Friday, May 31, 2019

Marshall Mathers: Legend of Controversy :: essays research papers

marshall Mathers Legend or Controversy?A question that often arises when discussing Marshall Bruce Mathers III, better known as rapper EMINEM or Slim Shady, is why is this man such a controversial artist?Marshall was born on October 17, 1972 in Kansas City, MO to a single mother, Mrs. Debbie Mathers - Briggs. He has a half brother, Nathan, born in 1986.During his young childhood, Marshall moved back and forth in the midst of his mothers home town of St. Joseph, MO and the Detroit area, where he was often beat up by bullies because he was al elbow rooms the new kid. Because of his frequent moving, Marshall didnt groom many friends. His only true companion was his uncle, Ronnie, who was the same age as Marshall. The two, big fans of rap music, which was quickly becoming popular, began rapping together. At age 12, Marshall was constrained to grow up quickly when his uncle, who was a very troubled boy, committed suicide.After the death of Ronnie, Marshall settled with his mother in W arren, MI, a propertyless suburb outside Detroit. in that respect, Marshall attended Lincoln High School, but dropped out after failing 9th grade in 1989 at age 17. world more interested in hip-hop music than school, he began rhyming at amateur nights in Detroit clubs. And worked at Gilberts Lodge in St. Clair Shores. Mike Mazar, a manager at the restaurant (where Marshall was a cook from 1993-98), recalls Em as a hard worker with a current dedication to music. Mazar was quoted as saying, He worked Friday nights and was scheduled until 11 but at about 9 PM, he would just leave to go to the rap clubs. There was nothing we could do. Wed yell but it was hard to find good employees.Eminem releases his first full-length debut album, Infinite, on an independent label, but was not authorized into the rap community. He was dubbed a Vanilla Ice wannabe. He became very discouraged, but after talking to Wendy Day, founder of the Rap Collection, a non-profit organization sacred to supporti ng hip-hop artists, Marshall decided to work harder to achieve his life-long goal.In 1997, with his debut album going nowhere fast, Day flew Marshall to the Rap Olympics in Los Angeles in hopes of the rapper taking home the $500 top prize. Although he didnt win this money, this was the beginning of his big break. His tape made its way to Interscope Records CEO, Jimmy Iovine, who liked what he heard.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Significance of Public Relations Essay -- Exploratory Essays Resea

The Significance of Public Relations Its about noon, you just got out of class, or perhaps you ar on lunch break, and you are absolutely starving. While your stomach is churning all you can think about is a juicy double cheeseburger from McDonalds. Finally, you see the golden arches and your mouth begins to pissing as you wait in line for your overdue meal. As you grow increasingly impatient for your number nine extra value meal youre dying to see if youll have the final piece to the ever so famous McDonalds Monopoly game. Youre convinced there are no hearty winners in this game, and you leave the restaurant with your fifteenth free small fries prize in two weeks. Well, it has recently been discovered that their may have been whatsoever truth to your unwavering opinion that there are no real big winners to this McDonalds Monopoly game. According to the ABC news website, as early as 1995, the game has been rigged. Pierre Thomas, the author of this ABC news report, state s that No employees of McDonalds were involved in the scam. Attorney General John Ashcroft said that employees of Simon Marketing Inc., the Los Angeles-based company engage to run the games for McDonalds, allegedly figured out how to direct accomplices to pick up big prize tickets and then split the winnings with them. This alerting situation and silky scam immediately became McDonalds public transaction departments job to fix as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, before decision out how and why the McDonalds PR department came to a quick solution in mending this situation, it is important to understand exactly what the public transaction department does within any company, organization, or government. This single department possesse... ...n direct correlation to the success of any business, organization, or government. Without the skills of well trained public relations specialists, any group is doomed for failure. Currently, public relation specialists working for the government are putting forth huge efforts to maintain support from United States citizens as well as global support for the military actions taking place in Afghanistan. Will they succeed? Only time will tell.Works CitedMcDonalds business firm Page. 29 Oct. 2001 press/corporate/2001/08212001/. Straubhaar, Joseph , and Robert LaRose. Media Now Communication Media in the Information Age. 3rd ed. United States Wadsworth Group, 2001. 349-351. Thomas, Pierre. McTheft? ABC News 21 Aug. 2001. 29 Oct. 2001 .

Anxiety Disorder Essay -- Psychology, Phobia, Agoraphobia

Among many psychological disorders, foreboding disorders are the most predominant in the United States. According to Antony (2011), anxiety disorders affect near 28.8 percent of the population. An extreme and unrealistic anxiety is the most common symptom that characterizes all the psychological conditions within the category of anxiety disorders. The category includes specific phobia, agoraphobia, well-disposed phobia, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and psychoneurotic disorder. This paper examines obsessive-compulsive disorder discussing the major etymological explanations of anxiety disorders in general, specifically describing the condition, and discussing actual treatments for the disorder. fretfulness played an important role in the psychoanalytic theory, and, as a result, psychoanalytic interpretation is important to understand anxiety disorders. In the psychoanalytic interpretation, anxiety is defined an intense sensation of e ndangerment and an unconscious mechanism produced by unconscious conflicts. According to Wolman and Stricker (1994), it can be understood as a symptom that is the baffle and effect of itself and a product of past experience, psychological mechanisms, and psychic contents like persecutory anxiety or separation anxiety. For Freud, nervous anxiety was produced by experienceable frustration and repressed sexual drives, or libido. In his theory, sexual frustration creates a biochemical imbalance that results in anxiety. However, this idea does not have brave out on the empirical basis because there is not a biochemical process that correlates with Freuds theory. In addition, on the psychological basis, sexually abstinent nation do not always experience extreme anxiety (Wolma... ..., and pharmacological treatment would be better in the case of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. In this sense, the patients would be encouraged to examine their beliefs or assumptions that cr eate their compulsions. The etymological explanations of anxiety disorders represent the bases for the creation of any treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder, while they increase our knowledge to the highest degree the condition. Since diagnose is extremely related with the severity of the symptoms, the correct treatment approach is also related with the state of the condition. Future research is needed to enhance our knowledge and understanding of the causes and elements that contributed to the conditions occurrence. In conclusion since every treatment has its limitation, a combination of different treatment is the best methodology to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Leadership Essay -- essays research papers

