006). The insurance companies collect a minimum amount form the patients who enroll in their companies. This minimum premium amount is returned back to the investors during times of crisis. In this method, the investors are benefited since they receive the required amount of money when they are in need. This helps in the improvement of health econom y. Health financing agencies and organizations must be made compulsory in all the countries. This will ensure that the patients experience the entire benefit of the insurance scheme. (Kephart, 2007). Though this seems to be an efficient task, the amount of compensation is comparatively less. This leads to a situation where people do not get to experience the full benefits of the insurance policies. Most of the insurance policies include certain constraints that specify various restrictions. As these pre- conditions are not specified well in advance, it creates problem during the time of reimbursement. People find it difficult to manage with the amount provided by the insurance companies. Another option is to include discounting options in the medical bills. (Health Care, 2010)....   This essay discusses that the proposed evaluation method uses several concepts that enable the officials and the patients to have complete control over their medical expense. This also analyzes the medical expense incurred for a particular treatment. This enables the patient to be sure of the cost of each and every treatment. As the cost is known well in advance, the problem of huge medical bills is eradicated. Since the patients have an idea about the total cost of their treatment, they can easily pay back the money without much hassle.   Apart from this, the potential requirement of discount is more when compared to the other facilities. People are used to discounts and they prefer to get a certain amount at a discount from their medical bills. A clear analysis will help the hospital management and the concerned government to have a control over the health economy. In turn, will help them to maintain a stable facilitation that helps people.      Ã‚  Health economy is one that requires more attention when compared to the other ones in a country. Health intervention principles and policies lend a helping hand to the patients as well as the government in dealing with the increasing medical bills. The cost of implementing an evaluation method or a system depends on the hospital management and the concerned government. Even if the cost of implementing an evaluation system is more, the government must provide the necessary funds to implement them. This will certainly improve the existing situation and will help the patients at times of crisis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Journalism and Communication - Plagiarism Essay

Journalism and Communication - Plagiarism - Essay Example More often than not students merely paraphrase the existing works of other authors in a bid to evade plagiarism without proper citation of the original sources of information. It is imperative to acknowledge and cite the original sources that were used to access the initial information if students need to avoid plagiarizing. In general terms, plagiarism entails the replication of someone’s ideas without giving credit, stealing of ideas, failure to put quotation marks and proper reference to a quoted phrase, provision of inappropriate information regarding the sources of the quoted information as well as alteration of the wordings in a sentence structure without giving credit to the original author (Alfrey, 2012). Why Students Plagiarize Students plagiarize their work due to various conflicting reasons. Some students plagiarize their work intentionally while others plagiarize unintentionally. Some of the common reasons for plagiarism are: unexpected deadline in class work, over whelming assignments, the confusion in research and plagiarism boundaries, and lack of explicit ideas and training on how to avoid plagiarism (Purdue University, 2007) Intentional v. Unintentional Plagiarism From the accessible facts, it is clear that, some students and scholars plagiarize their work deliberately. ... Moreover, some students have difficulty in the interpretation and analysis of the available online data. This category of students copy paste complex information from the internet without proper synthesis of ideas or paying attention to the authors. Some students also believe that, the quality of their original work is low compared what is available in the internet. This leads to direct copying and hence plagiarism. Most contemporary scholars lack the most effective way of developing their own ideas and style, limiting them to direct utilization of the existing written information. The pressure from the lecturers, peers, families’ course, job requirements and scholarship admission are and failure to meet strict deadlines are acknowledged as the main factors that motivate students to engage in intentional plagiarism. Internal and external pressures portray education as the only ladder to success rather than for a self valuation process. Due to this, students tend to embark on t he end result of education rather than on valuing the skills and competencies in training and education. Many students fail to understand the significance of the acquired research and writing skills in their future career development. Intentional plagiarism is necessitated by peer influence. Poor assignment planning coupled with poor time management skills are also common prerequisites for intentional plagiarism amongst college students, especially since many students are always less aware of the time required in completing a research paper. Naive students are sometimes compelled to use the other scholars’ work without due authority. In most cases, these mistakes occur as a result

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Anheuser-Busch and Harbin Brewery Group Case Study

Anheuser-Busch and Harbin Brewery Group - Case Study Example Harbin Brewery acquisition cost was the highest in China years 2002-2004 and accounted for $28.4 mm. Harbin Brewery was the leader in selling beer in all three segments in Heilongjiang where the per capita consumption was 36 liters, double the national average. However, the high consumption rate has left no opportunity for further growth and the company was forced either to live with the existing sales level or to expand nationally. The acquisition by Anheuser-Busch allowed Harbin Brewery to meet its growth objectives and gain national identity. B/C. Governance and Top Management: Anheuser-Busch, being very interested in expanding to China, has experienced the number of small and big acquisitions of the national and regional breweries. Chinese beer market is very fragmented and the top five firms account only for 38 percent of the market. Anheuser-Busch has bought the minority ownership position in the Tsingtao premier brewer on 2002 in order to gain the access to brewing capacities and distribution channels. Harbin Brewery Group has also experienced numerous ownership changes since 2001. In 2002 the firm has went public with 41 percent of shares distributed to public. On June 1 2004 Anheuser-Busch held 37.4 percent in Harbin. The current CEO of Harbin is Peter Lo who has supported the acquisition of his firm by Anheuser-Busch and is expecting to experience significant expansion of Harbin brands on the national and international markets. II. External Environment (Opportunities and Threats) A. General Environment: Chinese beer market is the greatest in the world since late 1990s with the solid sales growth of more than 40 percent in the recent five years. With the largest sales volume globally, the average sales price is still relatively low, confirming the growth potential for domestic and foreign brewers. In addition, there is significant growth in the target population for beer and rise in the average income. Chinese consumers do not have loyalty to the particular brands, while they favor the domestic brews (99.5 percent of all consumed beer). The acquisition of Harbin by Anheuser-Busch and low level of competition, gives the company the opportunity to gain the loyalty of major segment of beer consumers. B/C. Industry Environment and Summary of External Forces: In overall the Chinese beer market is very attractive - the growth of sales and increasing number of consumers reduces the number of competitors. Even though the threat of substitute is high, the supplier power threat is not significant. Nevertheless, the manufacturing infrastructure and personnel problems make it almost impossible for Harbin to uniform the high quality of the product. III. Internal Environment (Strengths and Weaknesses) A/B Corporate Structure and Culture: The Harbin Brewery, as the part of Anheuser-Busch, did not change the structure and culture. Taking into account the current problems with personnel training and lack of skilled professionals, the workforce is culturally diverse. C. Organizational Activities Analysis: Harbin is not outperforming its competitors (Tsingtao, China Resources Enterprises, Beijing Yanjing Group, and Guangzhou) from both financial and market

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Role of Government in Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Role of Government in Economy - Essay Example This was done for the protection of the interests of the investors and capitalists of that time because the newly born country was not in a position to support its economy on its own and the confidence of the investors had to be built up. The strategy was successful and was the most significant factor behind the rapid economic growth of the country in the immediate years after the War of Independence. However such a strategy could not have lasted forever and therefore during the later part of the 19th century farmer and labour movements started to emerge in different parts of the country in protesting about the oppressive behaviors of the investors and capitalists. Under these circumstances, government had to change its strategy and with the emergence of the first labor union in 1820’s the government started intervening in the economic affairs of the country. The emergence and establishment of labor unions in the country was a significant factor in bringing about a revolution in the economic life of the country (Danny). These changing conditions resulted in the formulation of an educated middle class in the country which forced the government to introduce regulations in the business practices in order to ensure the provision of rights to the employees, establishment of free market economy and to ensure quality control. The Sherman Antitrust Act which ensured the presence of competition in the market by barring large enterprises from establishing a monoply in a single industry and the Interstate Commerce Act, a regulatory mechanism for the railroad industry which required the railroad fares to be kept within a reasonable range, are two of the very first pieces of legilation completed by the congress regarding the economy of the country. These acts were enforced as laws during the years of the progressive Republican President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909). President Roosevelt was of the opinion that the rapid economic progress of the country has made it m andatory for the government to introduce regulatory mechanisms regarding commerce, industry, finance, planning and economics. Therefore a number of regulatory bodies and institutions were formed during Roosevelt’s and President Wilson’s years in the office. These include Federal Trade Commission, Food and Drug Administration and Interstate Commerce Commission. In response to the Great Depression, the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt came up with the idea of three Rs; Relief, Recovery and Reform. This strategy required the government to directly involve in the economy of the country and thus during the implementation of the New Deal, an era of rapid economic reforms in the country, government’s involvement in the economy of the country reached its peak (Fishback). The idea of public welfare was practically adopted by the government in the New Deal era and many important laws which govern the economy of the country today were formulated during this ti me. The government started patronizing labor unions and the standards for minimum salaries and fixed working hours were established during this tim

