Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Health Systems and Healthcare Systems Coursework

wellness Systems and wellnesscare Systems - Coursework ExampleIt left the rest of the underprivileged population all to pay for the healthcare services it sought or to go without health care (Newdick 1995, p. 42). Thereby, it became evident to the then Labor government that the people in the UK were be deprived of even the very basic health care because they simply could not afford to pay for it. Thereby, the guiding philosophy behind the envisagement of the National Health Service was to make healthcare more affordable and to assure that even the marginalized UK citizens got access to affordable healthcare.The thing that needs to be understood is that the coming into being of the National Health Service in the UK was the outcome of a marked shift in the mindset of the policy-making individuals and institutions with regards to health care. For instance, the contrivance of NHS was guided by the emerging belief that health care happened to be a basic right and did not happen to be a luxury doled out as a matter of charity (Gormley 1999, P. 26). The ruling elites in the UK did come to the agreement that the existent health care system in the UK was in a maintain of abysmal mess and that a National Health Service was needed to replace this lackadaisical and biased system. The good thing was that the health care nucleotide created during the II World War did help a lot in the creation of a National Health Service in the UK (Gormley 1999). The emergency medical examination services and the healthcare infrastructure created during the II World War did help a lot in the creation of a pan UK National Health Service. The II World War had a cataclysmic impact on the governance in general and on the health care in particular. This mean upheaval did go a long way in the envisagement of a very democratic and egalitarian health care system in the UK.

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