Leader move The Human Vessel to the New Business FrontierAs our workforces grow more diverse every day, and customers atomic number 18 demanding better, faster, and less high-ticket(prenominal) service, companies are faced with the challenges to create and meet the changes necessary to remain in business. The organizational environment must also learn to assess the direction of these changes season also being able to respond successfully to those that roll in at a completely different direction than expected. The leadershiphip required to insure these wonderfully tumultuous times, so that organizations in transition remain profitable, is crucial.Today&8217s companies become successful based on their abilities to create and manage change. They back tooth no longer survive without &8220&8230courage and imagination &8211 the courage to challenge prevailing business models and the imagination to invent new markets. As the globe continues to educate into a marketplace with vanishi ng boundaries, competition becomes stronger, tighter, and smarter than ever before, ultimately forcing organizational change. The tidal strength of competition that has been upon us over the past few decades has fundamentally changed the &8220blueprints of legion(predicate) corporations and how they now need to be led. Businesses have awakened to the hard fact that leadership can no longer be defined by the trenchant management of people and systems, but most importantly by the effective leading of change. Leadership, or the lack thereof, is proving to be one of the most crucial determinants of whether organizations go away survive and flourish in the next century&8217s business frontier.&8220We live in an era of organizational reengineering. To become or remain agonistic, leaders often must realize improvement through radical change, or reengineering. As defined by Jon R. Katzenbach, author of Real Change Leaders, radical changes areThose situations in which corporate performan ce requires most people throughout the organization to learn new behaviors and skills. These new skills must add up to a competitive advantage for the enterprise allowing it to produce better and better performance in shorter and shorter time frames. The changes that are most relevant are those that demand companies to redefine their org... ...within their organizations as the primary factor for success. Although empowerment has become somewhat of a &8220buzz word within the business arena, it&8217s power is nonetheless stronger than any other beast used by leaders to get results from people. Because in its most simple form, empowerment is sharing the decision-making process with others, it is closely related to courage. Those companies that have stood the test of time, such as Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, Nordstrom, and Wal-Mart have infused into their organizations the practices of empowering their employees. Leaders of the future must have the strength and fearlessness to go aga inst the grain of old assumptions or paradigms. They must continue to trailblaze in their efforts to see that the organizations of the next century will remain in tact. They will be the encouragers of change for positive results they will be the beacons that the others look to guide the ship through any storm they will hold their heads high in recognition of success and have the courage to admit when outcomes are not what they had planned. tomorrow&8217s leaders of change rise to the occasion and take the others with them.

The Caucasian Chalk Circle :: essays research papers

The Caucasian Chalk CircleThe Caucasian Chalk Circle by Brecht uses epic theatre to bring forth an idea ormeaning for the reference to consider while entertaining the audience. Epic theatre involves the use of alienation techniques to distance the viewer from the story but still concentrate on the boilers suit meaning. The person who just views the story would likelytake it as fantasy and not reach the true depth of the play. Brecht shocks the viewer by making the events and actions in the play "strange and abstract" this contrasts with dramatic plays where the audience sympathises and relates to the characters of the play. The theme throughout the play is natural justice versus class justice. The title has links to other parables and stories sooner it. The Chalk Circle, a Chinese play involved a legal action where the false take upant was granted custody due a bribe to claim her dead husbands estate. This however was overturned by the emperor moth, the guarantor of the law, in a retrial as the emperor was the father. This particular story is a whisper to the result of Grushas trial. The emperor is portrayed as the epitome of justice and gives a true verdict. The trial scene is also adapted from the parable of King Solomon. Solomon the paragon of justice and faithfulness oversees the trial of two mothers, one child is dead the other alive, they seek custody of the alive child. The king asks the child to be cut in half, the true mother relinquishes her claim and thus gains custody of her rightful child. In these two whispers the law is shown to be equated with justice, however Brecht seeks to highlight that within Grusinia this is notthe case and it takes a greedy Azdak who despises the upper classes to give a justverdict.The class justice presented in the novel has close links to the Marxist view of the law, with the law parcel all, but in reality it protects and secures the interests of the ruling classes. The play seeks to emphasise that withi n this class justice the poor can onlygain justice beneath exceptional circumstances. Azdak as the judge and arbiter of justice has come to this position only through a matter of chances and mistakes. Firstly he harbours the Grand Duke from Shauva, consequently he confesses to the Ironshirts only to be made judge because the Duke escaped.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Mechanics of War :: War Statistics Papers

The Mechanics of WarRecently a new trend has taken up Wall Street. Savvy agentive role firms have realized that the market is probably controlled by some rules, and those rules have to be found to make more than money with the least risk. They hired more mathematicians to look for any formulas that would seem to express the market. Those analyzed previous market trends and used laws of statistics to try to predict the future of the market. The funny thing is that at times this approach actually exerciseed. It yielded a slightly more than fifty percent accuracy, and that was enough. (When dealing with tremendous amounts, even a small percentage is not meager.) Statistics work for everything when there is a lot of it. They work for money, molecules, atoms, star systems, and even people. People tend to adhere to statistics when there is a fair amount of people to gag the occasional fluctuations in human behavior. Many things we do depend on statistics. Take struggle for example. War is a very good example, since the outcome depends more on the general strategy of the whole war, than on individual soldiers. It follows definite rules that can be expressed in formulas. The individual people in war tend to become statistics, in the eyes of the high command, the public, as well as in their own perception. Tim OBrien wonderfully illustrates this in his essay How to testify a True War Story. He relates that there is no point to any events or actions according to the perception of the soldier during a war. You smile and think, ... whats the point? (469) he says. A person then becomes nothing more than a statistic -- a part of a whole behaving in a stochastic way. If there is no point to existence, then his actions are truly random. Something truly random can be easily studied, stimulated, expressed in some numbers, percentages, probabilities. This second of the soldier is what the whole military apparatus depends on. Consider if the life of a soldier during war had a point, if he realized that there is some cardinal meaning, wouldnt he strive toward the goal assigned by that meaning? He would, for that is in human nature. Now, if there was no meaning in his perception, he could easily be persuaded that a particular thing must be done. He will obediently follow.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Federalism and Hurricane Katrina Essay