Monday, September 23, 2019

Theory of knoledge - How does banking in venice during the 1300 to the Essay

Theory of knoledge - How does banking in venice during the 1300 to the 1400 compare to mondern day banking in venice - Essay Example The town life in Italy cities was bigger than in any other country. During this renaissance period, the governments of various nations were under dictatorship. However, due to the wealth created in the Italian cities such as Venice and Milan, they became autonomous city-states, each of which included an enclosed metropolitan center and the neighboring countryside. In addition, this modernization drove the city-states to create a new social system in the country. Wealth and ability was more important than aristocratic titles and ownership of land. During these times, the wealth merchants of the country together with bankers played a huge role in replacing the aristocrats in the upper class. According to their systems, shopkeepers and artisans were classified below the wealthy merchants, therefore forming a moderate and prosperous middle class that created and gave jobs to most of the poor people. The poor people from the countryside were classified at the very bottom of their social and economic ranking together with the peasants who worked in the co untry estates (Hildreth 5). During the same centuries of spiritual exploration, trade and industry revolution, and territory building, Venice was also a center of intellectual and artistic activity. The city had a huge number of mathematicians, philosophers, historians, and even humanists thrived from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century. The availability of such intellects paved way for major developments in the country. Venice became the printing hub of the country and was the most important printing press anywhere in the world at that time due to its high level of technology innovation. The development of a printing press paved way for the creation of receipts, which would then be used to acknowledge payments. The receipts would then be developed and be used as money to pay or settle for depts. This noble innovation paved way for the creation of banks in Italy

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Scientific breakthroughs Essay Example for Free

Scientific breakthroughs Essay Scientific breakthroughs are achieved either by chance or by a thorough scientific research where people discover or come up with new information about the world they are living in. These research projects are designed according to a standard that provides qualitative and quantitative data through experimentation and analysis. Part of the standard in a scientific research/investigation is the questioning, followed by a potential guess or answer, before an â€Å"if, then† statement. This process or standard is referred to as the â€Å"Scientific Method. † One of the most important elements in the process of scientific method is the formation of hypothesis. Hypothesis is defined as a scholarly guess considered to be the potential answer to the question identified at hand. In order to come up with a specific hypothesis, a certain standard or protocol should also be followed. Questions resulting from observations are piled up and reworded to form a guess. The guess or hypothesis must be in a statement form and not as a question, can be experimented over a test, should be based on observations and information, and should foresee the projected results clearly. It is primarily composed of two variables namely, the independent and dependent variables. Identifying variables forms predominantly the entire process of hypothesis formation. As known, variable, from its root word â€Å"vary†, is a component that changes in the process of the investigation. Upon taking one variable at a time in the formation of hypothesis, the one selected is what we call the â€Å"independent† one. The independent variables could be in the form of abiotic and biotic. The former are the inorganic factors of an environment while the latter are results coming from the living elements of the environment. The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the variable that is directly examined by the researcher. Meanwhile, the researcher can use any of the three methods in writing a hypothesis. He or she can choose the manipulation hypothesis when using the independent variable for experimentation, the choice hypothesis when examining the preference of an organism, or the observational hypothesis when observing organisms where conditions cannot be changed (UTAS 2008 ¬). References University of Tasmania. (2008). Hypothesis Formation. Retrieved March 17, 2009, from http://www. utas. edu. au/sciencelinks/exdesign/HF2. HTM

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Australia and China Tade Essay Example for Free

Australia and China Tade Essay China is a country located in East Asia. It is the worlds most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion. China is the fourth largest country in the world behind Russia, Canada, and the United States. Australia is a continent and a country in the Southern Hemisphere, lying to the south of Southeast Asia, which divides the Indian and South Pacific Oceans. The population of Australia is 23 million. In 2009 China surpassed Japan to become Australias largest export market, the Australian and Chinese economies are strongly complementary. As a result, our trade and investment relationship is substantial and has developed well beyond its modest beginnings in the 1970s. According to Australian statistics, two-way merchandise trade has grown from $113 million in 1973, just after the establishment of diplomatic relations, to $78.2 billion in 2009. China is Australias largest trading partner, with total trade (goods and services) in 2009 valued at $85.1 billion, an increase of 15.1 per cent over the previous year. Government and/or NGO Roles: The Australian Government established the Australia-China Council (ACC) in 1978 to promote mutual understanding and foster people-to-people relations between Australia and China. The Chairperson is appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, who also appoints the Board members. The function of the Council is to make recommendations to the Australian Government through the Minister for Foreign Affairs on strengthening the Australia-China relationship in ways that support Australias foreign and trade policy interests. The Australia China Business Council (ACBC) is a membership-based, non-profit, non-governmental organisation comprising of a National Office, six Branches, and more than 1500 representatives from over 700 Australian companies who do business with China. Founded in 1973, ACBC actively promotes two-way trade and investment, and economic cooperation and understanding, between the business communities of Australia and China. ACBC plays an influential role as an advisor to the Australian Government on commercial relations with China. They are a strong supporter of the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and China to foster more competitive business in both nations. Founded in Beijing in 1996, The China-Australia Chamber of Commerces (AustCham Beijing) overriding goal is to advance Australian Business in China. It functions to provide members with the information, resources and contacts they need to succeed in China. The Chamber maintains a good working relationship with the Australian Embassy and with the various Australian government departments in China. AustCham is a non-profit organization, which operates independently from government. It is funded entirely by their membership and Chamber activities. Together with their sister AustChams in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, they work to promote strong trade and investment links between Australia and China. Treaties and Agreements- formal and/or informal: On the 18th of April 2005, Australia and China agreed to commence negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) following consideration of a joint FTA Feasibility Study. The study was completed in March 2005, and concluded that there would be significant economic benefits for both Australia and China through the negotiation of an FTA. From April 2013, WESTPAC and ANZ banks will now be the first to directly trade Australian dollars into Chinese Yuan. Due to this fact, deepening of relationships between China and Australia, it signals deepening of trade connections and great opportunities for future growth. Advantages and Disadvantages to Australia of this link: Advantages: Employment will increase in exporting industries and workers will be displaced as import competing industries fold (close down) in the competitive environment. With free trade many jobs have been created in Australia, especially in manufacturing and service industries Consumers benefit in the domestic economy as they can now obtain a greater variety of goods and services. The increased competitions ensure goods and services, are supplied at the lowest prices. Disadvantages: This can impact upon large numbers of workers, their families and local economies. Often it can be difficult for workers to find employment in growth industries and government assistance is necessary. This means that businesses, employees and consumers are more vulnerable to downturns in the economies of our trading partners. Future Direction of link: Australia and China share a strong and rapidly growing trade and economic relationship. Further strengthening and deepening this relationship is a major priority for both countries, with both governments committed to sustaining the impressive trade and investment performance achieved in the past two decades. In that time, China has become Australia’s largest two-way trading partner and vital to Australia’s future economic prosperity.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Safety measures in swimming

