Friday, September 13, 2019

A policy dictating mandatory marriage classes before couples get Essay - 2

A policy dictating mandatory marriage classes before couples get married should be introduced - Essay Example This article therefore is a reflection of the whole process of working on this project. The reflection outlines the lessons that I have learned, the challenges that I encountered, and what can be done to bring about improvement if a similar project is to be embarked on again. The process of working on this project was long and I learned many lessons from it. Generally, three of them are patience, endurance and planning. Planning was very vital to beat the deadlines. There was a need for strict adherence to the time schedule and this called for self discipline, endurance and patience. Endurance and discipline were especially significant because a lot of time was required in sourcing the correct materials from the internet. Writing the proposal and working on the presentation was quite exhausting and required a strong will to complete. Nevertheless, the project proved useful and I learned a lot was about the topic and academic writing as I continue to discuss below. The topic of the project made it possible to view divorce from a different perspective. I now understand divorce as a serious issue whose effect can be felt by the whole nation – I did not think that divorce was this serious before. The view that marriage and, specifically, wrangles in marriage is a private issue was corrected. I found out that these wrangles are often due to lack of counseling and when divorce is the end product; the government, in the long run, has some costs to incur. ‘Marriage is a public good’ was a phrase I found appropriate in encouraging pre-marital counseling. The topic also made it possible for me to understand that marriage is not a bed of roses since it is a union of two human beings and since human being are not angels they are likely to conflict with each other. I must say I had not seriously thought of marriage from this angle. This project involved a lot of writing and as a result I learned a lot about carrying out a research and

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