When it comes to Hurri potfule Katrina, many mountain have different opinions on who to blame. I think FEMA is to blame for the lack of response to Hurricane Katrina. FEMA stands for Federal Emergency Management Agency and the director of FEMA is Michael Brown. The main purpose of FEMA is to respond to disasters that occur in the get together States, but FEMA may not be the best response. After the hurricane had hit, many articles went up about the hurricane and the response, and many of those articles were after FEMA for different reasons. An example would be the impertinent York Times.One article explained how FEMA rejected other doctors and nurses from helping with dying patients because they were not federalized or certified members of a National Disaster Medical Team . other article tell apartd that FEMA had turned away Wal-Mart trucks stocked with water . Even FEMAs own website was involved with the news and had an article about how the first responders were demoralised f rom responding. FEMA was lacking supplies for all of those who were affected by the hurricane. They would not allow help from anybody else. Paperwork is used to ask questions about insurance and income to determine how much loan can be given. If mickle asked to help FEMA, FEMA made it hard for those people with all of the paperwork.For example, FEMA would not allow Red Cross to deliver food for those that need it. It seemed to be that FEMA thought that FEMA had everything under control, and refusing everyone else would prove it a couple days later after the hurricane, people saw how they kept things under control. There had been many criticisms dissemination about the responses of FEMA. Some people were saying that FEMA was just very slow in making the decisions others were defending it by saying that FEMA wanted everything to be in an organized timing.The director of FEMA, Michael Brown, was surprised by the number of people seeking refuge was a large number and was not really p repared. Critics argue that FEMA had people appointed who had no experience with emergency management, like Michael Brown. They say it is partly because of the appointed people that FEMA is lacking response to disasters, especially during Hurricane Katrina.Federalism in the United States is tycoon divided and shared between the different levels of government. In federalism, there are advantages anddisadvantages for example, federalism helps makes dictatorship difficult, but the arrangement of the shared powers is not always successful. It played a role in Hurricane Katrina that did not go too well.During Hurricane Katrina, the responsibility was given to the state government, who, at that time, was the Governor of Louisiana Kathleen Blanco. Of course, the US government could help the state government during the response, which would be FEMA providing finances. Although Hurricane Katrina wiped out everything and made people in danger, Kathleen Blanco failed to see that help was need ed. She refused requests from the president, who was President George W. Bush at that time.In the end, it looked like FEMA lacked preparation for Hurricane Katrina, and needed to focus more on preparations of big catastrophes instead of routine emergencies. With hundreds of people dead and injured from the hurricane, FEMA has to step up and open up to other people in order to get ready for the next catastrophe.Works CitedSHANE, SCOTT. After Failures, Government Officials Play Blame Game . 5 September 2005. The New York Times. . TIERNEY, JOHN. outlet (Down) by the Book. 17 September 2005. The New York Times. .

Sunday, May 26, 2019

What is terrorism

There is re every(prenominal)y no specified and on point definition because It could mean value deferent things to different people and different countries. Because of that being, terrorism could be absolutely anything. Every good thing for one person has a bad gradient for another person and what is considered doing the right thing to one country, how It affects another country could be taken as terrorism. All In all terrorism Is all nigh perspective.The famous quote, One mans terrorist Is another mans freedom fighter. (http//BBC. Co. UK) 9/1 1 and the ASK are two examples of terrorism In the history of the join States. 9/1 1 was one of the to the highest degree tragic events In the history of the united States and possibly the largest form of terrorism we have ever experienced. For most people when they hear the word terrorism they Instantly think of 911 1 when the twin towers of the world trade center were destroyed by planes flew by Iranians who make and high jacked the pla nes.The ASK, or the Cruel Klutz Klan, was a group of white men who were organized against black people across the country. Terrorism has been about since 1789 and it has always been about the same thing. The purpose is to get attention to gain power, economic wealth, or political wealth. This could be an act of pretty much anything at all however most people usually use the highest form of danger or chaos. In my opinion, terrorism is when someone threatens or endangers someone or their life in order to gain power, ranking, or wealth.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Liberal ideology Essay