Safety measures in swimming Introduction Many young children like being around and in water, but proper safety measures should be taken, without which water can be dangerous for young children. One of the leading causes of death among children 1(one) to 4(four) years of age is drowning. According to Australian National Drowning report of 2007, 35 infants and toddlers lost their lives through drowning in the financial year ending 30 June 2007. Most often at home, babies and toddlers drown in swimming pools. Drowning can also happen in other standing water around the home like bathtubs, buckets and pails, especially 5-gallon buckets and diaper pails, ice chests with melted ice, toilets, hot tubs, spas ,and whirlpools, irrigation ditches, post holes, and wells, fish ponds and fountains among others. Drowning to young children is so easy as they can drown in as little as 4 cm(1.5inches) of water, this therefore means that drowning can happen where and when you would least expect it .While drowning can take only a second, it is almost always silent. For this reason therefore, adults must always watch young children when in or near water. Keeping Young Children Safe Young children need constant supervision when near water, whether the water is in a bathtub, a wading pool, an ornamental fish pond, a swimming pool, a spa, the beach or a lake. Several water and pool safety tips have been discussed below: One may ask the question whether swimming lessons prevent drowning among children. It is a good idea to learn how to swim and children older than 4 years should learn how to swim. However, according to researchers, there is no research to show that swimming lessons for children young than 4 years old can prevent drowning. This is because children are not old enough at this age to learn how to swim on their own. There are water survival skills that would help one in an emergency which are too hard for young children to react with. However the exact age when young children are ready to learn how to swim, there is not a lot of research about it, but research has shown that children do not have the skills to swim on their own until maybe at the age of 4 years old and above even if their swimming lessons start at a younger age. It should be however noted that one should not assume that a child who knows how to swim is not at risk for drowning. No matter what their swimming skill levels, i t is important to supervise young children while they are in the water. (World Health Organization, 2006) Whenever a child is near water, invest in proper-fitting, coast guard-approved flotation devices (life vests) and use them. Check the recommendations for the weight and size on the label, then to make sure that it fits snugly, have your child try it on. Choose a vest with a strap between the legs and head support for children young than 5 years old- the collar will keep the child’s head up and face out of the water. Arm devices such as water wings and inflatable vests are not effective protection against drowning. Water safety precautions start in the home, for example the bathroom is full of dangers for young children. A young child should never be left unattended in the bathroom especially while bathing even if the child appears to be well propped in a safety tub or bath ring. All hair dryers and other electrical appliances should be kept away to avoid the risk of electrocution to children. Hot water can also be dangerous, for the children who are young than 5 years in particular. Unlike older children and adults, young children have thinner skin, meaning that they burn more easily. Just 3 seconds exposure to hot tap water that’s 60 degrees Celsius can give a third degree burn to a child. To reduce the risk of scalding you can turn the water heater thermostat in your home down to 49 degree Celsius and by always testing the water with your wrist or elbow before placing your child in the bath. Child safety is not only to be found at home, your awareness of preventing accidents caused by water can go a long way outside the home. This can be done by finding out if there are water hazards’ in your neighbourhood. Find out whether there are pools or water spas, where the retaining ponds or creeks that may attract children are. Make neighbours who have pools aware that you have a young child and ask them to keep their gates locked. (World Health Organization, 2006) When it comes to safety issues at your own home, having a pool, pond, spa, or hot tub is a tremendous responsibility. Though hot tubs may feel great to adults, it is best not to let children use them at all because they can become dangerously overheated in them and even drown. Having a fence going a round the pool or spa between the water and your house is the best safety investment you can make and this can go a long way towards preventing pool-related drowning. According to consumer product safety commission (CPSC), fences for the pool should meet the following rules: First, fences should stand at least 4feet high with no foot or handrails for children to climb on, secondly the slats should be less than 4 inches apart so a child can not get through, or if chain link, should have no opening larger than50millimeters. Also gates should be self –closing and self-latching, and the latch should be out of the child’s reach. Other devices such as pool covers and alarms can be bought, but the American Academy of paediatrics (AAP) have not proved their effectiveness against drowning for very young children. The AAP strongly supports fencing as the best measure of protection. (United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2005) Another way of ensuring safety for young children is to teach them proper pool behaviour, and to make sure that you take the right precautions too. Young children should not run or push around the pool and should never dive in areas that are marked for diving. If there is lightning or if the weather generally turns bard, they should get out of the pool immediately. They should too know that they should contact the lifeguard or an adult if there is an emergency. Most important, supervise your children all the times. You should not assume that just because your child took swimming lessons or is using a floating device such as an inner tube or inflatable raft that there is no drowning risk. Sometimes it is very easy to be distracted for example when you are in a party, therefore designate an adult who will be responsible for watching the children. If in any case you leave your child with a babysitter, make sure he or she knows your rules for the pool. It is also vital understanding that when it comes to water emergencies seconds count, so take a cordless phone with you when you are watching children during water play. A quick dial feature keyed to your local emergency centre will also save additional seconds. If you receive a call while supervising children, be keen to keep your conversation brief to prevent being distracted. Make sure that you have safety equipment such as floatation devices that are in good shape and are close at hand when boating or swimming. Review your home for water hazards and plan what to do in case of an emergency once you have installed all your safety equipment. Also make sure that you have all post emergency numbers on all phones and ensure that all caregivers are aware of their locations. Be sure to remove all pool toys and put them away after your children have finished playing in the pool. This is because it has been noted that some children drown while trying to retrieve playthings left in the pool. (United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2005) Water safety should also be considered even after the swim season has passed. This is because some pools have covers and it is not safe in the sense that many children love attempt to walk on top of the covered pools and may get trapped underneath a pool cover. Pools are tempting play areas for young children so keep your pool gates locked and teach your children to stay away from water without your supervision. For the above-ground pools, to lock or to remove the ladder when the pool is not in use is a good idea. Although the biggest worry, drowning isn’t the only concern when young children are exposed to water. Infants in particular are highly susceptible to diseases that can be transmitted in water. When an infant is introduced in to a pool, thereafter dry the child’s ears carefully by use of a towel or cotton ball to help prevent swimmers ear (an ear infection caused by water). In order to remove pool chemicals, it’s a good idea to wash the baby and shampoo the hair. Water temperatures below 29 degree Celsius can cause babies to lose heat quickly and body temperatures drop below normal, causing hypothermia. Therefore any child who starts to shiver should be removed from water immediately, dried and kept in a towel. Inside the pools young children can also cause diseases. Cryptosporidium is a parasite which normally lives in the gastrointestinal tract and is found in faeces and it can therefore be released by babies with leaky diapers. Into pools and accidentally when swallowed by others can cause problems. The safest thing in this case is to keep your baby out of pools until he/she is toilet taught, and if the child must go to a pool use waterproof diapers and change them frequently. (World Health Organization, 2006) In Case of Emergency Always check the pool first whenever a child is missing. Remember that survival of the child depends on a quick rescue and restarting breathing as soon as possible. Get the child out immediately if you find it in water while calling loudly for help. If there is anyone else available let them call the emergency number for help. Check and make sure that the air passages of the child are clear. If the child is not breathing, do five cycles of rescue breathing and chest compressions for a bout two minutes or so. If the child is still not breathing, continue giving this first aid as you dial the emergency number to get help if someone hasn’t already called and follow any instructions provided by the emergency operators. Lay the child on his or her side it breathing starts-this will help keep the airway open and allow fluids to drain so that the child doesn’t choke. Keep the child on his or her back and brace the neck and shoulders with your hands and forearms, if you think t he child may have suffered a neck injury, until emergency help arrives. Do not move or let the child move. Also to keep the child comforted, speak in calm tones and continue to watch for adequate breathing. (United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2005) Conclusion It has been noted clearly that water can be a great source of fun for young children. However, if not well supervised, children can find themselves in great danger even to a point of death through drowning, commonly found in the family pools. Flotation devices or swimming skills cannot safe a child from drowning. Children in water can also pass risks like diseases to other pool users. It is also important to check the water temperature and the PH level to ensure safety of the children. All the discussed safety tips above should be put into consideration. Above all it should be noted that the only best way to ensure water and pool safety for young children is through adult supervision- the best way to supervise a child is by being within arms reach and engaging and interacting with your children when they are in, on, or around water. Do not let children to take care of their younger siblings. Reference Kebabjian, R. (1995): Disinfection of Public Pools and Management of Fecal Accidents: Journal of Environmental Health; 58 (1): 8-12 Minnesota Department of Health (2002): Recommended Guide for the Removal of Fecal Matter from a Swimming Pool for Consideration by Pool Owners and Operators New South Wales Health Department (1999): Protocol for Minimising the Risk of Cryptosporidium Contamination in Public Swimming Pools and Spa Pools Steinenger, J. (1991): Improving Pool Sanitation; Journal of Environmental Health; May/June 53(6): 26-28 United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (2005): Guidelines for Entrapment Hazards: Making Pools and Spas Safer World Health Organization (2006): Guidelines for safe recreational water environments: Vol. 2; Swimming pools and similar environments

