Monday, June 10, 2019

Corporate Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate Ethics - Essay ExampleAlso I have personally verbalise to some of the employees to understand and identify the key areas. Add to that some research or so the history of the company has also been done. Based on the meeting the pursuance areas requiring change has been identified. Identifying the Areas requiring change HR functioning is a very much affectionateness and specialized area. But the HR functions of the organization is scattered among individuals. This consists of some employees be to the administrative position looking after paper releases and a management team looking after HR issues. There we need to touch centralization. During the meeting and the one on one conversation it was identified thither is scope to improve the morale of the employees. Some of the employees were a bit unsure about their job description. This is something that needs to be changed. One the major problems faced by the organization has been relatively high attrition rate (Goswami, 20 10). likely Action intention In order to have a fully functional centralized HE department, we need to hire some HR executives to look after the core areas such as recruitment, payroll processing, performance management, etc. Also these executives act as a touch point to various departments. The employees looking after the admin work can also be a part of the HR department forming HR and admin division. We must make sure that detailed Job descriptions are prepared across the all departments. The HR manager should entrust the responsibility to the executives looking after different departments. The executive should carry out a job audience for specific job holders to prepare a detailed and appropriate job description. Along with job description the employees should be provided the KRA or key result areas, so that the employees can understand the parameters ground on which they can be judged. The organization must have a proper performance management system. This will not only hel p the employees identify strengths and areas of development, but also help the employees to understand how they could contribute towards the success of the organization in future. One the major problems faced by the organization has been attrition. Therefore to diagnose the problem we should ensure that there is a structured salary, increment and recognition system. It should be made clear to the employees that the increments would be performed based on the findings of the performance management system. Also to motivate the employees there would be existence of reward and recognition system. This would include both monetary as strong as non monetary rewards. During the meeting with the employees and managers, some key players should be identified. Those employees could be granted Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP). During the meeting with the employees we found out that there is a need for training, especially for the people who are at constant touch with the customers. For, exampl e customer services reps and sales & marketing professionals. Hence, the corporate team may identify a relevant training partner to impart training. The training could be provided in small pilot batches. Elements of Diagnosis Plan Probable Results Proper JD and KRA Better understanding of roles and responsibilities Proper Internal communication Credibility and Trust Well Designed Performance Management System Helps the employees to identify strengths and weaknesses Salary, increment and recognition system Acts a motivating factor ESOP Retention of key players Training and

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