How important was new Liberal ideology in leading to the welfare reforms of 1905-11?In answering this essay it is in all likelihood best to understand what is meant by ideology. Ideology is defined as a set of beliefs and aims by a group or groups of individuals who share the same rough-cut views. The word liberal means being free. The Liberal party is seen as a party that has an open mind over issues and follows what the majority of people want.In this essay I will explain the key issues that might have led to the Liberal party implementing these welfare reforms in Britain between 1905-11.New something -ism is a good deal just a name given by a party to show that their ideologies have evolved from previous, outdated times. New Liberal ideology is looked at in the context of older Liberal beliefs. This idea of renaming the ideology of a party was seen as an attempt by a party to gain support by claiming to bring in new, unique policies (Simon Potter). However, these thoughts canno t be used when referring to New Liberalism. Under the leadership of politicians such as Asquith, Churchill and Lloyd-George the Liberal party seemed to break away from its past. In fact, in 1906 after two decades of political failure, the Liberal party came to power. It introduced the biggest number of social reforms of its time in Britain. It is the reasons behind these reforms that I will be flavour at.The main difference between Old Liberal thinking and New Liberalism was that much emphasis was put on collectivism rather than individualism, which had previously been preached. race began to change their minds from earlier thinking and began to believe that it was the governments duty to improve life for the community. These ideas as well as those of positive liberty except seemed to appeal to a small minority of Liberal ministers. However, it did appeal to influential Liberals that were in power. This included the future Prime Minister Herbert Asquith.It is my belief that incr eased companionship of poverty was more important than new Liberal ideology (aka New Liberlism). Many people in Britain were poverty stricken or in indispensability for help. The government needed to find out exactly how people were getting into poverty. Seebohm Rowntree, a historian in the 19th-20th Century, carried out a survey into poverty in York. York was more typical of the whole country rather than the East End. Seebohm calculated a poverty line (minimum income necessary to stay out of poverty) based on scientific calculations. Those people that did not have the minimum income were in primary poverty and could not achieve physical efficiency.He discovered that those people who were in secondary poverty were in that location because they hadnt spent their money well enough. Seebohms statistical figures and results opened the eyes of many in Britain. It made many people realise how poverty had come about and howThe liberal party believed that welfare reforms would make Brita in more competitive and efficient with foreign countries such as Germany and USA. Britain was less advanced than these two superpowers in their army, in industry and in education. Some believed that changes to the education system and administration would make Britain on a more equal level with the two above-mentioned countries. Others believed that sorting out poverty and health would improve Britains national efficiency. Liberals believed that welfare reforms would help improve the measuring stick of living of the execrableer classes. These people tended to be unfit and therefore were unable to join the army.It was also the poorer people who wanted to become soldiers. By improving the lives and health of poor people, then more would be accepted into the army. Therefore, this is one area that would become more efficient and competitive. Changes to health and child reforms would also make Britain more efficient. Children were Britains future prospects. By improving all aspects of their lives (especially those that were coming from poorer backgrounds), children would help Britain to become an all round superpower in 30-40 years to come. They were arguably the most necessitous of welfare reforms, which maybe explains why the Liberal party implemented many reforms regarding them between 1905-11.The need to win working class support and beat out challenges from the Labour party was the most important reason for the introduction of Welfare reforms between 1905-11. New Liberalism was based on political beliefs, but the need to endure the Labour parties potential challenge was based on political advantages. The 1903 Lib-Lab pact made Labour more of a threat on the political stage. They gained there most number of seats in Parliament in the 1906 elections and with the support of the majority of the working class and the Trade Unions the labour party were proving to be undecided opposition.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Unemployment – Case Study

Therefore we consider theories of selling, by force fielding the decision-making process of buyers.Problem In the case study 1. How will Jan maintain expert rapport and close the deal of the purchase. 2. Jan young customers and unsure of his dexterity to explain the product in the new surroundings to a more technical audience. 3. He is also worried about demonstrating the product to the function staff since one of the advantage which will twist apparent at any such monstrance is the potential staff savings of the equipment. 4.Jan is dejected and He thinks where did he go wrong and what will he do at once? Ian Browsing is a salesperson and has the ability in selling appropriate products to customers need, answering any questions is his capability to communicate. With his being good communicator, he convince and fare good harmonious family relationship and close to deal of purchase. Jan needs to assure that before he explain to the new surroundings he must be knowledgeable an d he knowledgeable what his being explain so he need to study first before he proceed to explanation.Jan dejected as it means Jan cant continuously become demonstrating the products because only purchasing anger can do what he will do. Jan worried so that he need to talk of the town the supervisor who promoted him as accost business division to also get information about the company premises. The purchasing manager is upset because he has not been consulted about the proposed purchase so Jan has been dejected. He Is also worried about equipment Jan Browsers Is a salesperson promoted to direct division In a computer company.HIS ability to strike rapport with prospects and variation them well, leaders to purchase is the contribution of his success. When he started working in the local firms he contacts a chemical-producing company with co employees, 1 2 of those is in office and administrative positions. He Is asked before his visits for the demonstration of the sullenest as well as posting relevant details to the companys office manager. He is worried because he is inexperienced when deals in retail, but much of his 1 OFF by the office manager. He telephoned Jan saying he is determined to blockade the purchase on pentacle. VI.RECOMMENDATION For Jan Browsers as a sales person and for purchasing manager they need to have DOD harmonious relationship in array to benefit their company. Jan has to appear to the purchasing manager and convince him and he must use his ability in communicating the purchase manager. For purchasing manager he might be visualize and try Jan too new direct division if it is effective so that he knows first the capability and knowledge of Jan. get was believed to be a line solving behavior undertaken by a rational individual whose goal was to maximize satisfaction by choosing ideal conspiracy from range affordable commodities.Unemployment Case StudyTherefore we consider theories of selling, by studying the decision-making process of buyers.Problem In the case study 1. How will Jan maintain good rapport and close the deal of the purchase. 2. Jan inexperienced customers and unsure of his ability to explain the product in the new surroundings to a more technical audience. 3. He is also worried about demonstrating the product to the office staff since one of the advantage which will become apparent at any such demonstration is the potential staff savings of the equipment. 4.Jan is dejected and He thinks where did he go wrong and what will he do now? Ian Browsing is a salesperson and has the ability in selling appropriate products to customers need, answering any questions is his capability to communicate. With his being good communicator, he convince and get good harmonious relationship and close to deal of purchase. Jan needs to assure that before he explain to the new surroundings he must be knowledgeable and he learned what his being explain so he need to study first before he proceed to explanation.Jan deje cted as it means Jan cant continuously become demonstrating the products because only purchasing anger can do what he will do. Jan worried so that he need to talk the supervisor who promoted him as direct business division to also get information about the company premises. The purchasing manager is upset because he has not been consulted about the proposed purchase so Jan has been dejected. He Is also worried about equipment Jan Browsers Is a salesperson promoted to direct division In a computer company.HIS ability to strike rapport with prospects and reading them well, leaders to purchase is the contribution of his success. When he started working in the local firms he contacts a chemical-producing company with co employees, 1 2 of those is in office and administrative positions. He Is asked before his visits for the demonstration of the sullenest as well as posting relevant details to the companys office manager. He is worried because he is inexperienced when deals in retail, but much of his 1 OFF by the office manager. He telephoned Jan saying he is determined to block the purchase on pentacle. VI.RECOMMENDATION For Jan Browsers as a sales person and for purchasing manager they need to have DOD harmonious relationship in order to benefit their company. Jan has to appear to the purchasing manager and convince him and he must use his ability in communicating the purchase manager. For purchasing manager he might be look and try Jan too new direct division if it is effective so that he knows first the capability and knowledge of Jan. Purchasing was believed to be a problem solving behavior undertaken by a rational individual whose goal was to maximize satisfaction by choosing ideal combination from range affordable commodities.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Discussion Case: Mountain Bank