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free Narrative Essays - This Little Thing Called Hate :: Example Personal Narratives

This Crazy Little Thing Called Hate Hate is a very scary thing and there is much too much of it in the world. I am an object of hate because I am a lesbian. I had a very scary incident a year ago that will haunt me for the rest of my life. I had a girlfriend and we were openly together at school, so most students and teachers knew of our sexuality. We were the objects of a lot of hate but I had no idea how powerful that hate was until one horrible day. My girlfriend, two guy friends, and I were doing what we did every day after school - walking to our cars to go home. The two guys we were with also happened to be gay, and you'll know why that is important in a moment. We were just about at the parking lot when all of a sudden five or six guys surrounded us and began to hit us. As they were hitting and kicking they continuously yelled "F*g." That is one word I will never be able to hear again without shaking. We tried to fight back in the beginning, without success, then we just tried to huddle together to protect each other. All I remember thinking was how scared I was for my life and my friends' lives. The boys were beaten much worse than we were. I guess that is one time I was really glad to be a girl. I don't think there has ever been a time when I was more afraid; I was truly afraid for my life. Those kids who beat us never got into any trouble, even though there were many people around when it happened. No one tried to stop them. It was considered okay because we were gay. They physically beat the four of us because of who we are. It's no wonder so many people are afraid to be themselves, especially in high school. I walked away from that fight, or whatever you want to call it, with a few cuts and bruises, and a lot of pain, but nothing I couldn't deal with, physically. Mentally, however, they hurt me pretty bad. Every time I see the small scar on my wrist, or hear someone say that word, I cringe and feel like I'm getting beaten all over again.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Nouveaux Riche of Victorian England :: Victorian Era

The Nouveaux Riche of Victorian England Relation of The New Banking/Industrial Class to High Society As the middle class began to further divide, those who grew in wealth became known as a banking/industrial class. Along with their sudden economic prosperity there came a desire for social transformation- an aspiration for new aristocracy. They carried their traditional middle class values into prominence with their accumulation of wealth. They sought to achieve a merit oriented Society rather than social climbing, for their children's sake, into the existing one based solely on birth. This hindered the new class from ever attaining Aristocratic Social acceptance for their new wealth and deemed them the nouveaux riche. Despite obvious disapproval from the Aristocracy the nouveaux riche continued their economic ascent through "personal contact [which] was a crucial element in filling posts" (Loftus 5). This dependence upon others for mounting economic standing was contrary to the middle class value of independence. This industrial class was forced to rely upon the connections, potenti ally aristocratic, in order to succeed. Loftus explains that middle-class values were carved out in these attempts to define a society based on merit rather than aristocratic privilege. However, the importance of cultural capital and social networks to success in the period implies that the rise of the middle-classes in the Victorian period saw the replacement of one set of privileges with another (Loftus 4). However the Nouveaux Riche failed to fully assimilate into aristocratic society due to lack of pedigree. Spending Habits of the Nouveaux Riche Along with new money comes the ability to spend it. The Industrial class did exactly that, using their newly acquired money to purchase large amounts of land and houses august enough for the property. This land ownership propelled some nouveaux riche into riches surpassing those of the highest aristocracy. Their houses of course had to be decorated outdoing the splendor of the structure itself. This class "took immense pride in their homes which they saw as a reflection of status" ("BBC Homes"). The styles were excessively ornamental and took their influence from Gothic styles, rococo, styles, the Orient, and developments from their own industrialization. With owning such ornately decorated residences they had to show them off; this was done so through dinner parties and balls. People of course could not be outmatched by the rich styles of their houses and therefore doled out large amounts of money for clothes and transportation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Interdisciplinary Approach to International Relations Theory Essay

International relations is generally the study of foreign affairs and international issues among states within a global system. Here, the roles of the states, international agencies, and non-government organizations are analyzed using proper statistical techniques or induction methods. In the past, the study of IR theories was usually limited to geo-political variables (and some economic variables). Today, the approach to studying IR theories is essentially interdisciplinary in orientation and global in application. Total effects of different types of variables are generally taken into consideration. For example, Wallerstein’s creation of the world system theory was essentially based on two determinant variables: political power of states and economic bargaining power. Wallerstein argued that political power determines the global status of a particular state. Economic bargaining power determines the level of control of a particular state in the world economy. In an interdisciplinary approach, propositions from other legitimate field of subjects are usually taken into account. Academic propositions and hypotheses from other fields are given consideration for their explanatory value. Interdisciplinary approach to the study of IR theories provides a clear whole figure of global phenomena. In short, by expanding the bases of study, the predictive value of such approach increases. This, essentially, makes a particular IR theory to be self-sufficient and reliable. Does this make ‘understanding’ more complicated? In fact, an interdisciplinary approach to IR makes the whole analysis more simple and flexible. A person reading an IR theory or proposition can easily pinpoint the ‘observed possible causes’ of global events. In short, while an interdisciplinary approach broadens the analysis, it nevertheless gives a complete picture of a particular event. Hence, IR models become complicated without a possible loss on understanding. Therefore, it is possible to say that the level of abstract complications can result to a narrower form of analysis (wrong functional form). It is also to argue that the best IR models are the ones which take into account the existence of variables. The form first would be thoroughly examined before giving any prediction.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Film Review: Sleepless In Seattle Essay