At first glance, one would wonder why volume bank currently has fifty percent of Retail accounts within the market which argon the less profitable accounts in the banking industry. Secondly one would also inquire or wonder why riding horse posit has less than 10 percent of the just about profitable accounts in the market, corporate accounts. To achieve a combative advantage mint vernacular should implement the cost leading strategy and the differentiation strategy. Currently Mountain Bank has a laborious presence in the Retail Banking line which has proven to be the least profitable line in the industry.Their goal nearsighted term goal need to be to own a stronger presence within the more stable and profitable lines, Real Estate and Mortgage and merged banking. With the recent mergers and acquisitions, Mountain Bank may draw the opportunity to expand and develop efficient methods that impart enable them to sell its products and servicings at a lowlyer price than it s competitors. The decrease in the cost of its products and serves bequeath attract new customers and retain existing customers.By lowering the interest rates and cost of its products and services to a rate that small banks would not be able to compete with, Mountain Bank will gain the leadership of cost within the industry. The supremacy of weeding out the competition will result Mountain Bank to achieve its goal of obtaining a stronger presence of the most stable and profitable lines within the industry, Real Estate and Mortgage and Corporate accounts. Currently Mountain Bank provides the same iv lines of banking (retail, consumer lending, real estate and mortgage and corporate banking), products and services as other banks in the industry.Differentiating its brand would allow Mountain Bank to gain a competitive advantage above its competitors. Mountain Bank would need to offer to its customers different and comical products and services that be not offered by its competit ion. This plan should restrict competitors from entering their market, or make it difficult for them to compete with them head on. The differentiation strategy may include implementing mergers with some larger corporations to obtain exclusive contract to do business with that business.The contract could encompass corporate accounts where Mountain Bank would be the mend provider of the companys accounts for some of their benefits packages. Based on the universalistic approach and commitment strategy, what types of practices should a human resource professional recommend for Mountain Bank with respect to its tellers? The tellers atomic number 18 the key to the success at Mountain Bank. It is important that Mountain Banks human resource team tenseness on empowering the gainers and build a stronger sense of loyalty and commitment within the tellers.Because the tellers atomic number 18 expected to apprehend some of the task as customer service it is imperative that hr encompass ext ensive recruiting and training within their hiring process. The tellers should project more involvement with the communication with management. Tellers should be encouraged to make suggestions about their unremarkable responsibilities, customer service, daily goals, quotas, sales projections etc. Training programs should readily be available for those who show that they ar able to deal more responsibilities.Of course payment and appraisal systems should be measured and rewarded to those who use the training effectively on the job. These practices would foster a strong sense of cooperation between management and the tellers. Discuss the four human resource strategies (internal/cost, external cost, internal/differentiation and external/differentiation) that may be implemented within an organization. The Internal/Cost strategy combines the theories of the cost leadership strategy and emphasize on employing individuals with a long term goal of employment with the focus of reducing cost.The employer focuses on satisfying the needs of the employees while the employees work complete their various task in a manner in which to reduce cost for the employer. This is a win-win situation in which employees and employer are both satisfied. Employee merriment in turn reduces the likelihood of employee turnover. Mountain Bank would need to implement this strategy to ensure that not only its employees but its frontline employees, the tellers, are satisfied with their job.If they are satisfied then they declare a higher chance of building a stronger bond becoming loyal longtime employees which reduces the cost to Mountain Bank in the long run. The Internal Differentiation strategy focuses on hiring and retaining long term employees that specialize in dressing certain task with a faction of differentiation. This strategy emphasizes the importance of the employees. It values the employees and provides training to enhance their career within the company. This strategy com pensates the employees with high wages/salaries and good benefits packages for their hard work and dedication for the company.These employees are fill outn as the experts within the field. The External Cost strategy also known as the bargain labor strategy focuses on hiring employees with a short term goal while reducing the cost. This strategy unlike the previous two would not offer many perks to its employees. This strategy does not offer way for advancement within the company, and they do not offer training to empower employees to advance their careers. The pay rate for employees within this strategy is usually hourly wages. Employees are thought of as being easily replaced because they are not valued as much compared to the previous two strategies.This is a strategy that should not have top priority for Mountain Bank to implement. External/Differentiation strategy also focuses on hiring employees with a short term goal of employment combine with the differentiation strategy. T hese employees have critical skills but do not intend to remain loyal long term employees. Little to no training is provided because they are hired based on the skill set and experience they have to perform and complete a certain job/task. Employees who encourage this strategy have no long term commitments for the employees hired.The only portion of this strategy that Mountain Bank should implement is to hire employees that acquire necessary skill sets and experience to perform the job needed. Recommend a human resource strategy for Mountain Bank with respect to its tellers and support the recommendation. The case states that bank tellers are crucial to the success of the Mountain bank because they are often times the only person that a customer may come in contact with while visit the bank. (Stewart 2008) The bank tellers at Mountain Bank are entry level employees and they receive a low pay.Within their daily responsibilities they are expected to comprehend sell and convince cust omers with retail accounts to open corporate accounts or obtain a mortgage from Mountain Bank. In a since, the tellers are also playacting as sales reps for Mountain Bank and are not being compensated for the success if a sale is accomplished. It is stated that the employee turnover at Mountain Bank is quite high which means that the employees have a shorter average tenure than those of other companies in the same industry. Because employee turnover at Mountain Bank is quite high they should consider adopting the Internal/Cost HR Strategy The Loyal Soldier. This strategy emphasizes hiring and retaining loyal employees who will do whatever the company asks of them. The efforts are made to satisfy the needs of employees and build a strong bond that reduces the likelihood of employee turnover. (Stewart 2008) HR would be responsible for recruiting candidates and hiring employees (tellers) who fit the organizational culture. Because the bank tellers complete several task, it is safe to assume that Mountain Bank expects them to do whatever the company asks of them like cross sell to existing customers to increase profits.HR will also be responsible for providing tellers with extensive training in a number of different skills. These skills will be related to the teller daily duties/responsibilities i. e. handle a wide range of banking transactions, such as cashing checks, accepting deposits and loan payments, and processing withdrawals. The tellers should also receive extensive training on customer service and sales representative skills as well because they are expected to cross sell and onvince customers with retail accounts to open corporate accounts or obtain a mortgage from Mountain Bank. The sales training crucial to the tellers because it will ensure (1) that they have accurate product knowledge, (2) they are familiar with the companys sales procedures and (3) they know how to accurately fill out paperwork regarding the successful sale of the product. This p rocess will help improve sales performance in the corporate accounts which are the most profitable accounts within the Mountain.Alongside finding the right employee, the loyal soldier strategy focuses on long term incentives and benefits for its employees. Because the tellers are paid a low wage they should be offered full time employment after a probation period. They should also be offered a benefits package which should include medical dental and the pickax to purchase stocks within the company. Performance appraisals/evaluations should determine the level of pay increase. This process will result in a great since of pride for the tellers and a strong bond between the employees and Mountain Bank.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Oscar Wilde’s the Importance of Escape Essay

Oscar Wildes play entitled The Importance of Being Earnest illustrates the concept of forked personality, fantasy, have sex, and lies. Jack, Algernon, Gwendolyn, and Cecily all live in lies. They are manipulated by their fantasies and desire for perfect relationship and love. Jack, the protagonist in the play, is the root of lies because of his imaginary sidekick named Earnest. Algernon uses the name to gain Cecily, while Gwendolyn and Cecily are both fascinated by this name because it expresses strength and perfection of manhood.Due to their search and desire to have Earnest, the male and female characters extend from the reality. Therefore, Wilde in The Importance of Being Earnest portrays a gender doubled theme of escape as the male characters escape through alter-egos and female characters in camera through their imaginations. Jack escapes from reality using his alter-ego to become free from his responsibilities and obligations.In the first part of the play, readers learn t hat Jack is placed in a multiform situation When one is placed in the position of guardian, one has to adopt a very high moral tone on all subjects a high moral tone can hardly be said to conduce very much to either ones health or ones happiness, in order to get up to town I have eer pretended to have a younger brother of the name of Ernest, who lives in the Albany, and gets into the most dreadful scrapes (Act I). Jack escapes from his country and changes his identity to Earnest to perform the things that he wants to experience.For Jack, being a guardian and a landowner is a great obligation for his ward and people. Through his alter-ego, Jack obtains freedom because he becomes the opposite of his real selfthe liberated and careless individual that he could not demonstrate in reality. Aside from Jack, Gwendolyn also escapes from her real world, through her imagination, to find her true love. When she learns that Jacks name is Earnest, she immediately confessed to him For me you h ave always had an irresistible fascination. Even before I met you I was far from indifferent to you.We live, as I hope you know, Mr. Worthing, in an age of ideals. And my ideal has always been to love some one of the name of Ernest. The moment Algernon first mentioned to me that he had a friend called Ernest, I knew I was destined to love you (Act I). Gwendolyn escapes from the reality to find her match. inquiring for his Earnest gives her the opportunity to exit from reality and explore the world of fantasy. She believes that marrying a man with the name of Earnest can give her all her physical, emotional, and economic desires.As she walks into her fantasies, she tends to escape from the realityfrom the fact that there is no perfect man. Similarly, Cecily uses her diary to escape from the reality and dreams for her Earnest. When she talks to Algernon, whom she knows as Earnest Worthing, Cecily excitedly revealed You see, it her diary is simply a very young girls record of her own thoughts and impressions, and consequently meant for publication. When it appears in volume form I hope you bequeath order a copy. But pray, Ernest, dont stop.I delight in taking down from dictation. I have reached absolute perfection. You can go on. I am quite ready for more (Act I). If Gwendolyn uses her imaginations, Cecily is using her diary as her gateway to fantasy. She illustrates her engagement with Earnest in her diary. It means that beyond the boundaries of reality and existence, Cecily ensnare her Earnest, which she claims in her diary. Therefore, Cecily escape from reality and obtainment of her fantasy is part of her comfort zone. It makes her happy, complete, and loved.In conclusion, Jack, Gwendolyn, and Cecily all escape from reality because they want to be free and be loved. Jack uses his alter-ego to detach his self from his moral obligations and obtain liberty without limitations and fears. Meanwhile, Cecily and Gwendolyn escape from reality because they want to e xperience love. They try to find their own Earnest that will complete their beingand through their fantasies, they are able to explore the idyllic and fearless relationship with the man that they desire.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Nosocomial Infections