When Hollywood makes a movie about a spouse who has lost a significant other, the story usually evolves around the wife. How she deals with the loss, the grief, her support group and how she manages to get her life back on track for the sake of her children and herself. But Sleepless In Seattle is a totally different kind of widower movie. The movie released in 1993 was helmed by Nora Ephron from a story by Jeff Arch, the movie casts a pre Oscar winner Tom Hanks as the widower Sam Baldwin who is learning to cope with the loss of his wife, raising his son Jonah ( as portrayed by Ross Malinger) alone and helping the child to adjust to life without his mother, as well as trying to get his own personal life back on track. The movie is based upon the old plot of a grieving widow who needs to get on with life. Its plotline centers on the little known truth that men also grieve when their spouse is taken away from him by illness and death. Tom Hanks is highly effective as the spouse who is so deeply affected by his wife’s death that he practically places his life on hold except for the basic things that he needs to do such as raise his son and earn a living. Although his friends and family rallied to his side upon the death of his wife either by attending the funeral, being more active and present in his and his child’s life, even going as far as to refer him to support groups and psychiatrists in order to help him deal with his loss, Sam still feels alone and keeps his grief to himself. For him, the best solution seemed to be to move to another place and try to start life anew. He chooses to be alone with his memories of his wife and deal with his grief privately and alone, but his son has other ideas. Little Jonah has decided that his dad has grieved enough (it has been a year since his mother died) and his dad needs serious help. So one night, the boy sneaks a phone call to a radio psychologist and relates the personal turmoil of his father. The doctor then asks to speak to his father in order to help him and advise him about how to let go of the memory of his wife and move on with life. The doctor gives him the handle Sleepless in Seattle while advising him to move on with his life because his son now believes that he needs a wife to care for them. The movie dealt with the reality that the death of a spouse is not easy for the widowed husband or wife. The remaining spouse has to accept the reality that the life he once had with his wife, that which made him feel happy and complete has come to an abrupt end. In her personal blog, a woman who simply goes by the name Sara indicated that men deal with the loss of the wife in a different manner because widows â€Å"tend to lose their social networks since their wives the family ‘kinkeepers. ’ According to the article Good Grief: Bouncing Back From a Spouse’s Death in Late Life, Deborah Carr indicates that certain personal and social factors should be considered when helping the widower move on with his life. 1 Sara makes references to this article in her blog wherein she argues that (as cited in Carr, 2007 ) â€Å"the age of the husband and wife, how the spouse died, and what the couple’s life was like prior to the death are the most important factors that influence spousal bereavement. † In the movie, Sam embodies this personal turmoil by refusing to go on with his life and continuing to mourn her death one year later. Instead of accepting the death of his wife and moving on, he wallows on the what if’s of their married life. Socially husbands tend to grieve for a longer period of time because of the way his wife becomes the crutch of his life. He does not know how to move on without his wife because of his emotional need to hold on to the past memories of his wife. Sam Baldwin solidly illustrates how a man is lost without his wife. Without her, he lost his desire to dream and achieve more in life because his muse has passed on. He chooses to just live day to day with the hope that eventually, he will stop hurting emotionally. In reality, a man who loses his wife has a tendency to lose his place in the social circles because it was the duty of the wife to set the family social calendar. Sam Baldwin also showed us the difficulty of having to raise a child in a single parent environment where the grieving and closure process has not been completed. Widowed men also have to deal with the reality that he is now in charge of the household and has to portray the role of mother, wife, father, and financial provider all at the same time. Although considered to be a lightweight romantic comedy, Sleepless in Seattle gives us a realistic look into the life of a grieving husband. The situations portrayed in the movie do happen to male widows in real life. Due to the loss of the wife, the husband can experience a rollercoaster of emotions. . 2 According to the website planet-therapy. com, in its section regarding Grief: Living with the death of a partner, a grieving widow experiences a gamut of emotions ranging from â€Å"feelings of sadness, despair, emptiness, anger and guilt, restlessness and sleep problems, and a sense of inadequacy and concerns about health and well-being. † In the movie, as Sam Baldwin speaks to the psychologist over the radio, he shares the same list of his grieving experiences with the listeners. Today’s modern society tends to be more helpful of a spouse who has lost his or her partner through death rather than divorce. Mainly because it is harder for a spouse to get over the death of a spouse rather than what is usually a nasty divorce proceeding. The grieving widow needs more reassurance in life because, if a spouse is lost due to illness, such as the case with Sam Baldwin, his life will effectively be placed on hold until the death of the spouse which will then leave the husband or wife as a socially disconnected entity who will need to rebuild the personality he once had. Society accepts that it is easier for a divorcee to move on with life. Therefore there is no real need to be an emotional crutch to this person because he or she will want to celebrate the newly gained freedom. In the case of a widower, the death of the spouse usually becomes a traumatic experience wherein the living spouse become uncertain about how to socialize with people and get on with his life. Sometimes, the widow even goes so far as to consider himself or herself a jinx and vows never to remarry. Between the two, the widows need more reassurance and push towards reclaiming the life he once had or could have once the grief is conquered. This is why in the movie, Sam’s friends rally to his side and help him deal with his reentrance into the social circle. From dating advise, to sexual advice, this is the support group that helped Sam realize that he can let go of his wife’s memory without dishonoring the same. In reality, a widow tends to continue to speak with the deceased spouse long after death and fiercely holds on to the memory of the deceased even to the point of continuing with their old traditions even if he or she must do it alone. But in the case of Sam, he voluntarily reactivates his social life in an effort to get over his grief and possibly find a mother for his son who needs female guidance as well. In the movie, Sam chooses to eventually go on with his life after the radio consultation causes an influx of postal mail from various single women across the land pour into his home. This is where the story reaches its complicated plot line. Sam does not show any interest in the mail he receives because he is the kind of man who believes in the old fashioned dating game. He has a few bad dates before finally settling on one woman whom he considers a potential candidate for the role of wife and mother in his family. The problem is that Jonah believes more in fate and makes his choice on the basis of a letter from Annie Reed. A hopeless romantic whose favorite movie is A Love Affair. Incidentally, A Love Affair plays a pivotal part in the movie as it is used as the reference for the final, climactic scene at the Empire State Building. Although the movie is well crafted and has a good script, I am deeply disturbed with the way the characters of Jonah Baldwin and his friend Jessica were portrayed. With a maturity beyond their ages, and an unbelievably good grasp of adult issues, it is quite disconcerting to watch these two kids work their way around adults to the point of using emotional blackmail to get the parent to do as the child wants. I am willing to accept that Sam and Annie were meant to be together. But the way they got together is one that would drive a parent to the brink of worry and insanity while totally rejecting any positive outcomes such a scenario may present to all the parties concerned. Had this movie really been based on reality, I sincerely doubt that Sam would have dropped everything and hopped on a plane for New York to find the errant child. In reality, the parent would be on the telephone with the police trying to coordinate a cross country search since nobody is really sure as to where the child would end up in a city as huge as New York and how. The fact that the child was not punished but instead cuddled in the end by the worried father delivers a bad message as far as I am concerned. To me, it says â€Å"Hey, dad does not want to do what I want. I will run away from home. â€Å" We all know how that scenario would have really ended n reality and therefore should have not have been included in the movie. The movie can be considered a chick flick because it caters to the romantic notions held dearly by women while the men are considered clueless most of the time. When not being regarded as the unbelievably gullible opposite sex. The movie asks us to suspend disbelief for over an hour as we wait to discover if these two people will finally meet and how will that meeting end? The references to the primitive internet of the time was a wonderful throwback to an era when America was still discovering what things could be done online. Basically a well executed movie, Sleepless in Seattle is a movie made for those who believe that fate and karma will bring love your way even if you have lost hope. I do find it hard to believe though, that two people who do not meet until the very end of the movie and shared no more than a minute glance at each other in the middle of the movie will have an ever after ending. Footnotes 1 See Sara’s blog section number 13entitled Relating to Family Transitions (2007) for the full content of the article Good Grief: Bouncing Back From A Spouse’s Death in Late Life by Deborah Carr 2 See planet-therapy. com (2007) specially the sections relating to grief and loss, death of a partner, solutions for people who lose a partner, and possibilities for change after the death of a partner. Work Cited Foster Gary (Producer). Ephron, Nora (Director). (1993). Sleepless in Seattle [Motion Picture]. United States: TriStar Pictures. Planet Therapy. (n. d. ). Grief and Loss. Retrieved 21 August 2007 from http://planet-therapy. com/pub/gen_problems/grief/grief-2. html. Sara. (2007, April 26). Family Transitions [Blog 13]. Message posted to http://quicksa. blogspot. com/