Bielecki et al. Research Paper genus Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative bacteria, particularly known for create nosocomial infections (1). As a pathogen, it effectively causes disease by acquiring resistance to antibiotics that would otherwise inhibit growth (2). Reported rates of infection shed from 0. 6 to 32% across various clinical environments because Pseudomonas aeruginosa has gained multi-drug resistance (2). Certain strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa treated with gamma rays rout out break down the hydrocarbons in crude oil and are thus useful in cleaning up oil spills (3).The genome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is 6. 3 million base pairs long, which is the largest bacterial genome to be sequenced (4). It contains about 5,570 open reading frames (4). Argyrin is a naturally synthesized antibiotic peptide extracted from myxobacteria (1). It has cytotoxic properties, suppresses the immune system, and is a highly active antibiotic used over against Pseudomonas strains (1). Figure 1. Argyrin A bodily structure. Bielecki et al chose to isolate these resistant clones in order to observe the mechanisms by which the P. eruoginosa acquires resistance to Argyrin A within the fusA1 gene (1). They isolated these clones by growing Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains on agar that contained Argyrin A (1). After incubation, the colonies that formed were able to grow in the presence of argyrin these colonies were then streaked onto plates with Argyrin A again to ensure accuracy of obtaining resistant strains (1). A bit mutation is an alteration of one base pair within a DNA sequence (5). The point mutations, which caused changes in the amino acid sequence within the fusA1 gene, were different among the six isolates (1).They might have conferred resistance because the mutations caused the same impact on the resulting protein (1). The gene was identify by sequencing the whole genome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains with the bacterial target of Argyrin A, which showed m utations within fusA1 that encode for the lengthiness factor EF-G in resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1). The diagram below illustrates the attend to of elongation during the translational phase in EF-G along with EF-Tu (12). Figure 2. Elongation during ribosome-catalyzed translation (12). Bielecki et al confirmed the identity of the gene by using transmitted maps. This required sequencing the resistant strain a second time to make a reference strain to compare the genes at a specific loci (1). Adding a mutation into the sensitive Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain demonstrated a resistance phenotype (1). Surface plasmon resonance is a lab technique that involves aiming a beam of comfortable at a thin metal sheet, which catalyzes a reaction by causing movement in the molecules behind the metal sheet (6).SPR was useful in this experiment because it confirmed that fusA1 is the target gene for Argyrin A, rather than fusidic acid, the antibiotic previously recognized (1). A h eterologous protein, or a heterologue, is a protein that differs in structure and function relative to a minded(p) protein not all proteins with different amino acid sequence necessarily differ in function (7). N-terminal His6-tags were amalgamated to the fusA1 genes before undergoing the SPR experiments, causing the production of heterologous proteins in relation to the original fusA1 (1).According to Bielecki et al, the SPR procedures supported that Argyrin A binds to fusA1 by the resulting KD value (1). This shows that Argyrin A has a target on the heterologous protein (1). It is grievous to compare the variations made in the mutations because the other bacteria may have a different sequence that can still execute resistance (1). It cannot be assumed that all bacterial strains will be identically resistant or sensitive because they all contain differences in their genomes (1). By mapping the mutated genes, the authors found the locations of the mutations in different domains (1).They deduced that the mutations exhibiting resistance to Argyrin A in Pseudomonas aeruginosa are found on opposite sides of the domain, despite the fact that just about mutations involving fusidic acid and Argyrin A are located on the same side of the domain (1). This shows that the binding sites for fusidic acid and Argyrin A must be independent of each other (1). Both fusA1 and the second gene, fusA2, encode for the elongation factor EF-G (1). The fusA2 gene was expressed 30 times less in the strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa than in the fusA1 gene, as shown by RNA sequencing (1).Homology modeling uses the model of a target protein to produce an estimated structure of a homologous template protein (8). After creating a homology model of Argyrin As protein structure, Bielecki et al concluded that it most likely binds to a site distinct from that of fusidic acid, indicating a new mode of protein biosynthesis inhibition by Argyrin A (11). Multi-drug resistant pathogens pose a ve ry big risk on the world because they can easily mutate their genomes to adopt resistance to a given antibiotic and persist in causing harmful diseases (1).The authors used MDR clinic isolates in order to observe the mechanisms by which these pathogens mutate to build resistance to Argyrin. The fact that cardinal of the twelve isolates showed sensitivity to Argyrin suggests that Argyrin is a useful antibiotic in preventing infections by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1). There are other factors besides the uptake and export of Argyrin that take Pseudomonas aeruginosas sensitivity to Argyrin, such as efflux pumps (1) however, the uptake and export of Argyrin in other bacteria does play a role in its sensitivity (9).A proteasome is a hollow protein complex with active sites that break down proteins by proteolysis (10). The degraded peptides that are produced can be used for other functions in the cell (10). Argyrin A is a factor used to inhibit proteasome function, yet there is no distinct evidence that Argyrin A binds to the site on the proteasome (1). This makeup is important because it analyzes the resistance and sensitivity to Argyrin A in various strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.This bacteria has been a leading cause in nosocomial infections, so it is important to determine which antibiotics best work to stop the spread of disease (1). About ten percent of patients in hospitals across the United distinguishs obtain a remarkable nosocomial infection (13). Although there are effective methods to prevent the spread of pathogens in clinical environments (13), it is important to study how bacteria acquire resistance, so that scientists can develop ways to inhibit the spread of nosocomial infections by multi-drug resistant pathogens.Bibliography Bielecki, P. , Lukat, P. , Husecken, K. , Dotsch, A. , Steinmetz, H. , Hartmann, R. W. , Muller, R. , and Houssler, S. (2012) Mutation in elongation factor G confers resistance to the antibiotic Argyrin in the opportunisti c pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Chembiochem. 13, 2339-2345. 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Monday, May 20, 2019