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma Review Essay

This book was the bases and the most informative piece I have seen on a review of Pocahontas life in my perspective. Pocahontas life is a difficult piece of history to analysis for the fact that her life is only denoted by other persons of history writings. She has no known piece of writing of her own so all knowledge is personal based of outside parties. This makes it for sometimes difficult to truly believe everything for many of the views were from white men during a time period where they had not seen many females weren’t around. I believe the author thesis of the book for the Pocahontas part was her involvement with the English and her growth throughout her life. The other thesis of the book from the Powhatan side was there involvement with the English as well and there plan to use the culture but at the same time push them away. Within the first five chapter of Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma it gives you a base review of history. This first part of the book it explains the culture of the Powhatan and how they are laid out. At this point in the book within the first chapter we find out that Pocahontas is only 9 years of age and her mother is nowhere to be found, but her father is Powhatan the chief of many native people and villages. It talks about the arrival of English in 1603 and we learn that many ships have come before us truly being to talk about John Smith and Jamestown. It also mention the arrival of Don Luis and the Spanish, but doesn’t get into much detail he just seems to pop up with the first few chapters her and there. We learn that Pocahontas name means â€Å"mischief† or the â€Å"little playful one.† The author tells us that the native were not completely different from the Europeans just simply behind the times. We also learn that within the native culture of the Powhatan that there chiefs do not come from the next up son, but from marriage of the daughters. We also learn that the Europeans felt that the women of the tribes need to be saved due to their work in the fields and other jobs around the village. It speaks of the native’s religion of their belief in spirits within everything. John Smith comes into play in 1606 when the English begin to prepare for the Virginia campaign. What I learn from John Smith was that he was a captain that has been captured a lot and has  numerous stories of being saved by women that fall lustful in love with. As kids watching films and stories we are told of Pocahontas is her and John Smith fall in love, but at the time of them meeting Pocahontas would’ve been ten years of age. The plans of the English and John Smith was to: improve native culture, use the land properly, get there before the Spanish, and bring English enlighten, and a place to send the unemployed English. One of the main fears that I read about in the reading was the fear of the English to become like the Indians. The term we learned in class for this is recolonization. After the landing John Smith gets taken by the Powhatan and convince them not to kill him by way of trade. He promises them weapons which out of smarts gives them a cannon which cannot be moved. Both the native and the English realize the need of each. Without one another the English could not survive without food and the natives want weapons or easier put there technology. Over time many English were sent to live with natives to learn their culture and a native would be sent with the English. The most notable was Pocahontas herself was sent with the English to learn their language and lifestyle. The book talks of Pocahontas marriage first to a native warrior, but it fails to mention what happens to him. She later marries John Rolfe an English man who experience much of the reverse colonization. Before her marriage though Pocahontas was kidnapped one of the main characters they looked over her kidnapping was Sir Thomas Dale who was the first Marshall of Virginia. Pocahontas would declare herself a Christian in 1616 and then start her life with John. They would build a log on the land John was granted from the Virginia Company. They would have two children together in their lifetime. Shortly after being settled in there Pocahontas would go to London and experience true English culture. Pocahontas would become very ill around the time the Rolfe family was ready to head back to Virginia. Pocahontas died on March 21, 1617 in the Rolfe inn. What I learned from this book that for someone of her time period and of native culture Pocahontas got to see much more than any Native American of her time period for sure. I learned that much of what we were taught or told of her in are childhood was wrong. I learned that john smith stories  could not be trusted. The feeling I receive as well is Pocahontas rejected her culture and tribe, but in return was probably rejected in a way due to her mother situation. Though she might have be royal in a way just from some of the information I read. The book was good though and I enjoyed the insist of Pocahontas life.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Discussing the Front Piece of the Leviathan

Salah Rushdy POLI 357 Discussing the front piece of the leviathan The Latin quote on the book cover translates into â€Å"There is no power on earth to be compared to him†. According to my own interpretation, in this front piece of Thomas Hobbes leviathan, the sea monster is presented as the absolute sovereign. He rules the people that form his being. All the people of that state are looking up to him in the image as to express their submission and acceptance of the social contract to be ruled. In the front piece, the leviathan holds two objects in his hand which are a crosier and a sword. A crosier in Christianity is a symbol of the governing office of the bishop or apostle. Here, one can assume that what Hobbes meant by the leviathan holding a crosier is that the absolute sovereign of the state will be in charge of the spiritual side of the state to prevent any disagreements or religious wars. One has to understand as well that the era by which Thomas Hobbes was living in witnessed a century worth of religious warfare and the book itself was written during the English civil war. So a lot of his philosophy regarding the state of nature and social contract was a solution to the war existed at his era. The sword resembles power by which all has to abide or else will be obligated to face the consequences raised by breaking the social contract which will be perceived as a threat to the stability of the sovereignty as a whole.

Friday, September 13, 2019

An analysis of the relationship between the hospitality culture and employees in China

According to Adelman et al. Before service management research by Bitner (1990); Kim (1985); King and Garey (1997), the influence of culture on employee services was not taken into consideration. Tsang (2011) pointed out that hotel culture has focused on research in China in recent years. Hotel culture is important for the hospitality industry as well as for employees. In addition, hotel culture has four elements: material culture, behavioral culture, spiritual culture, and normal culture. In this article, we will look at Intercultural challenges in China for doing business (Appendix 1) as an example for analyzing culture. At the same time, China and the United States will also evaluate cultural comparison. Thereafter, recommendations are made based on the case, and several important recommendations concerning the global business are offered. On the other hand, globalization will help create opportunities for global cooperation. On the other hand, it created problems due to many prob lems and cultural differences, which ultimately resulted in failure. Therefore, organizations need to pay attention to this problem. Generally, there is a big gap in cultural issues between Western European countries and China. As China participates in the WTO and holds the Olympic Games in 2008, the relationship between China and the West in politics, economics and culture will become closer and closer. There is no doubt that etiquette plays an important role in this process. In China and the West there are different understandings of the definition of etiquette. The Chinese believe that etiquette is a common standard of action that all members must comply, so the purpose is to maintain ordinary social life order. In ancient China, famous philosophers believed that etiquette is the principle of dealing with relationships between humans and supernatural creatures, human beings, ghosts, and humans. There are also a lot of English etiquette, so we need to understand the difference bet ween Chinese and Western culture.

A policy dictating mandatory marriage classes before couples get Essay - 2

A policy dictating mandatory marriage classes before couples get married should be introduced - Essay Example This article therefore is a reflection of the whole process of working on this project. The reflection outlines the lessons that I have learned, the challenges that I encountered, and what can be done to bring about improvement if a similar project is to be embarked on again. The process of working on this project was long and I learned many lessons from it. Generally, three of them are patience, endurance and planning. Planning was very vital to beat the deadlines. There was a need for strict adherence to the time schedule and this called for self discipline, endurance and patience. Endurance and discipline were especially significant because a lot of time was required in sourcing the correct materials from the internet. Writing the proposal and working on the presentation was quite exhausting and required a strong will to complete. Nevertheless, the project proved useful and I learned a lot was about the topic and academic writing as I continue to discuss below. The topic of the project made it possible to view divorce from a different perspective. I now understand divorce as a serious issue whose effect can be felt by the whole nation – I did not think that divorce was this serious before. The view that marriage and, specifically, wrangles in marriage is a private issue was corrected. I found out that these wrangles are often due to lack of counseling and when divorce is the end product; the government, in the long run, has some costs to incur. ‘Marriage is a public good’ was a phrase I found appropriate in encouraging pre-marital counseling. The topic also made it possible for me to understand that marriage is not a bed of roses since it is a union of two human beings and since human being are not angels they are likely to conflict with each other. I must say I had not seriously thought of marriage from this angle. This project involved a lot of writing and as a result I learned a lot about carrying out a research and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

No Name Woman in Maxine Hong Kingston's Writing Essay

No Name Woman in Maxine Hong Kingston's Writing - Essay Example The family reacted by proclaiming, "Death is coming. Look what you've done. You've killed us". They were not saddened by the husband or the aunt's condition. They feared the wrath of the villagers and the gods. The aunt's suicide would be yet one more transgression of a Chinese taboo. As much as the pregnancy would bring anger from the gods, a suicide would bring embarrassment to the family. She would be punished for this by stripping her of her name, identity, and history. The author's expository essay paints a graphic picture of a woman who did not exist. Her visualization of the aunt's final hours brings the reader closer to the woman and generates empathy for her situation. By making the aunt human, Kingston has brought her to life and placed her punishment in contrast to her sin. By fictionally creating the story, the author has also minimized her own guilt built up from years of silence. Kingston confesses, "[...] they want me to participate in her punishment. And I have". By w riting this essay, she has undone the years of neglect the story has been subjected to. Kingston is making a statement in "No Name Woman" that illustrates the gender bias of the Chinese culture. She show's that even in her most innocent light, that of having been raped, the aunt is still an outcast and humiliating to the family.  Time and distance could not erase the uneasiness of the events. Yet, the perpetrator of the sin was never revealed as if the simple act of being a male could dissolve all responsibility. The author demonstrates this when she recounts, "The other man was not, after all, much different from her husband. They both gave orders: she followed.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Volly 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Volly 2 - Essay Example In this touch ten drill the defenders run hitting line with all the hitters. The coach will toss the ball to the setter and the setter sets the ball to any of the hitter he likes. The hitter will try to avoid all the defenders while smashing the ball. The defenders can start from anywhere in the court for effectively blocking the smashes (X-hitters, C-Coach, D-Defender, S-Setter) ( The figure given below is another form of touch ten defensive drill. This drill teaches aggressiveness along with improving reflex reaction times. Reflexes and reflex reactions are important in every sports and volleyball is also not an exception. Here X stands for defenders and C for the coach. Coach hit the ball repeatedly to any of the three defensive players. There will not be any clue about who is going to receive the ball from the coach. All the defenders should be ready to receive the ball every time when the coach hit the ball. The coach on the other hand mixes his shot with less power, more power, less accurate, more accurate, and also he uses variety of swings also in each of the shots he make ( This drill is intended for strengthening of offense. This is intended for closing the hole between the blockers by the smasher. It requires blockers at one side and the setter and the hitters on the other side. The ball tossed by the coach to the setter, sets to an outside hitter. The hitter should try to smash the ball between the blockers. The middle and the outside blocker start the drill by standing next to one another so that the timing is not an issue. This drill can be practiced using two and three blockers. Initially the drill starts with two blockers and then in order to increase the difficulty level in hitting the ball, instead of two, a third blocker is also used (Volleyball Plays and

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Native American History Final Exam Questions Assignment

Native American History Final Exam Questions - Assignment Example Land was not purchased from the Indian tribes; laws were enacted forcing their movement to reservations. Treaties on the sale of goods were made to Hawaiians and ban on Hawaiian sugar sale lifted by America, but the Indians were not legally recognized resulting in no treaties in their treatment. The histories intertwine in the manner in which their culture, land, source and manner of livelihood, and forced cultural and political transformation. The divergence is in terms of the manner in which the treatment of the Native Hawaiians and Indians where laws against Indians were used and they were not legally recognized while the Native Hawaiians were legally recognized and politically and culturally transformed. By the end of the century, the Indians’ population had been considerably reduced (1500 million to 237,000 (Lewy, 2004) and resulted in the undertaking of American roles and education of their children, farming, and joining scouts, actors, and medicine men jobs to fend for themselves and overcome challenges in the reservations. Native Hawaiians faced economic and social decline, and its government had been overthrown by the United States and a government that did not extend voting to the Hawaiians established. Native experiences in WW II did not mirror that of other Americans owing to their different situation in reservation camps. Young men from the reservations were drafted to the war and others volunteered providing them a chance to access technical training, meet whites of diverse backgrounds, and were held in high esteem by others owing to the legend of tough Native American warrior. For once, they felt part of the American fabric and also they accessed the opportunity to access well-paying jobs owing to labor shortage during the war. The war opened the way for access to education, readjustment money, employment opportunities, and success by the native tribes

Monday, September 9, 2019

Market Analysis and Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Market Analysis and Marketing Plan - Assignment Example Samsung mobile phones are of cheaper and affordable prices therefore making them to sell more and increase penetration of the smartphones in the market. It yields high profits to the company (Michell, 2010). Environmental analysis is performed by Samsung companies enabling them to come up with long-term plans for the production of Samsung phones. It consists of political factors whereby the government’s policy such as tax imposed on Samsung mobile phones affects prices and influence production of the headsets. Social, economic factors where changes in peoples lifestyles and buying patterns of new trending Samsung smartphones provides an opportunity for the Samsung company. The opportunity ebales smart phone to make profits and improve on its products hence adding to improvement in the economy. Technological factors impact prospects for the company to implement new designs and inventions to engrave costs and develop new sets of Samsung phones with advanced features (Song & Lee, 2015). It entails the introduction of new smartphones with different features and designs low costs on an invention. The invention focuses on the environment that will influence the phones and the capability to market the phones (Pousttch, & Wiedemann, 2010). Focusing on producing too many Samsung smartphones of the same features will reduce demand as this will be monotonous in the product market. Companies and low-profit margin will interfere with the production system of the Samsung smart phones (Henry, 2008). Demand for Samsung tablets is an opportunity to the company as this will raise the supply and increase profits. Advertising the smartphones creates awareness o their existence and features designed and increase in the smartphone market for example in India (Majumdar, 2007). Samsung smartphones face high competition from other smartphone markets saturated in developed countries. There has been an increase in technologic

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Probation Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Probation Process - Essay Example Presentencing Investigation report is a core source of information used by judges when sentencing. It provides information on personal history as well as criminal conduct of the defendant. This ensures that judges give individualized sentence. Moreover, the report contains information such as the age of defendant, which helps the judge decide on the appropriate sentence. Furthermore, the report helps the judge to decide if the defendant should serve jail term and the appropriate kind of correction facility to send the defendant (Clear, Cole, & Reisig, 2008). The factors considered in the report include the prior criminal convictions, account of the offense, work history as well vocational information of the defendant, marital and financial status of defendant, educational background, defendant and victim’s statements, sentencing guidelines and sentencing recommendations. Additional factors considered include the medical, psychiatric, or psychological history of the defendant and the explanation of harm suffered by victim. Another factor considered in the report is the defendant’s probable adjustment in community (Clear, Cole, & Reisig,

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Issues in Multicultural Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Issues in Multicultural Education - Essay Example As part of the solution, the people who are involved comprise of the community elders who shall induct such teachers and mentors who have no difficulty in coming up with the standards and levels of the students and the ones who are gaining education in more than a single way. This is so needed because the same people are involved within the problem phase as are the ones in the solution element. The distinction of people depends entirely on how a task is cut out and what kind of activities come about with the passage of time under differential circumstances. The proposed solution is that the multicultural education is an important affair and should be treated with the required respect that it richly deserves (Bertera, 2007). The people involved with education and making the entire process possible are the ones who have to bring about a change, and that too for the betterment of all and sundry. This is because the multicultural education norms highlight the element of success that the community elders are instilling within the students who want to attain new heights and learn a number of new trades in the changing professional world of today. The proposed solution takes into account that the funding initiatives are handled properly and without much fuss. It would mean that the people involved at different levels find the best possible solution for collective growth and development of the students for which the multicultural education is in place in entirety. The elements that will be needed in order to implement the proposed solution comprise of the money issues that engulf the multicultural education in essence. This means that the multicultural education will only be seen as a point of strength if the educational levels are properly addressed and when there are enough budgeting inputs by the people who matter the most within the related domains of inculcating quality education within the diverse set of students. Thus the time element is also an important consid eration when one speaks of the aspect of multicultural education bringing in sound results (Oikonomidoy, 2009). The projected timeline to implement the solution is around a year’s time. This is the time during which the multicultural education would be exponentially enhanced and its success would therefore be dependent on significant steps, all of which are undertaken by the community members on a proactively consistent basis. This time is enough to analyze the problem at hand when one speaks of the multicultural education and its varied norms (Coutts, 2007). Also there would be enough time in between to take care of the negatives which would arise in the wake of undertaking certain steps. It would comprise of the steps that have been left unattended as well as the ones which were never fulfilled in the first place. The projected outcome of the entire exercise of multicultural education is that it will put the people in close perspectives of one another, and ask of them to br ing about success as it is required by the students.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Higher education in the USA Essay Example for Free

Higher education in the USA Essay Faktorami, opredelyayuschimi yavlyaetsya li uchrezhdenie odnim iz luchshih, ili odnim iz menee prestizhnyh, yavlyayutsya: kachestvo obucheniya fakultetov, kachestvo oborudovaniya dlya issledovanij, uroven finansirovaniya bibliotek, specialnyh programm, i t. d. , a takzhe kompetentnost i chislo pretendentov na priem, to est naskolko dannoe uchrezhdenie svobodno v vybore studentov. Vse `eti faktory dopolnyayut drug druga. Voobsche v Soedinennyh SHtatah priznano, chto est bolee i menee predpochtitelnye uchrezhdeniya dlya obucheniya i polucheniya vysshego obrazovaniya. Bolee predpochtitelnye uchrezhdeniya obychno, no ne vsegda, yavlyayutsya bolee dorogostoyaschimi, i okonchanie odnogo iz nih mozhet prinesti znachitelnye preimuschestva, poskolku kazhdyj chelovek ischet vozmozhnost zanyatosti i socialnuyu podvizhnost v predelah obschestva. Konkurs na postuplenie v takoj kolledzh pobuzhdaet milliony starsheklassnikov sdavat SAT kazhdyj god. No nedavno akcent na vstupitelnyh `ekzamenah shiroko kritikovalsya v Soedinennyh SHtatah, potomu chto `ekzameny pozvolyayut opredelit kompetentnost v matematike i anglijskom yazyke. V zaschituispolzovaniya   `ekzamenov kak kriteriev pri postuplenii, rukovoditeli mnogih universitetov govoryat, chto ispolzovanie SAT pozvolyaet spravedlivo reshit, kogo prinyat, kogda imeetsya 10 ili 12 pretendentov na odno mesto. Mogut li kolledzhi i universitety Ameriki osnovyvatsya na ih rezultatah? Priblizitelno 12 millionov studentov v nastoyaschee vremya poseschayut shkoly vysshego obrazovaniya v Amerike. Oni studenty v obschestve, kotoroe verit v svyaz mezhdu obrazovaniem i demokratiej. Odnako, mnozhestvo amerikancev ne udovletvoreny sostoyaniem vysshego obrazovaniya v ih strane. Vozmozhno, naibolee shiroko rasprostranennoe nedovolstvo vyzyvaet uchebnyj plan kolledzha v celom i shirokij diapazon dopolnitelnyh zanyatij v chastnosti. V seredine 80-yh godov proshlogo veka Associaciya Amerikanskih Kolledzhej (AAC) vypustila doklad, v kotorom prizyvala k prepodavaniyu bazovoj chasti obschih znanij vsem studentam kolledzha. Nacionalnyj Institut Obrazovaniya (NIE) vypustil podobnyj zhe doklad- Uchastie v obuchenii. V svoem doklade NIE zaklyuchil, chto uchebnyj plan kolledzha stal chrezmerno professionalno-tehnicheskim i svyazannym s rabotoj. V nem takzhe preduprezhdaetsya, chto obrazovanie kolledzha bolshe ne mozhet razvivat v studentah razdelennye cennosti i znaniya, chto tradicionno svyazyvayut Amerikancev vmeste. Sereznoe obvinenie. Dejstvitelno li `eto tak? V nekotoroj stepeni na dannyj moment `eto vozmozhno. Konechno, nekotorye studenty zakanchivayut svoe obuchenie bez kursa po Zapadnoj Civilizacii, ne upominaya drugie mirovye kultury. Drugie ostavlyayut kolledzh, ne izuchiv nauku ili pravitelstvo. V otvet, mnogie kolledzhi nachali peresmatrivat osnovnoj uchebnyj plan, s kotorym vse studenty dolzhny spravlyatsya. `Eti problemy priznak togo, chto vysshee obrazovanie v Amerike menyaetsya, kak `eto imelo mesto vsegda v ego istorii. I, kak v proshlom, `eto izmenenie mozhet idti v neozhidannyh napravleniyah. Puritane osnovyvali kolledzhi, chtoby obuchat ministrov. No ih studenty proyavili sebya kak osnovopolozhniki pervoj v mire konstitucionnoj demokratii. Kolledzhi predostavleniya zemli byli osnovany, chtoby prepodavat selskoe hozyajstvo i proektirovanie stroitelyam Amerikanskogo Zapada. Segodnya, mnogie iz `etih kolledzhej yavlyayutsya veduschimi shkolami v nauchno-issledovatelskom mire. Amerikancy vsegda delali stavku na sozdanie sistemnoj raboty. Oni imeyut osobo veskie prichiny dlya vypolneniya `etogo v oblasti obrazovaniya. Lyudi v Soedinennyh SHtatah segodnya stalkivayutsya s vazhnymi voprosami: CHto yavlyaetsya nadlezhaschej rolyu Ameriki kak strany s samoj staroj v mire konstitucionnoj demokratiej; s samoj bolshoj `ekonomikoj; yavlyayuschejsya pervoj yadernoj derzhavoj? Amerikancy uvazhayut svoe pravo vyrazit mnenie po vsem `etim problemam. No lyudi Soedinennyh SHtatov takzhe gluboko osoznayut, chto takie problemy dolzhny rassmatrivatsya v komplekse. CHtoby prinimat uchastie v novyh voznikayuschih problemah, bolshinstvo amerikancev chuvstvuet, chto oni nuzhdayutsya vo vsej informacii, kotoruyu oni mogut poluchit. Kolledzhi i universitety naibolee vazhnye centry takogo izucheniya. I nezavisimo ot togo, chto mogut trebovatsya usovershenstvovaniya, ih buduschee polnostyu garantiruetsya amerikanskoj zhazhdoj progressa i horoshej informirovannosti. Fakticheski, sleduyuschej zadachej amerikanskogo obrazovaniya mozhet stat tendenciya dlya lyudej prodolzhit ih obrazovanie v kolledzhe dlya dalnejshej zhizni. Slovar. A Accept Prinimat Achieves Dostigat Accomplishment Vypolnenie Account Schet Adequate Adekvatnyj Admission Dopusk Admitted Dopuschennyj Advantage Preimuschestvo Agriculture Selskoe hozyajstvo. Amount Kolichestvo Applicant Pretendent Application Zayavlenie Association of American Colleges(AAC) Associaciya Amerikanskih Kolledzhej Available Dostupnyj Aware Znaya B Bachelors degree Stepen Bakalavra Be either Byt takzhe Beyond Vne Bond Obyazatelstvo C Certainly Konechno Community Soobschestvo Competition Sorevnovanie Competence Kompetentnost Complete Polnyj Comprise Vklyuchit Condition Uslovie(sostoyanie) Contain Soderzhat Conversely Naoborot Costly Dorogostoyaschij Criticized Kritikuemyj Currently V nastoyaschee vremya Curriculum Uchebnyj plan D. Demand Trebovanie Democracy Demokratiya Desirable ZHelatelnyj Determining Opredelenie Distinction Razlichie Duration Prodolzhitelnost E Elective Izbiratelnyj Emphasis Akcent Employment Zanyatost Equal prestige Ravnyj prestizh Excessively vocational and work-related CHrezmerno professionalno- tehnicheskij i svyazannyj s rabotoj Exist Suschestvovat G Graduate Diplomirovannyj specialist Government Pravitelstvo H Higher education Vysshee obrazovanie I Impression Vpechatlenie Independent Nezavisimyj Interviews Intervyu Issued Vypuschennyj L Lead Liderstvo. Majority Bolshinstvo Masters degree Stepen mastera Measure Mera Mention Upominanie Merely Prosto Might Mog by N National Institute of Education(NIE) Nacionalnyj Institut Obrazovaniya Nuclear power YAdernaya derzhava O Offer Predlozhenie Obtain Poluchit Opinions Mneniya Opportunities Vozmozhnosti Outstanding Vydayuschijsya P Painfully Gluboko Particular Specificheskij(osobennyj) Percent Procent Perhaps Vozmozhno Proper Nadlezhaschij Provide Obespechit Public Gosudarstvennyj(obschestvennyj) Puritans Puritane Private CHastnyj R Receive Poluchit. Recently Nedavno Recognized Priznannyj Recommendations Rekomendacii Regard Otnoshenie Reinforce Ukrepit Respect Uvazhenie S Satisfactory Udovletvoritelnyj Satisfied Udovletvorennyj Seek Iskat Similar Podobnyj Simply Prosto Scholars Uchenye Scientific research Nauchnoe issledovanie Social mobility Socialnaya mobilnost Success Uspeh T Traditional bind Tradicionno svyazyvayut The shared values and knowledge Razdelennye cennosti i znanie Q Quality of research facilities Kachestvo sredstv obsluzhivaniya issledovaniya W Whether Li Widespread SHiroko rasprostranennyj.