Drug Testings Should be enforced in Schools

Drugs like marihuana have a major impact on our younger generation. P atomic number 18nts for Accountability (2003) states that, most medicine custom begins in the pre-teen and teenage years, the years most crucial in the maturation process. A scholarly persons behavior, motivation, and accountability are all limited when using marihuana. Principal Warner (2013) said he believes the needful drug testing rule gives students a strong basis to ref consumption drugs. These drug testing provide encourage students to think twice before saying yes to the drug.I believe that hit-or-miss drug testings should be obligate in disciplines. School drug testing should be enforced because of the behavioral problems that come along with drug abuse. Marijuana causes different side effects, but most commonly are laziness, hunger, poor memory, poor coordination, deprivation of apply, poor social behavior, and learning dysfunctions. All of these side effects affect a persons behavior. Im 16 years old, and Ive been smoking every day for well-nigh 3-4 months.I can say that I am considerably slight social (although this may not be weed related, many factors come into tactical maneuver on this one) and slightly more paranoid (Knight, 2009). Knight was set apart from her social life because of the cannabis she had been smoking, now shell never know of the the great unwashed could have become close with. Behavior p unloads an important grapheme in learning environment because a student cannot function properly under the influence students that are under the influence have the cour shoot the breezency to act different among peers, and in or out of authentic situations, it affects their way of thinking.Narconon Drug Pr eveningtion & Education (2013) states, students that smoke marijuana get lower grades and are less(prenominal) likely to graduate high school, due to the learning dysfunction they came across while smoking marijuana. Since the use of marijuana is proven to affect a students behavior, drug testings should be enforced in schools. Marijuana also affects a students motivation, which is another reason why drug testings should be enforced. Smoking a lot of weed can really amplify your mood and emotions, including laziness (Terence Tensen, 2011).Smoking marijuana causes students to become lazy laziness affects a student in so many ways because it kills their force to do anything. Students become less provideing to do their homework, study, and participate in extra-curricular activities including football, baseball, soccer, softball, basketball, dances, and any clubs available on their campus. Without participating in some type of extra-curriculum students have a harder time getting accepted into universities and even some community colleges.After being rejected numeral times people start to shut down, they tend to give up and things they once wanted at a certain time or place. When a student then has nothing else to aim for, because the ir motivation was lost, they turn to drugs. These drug testings are going to send away students from coming to school under the influence, which then is going to keep the student that are motivated to freeze motivated and be the best that they can be, without the distractions of the ones who are not so motivated, and feel they have interrupt things to do.A students accountability is affected when using drugs this causes students to be less appearable. An undependable student is a student that is kind of pushed behind because they are untrustworthy. Nobody likes to be the person no one trusts, and drug use causes you to be that person. Drug Free America Foundation (2014) agrees that Students who take leadership roles in the school community are role models and should be drug free. These students that appear to be role models should live up to their appearances.Foundation of a drug free world (2013) states, the drug, marijuana causes students to be less coordinated, shortens memo ry, laziness, unsociable, and has loss of control everything people dont see in a leader. You are supposed to be able to depend on a student leader, especially when that person is all you have to look up to. When you see that one person you admire, fall short, it literally breaks a person down, to prevent this from happening these drug tests are going to make sure the students dont deal with the regret of disappointments. I believe that random drug testings should be enforced in schools.School districts should enforce random drugs to help students in the long run. We are losing students to drugs, and drugged students are leading others. If we enforce these random drug tests schools will have more control over their students. These tests are going to not only help the students but a school as a whole. More students will be in school, which makes the school money. Disciplinary actions wont be as frequent, because students behavior will be more on point, and students will be getting th e education they need to move on to higher their education once out of school, with less of a struggle.Peer pressured students, wont feel the need to say yes because theyll have a solid reason to say no. Drug testing offers no harm to the student, only gives them an opportunity to notice their damage and get help. When someone recognizes a problem, they tend to acknowledge it more frequently. A mother posted on a blog that her 17 year old son had a problem, she stated He tells us he is not addicted but acting the way he is only proves he is Feelinghelpless, (2012). When a student becomes addicted to a drug they deny they have a problem.When drug testing will soon become frequently failed, a student will have no choice to have got to their wrongs and seek help. Another parent states I may not be able to change his soul about drugs but I have the choice not to help him with those choices. I cant do anything about all the drugs out there but I do have control over what happens in m y home Strgazr (2012). Its proven that a child is raised on the raising of his or hers household. When parents lay down the rules, children will listen they need structure so they dont tumble.We cannot blame schools whole for the drug testings because if every child was raised to obey by the rules, drug testings wouldnt be so necessary. Discipline is teaching a child to behave in an agreeable way, allowing a child the license to learn from his mistakes and experience the consequences of his decisions, effective discipline is helping, teaching, and learning Valya, T. (2009). Discipline is exactly what these drug testings are, they teach, help, and enforce a rule that needs to be obeyed. I believe drug testings should be enforced in schools.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Discuss the Theatrical Device Essay

Aadhe Adhure or middle(prenominal) mob has often been depict as a cross between naturalist field of force and Theatre of the Absurd. Interestingly, both these elework forcets actu aloney deletion from each atomic number 53 other as theatrical perfor valet de chambrece driftwork forcets and are give tongue to to fork up polarized western field of study. Naturalism argues for heredity and a global perspective on hu gentle hu gaynesss gentleman behavior, which is said to develop out of the social environs in which a especial(a) private lives. On the contrary, Absurdism believes that there are no solutions to the mysteries of being because ultimately man is alone, forced to perform repetitive actions in a scene of action without meaning.This play has many elements of Naturalist theatre, including a linear movement, a limited time span, an in-depth psychological characterization and a defined beginning, nerve center and end. However, the opening line Once again, t he said(prenominal) thing exclusively over again firmly typecasts it as a part of Absurdist theatre, as from the start itself there is a hint at circularity of horizontalts and a hopelessness and banality defined by the repetition of the word again in the short sentence.Mohan Rakesh borrowed a common device from the theatre of the Absurd and in Aadhe Adhure, for the first time in Indian theatre the very(prenominal) actor was used to play five characters. agree to Rakesh, The woman is the central character and I want the 4 men to be played by the kindred actor. What I want to read by that is that its non the individual whos trustworthy for his situation, for he would have do the same choice no matter what, regardless of the situation. Any choice anyone makes has a authentic irony in it, for things turn out the same regardless of the choice. Though it was passed off by some critics as a gimmick employed by the playwright, its thematic relevance came to the fore when Rajin der Nath, contrary to his own views on the splendour of the technique, directed the play apply five different actors for the roles. The conclusion was felt to be severely deficient as the nonion of inherent similarity in all the men which underlines the climax of the play failed to have the same impact. Interestingly, though Savitri implies that it is beneath their appearance, that this same man exists, the implication is only forceful for the reference because of the cooccurring visual impact of one man playing different roles.According to Nath himself it was a powerful theatrical device to show how match to ones convenience the same man can cast off on different m have a bun in the ovens depending on the situation in which he is placed. That the authorial view corroborates with this report is exculpated from the prologue where the earthly concern in the black suit equates identity with fluidity and calls himself undefined. Each character, given a certain set of circumsta nces, can occupy the place of a nonher.This also follows the assumption that there is no really development or evolution of character the character at the beginning of the play leave not be shaped differently by the situation, enforcing the idea of a universality of experience, that things turning out the same regardless of choice. The prologue defines the play as amorphous. The audience is told that there is a bit of each character in all of them. Those watching the play and even those outside the theatre.The characters are said to be people you bump into by chance in the street stressing the alienation of urban crowd from one another as the source of difference as well as similarity, since they are all nameless, anonymous people who can easily get lost in a crowd comprising of the same. Therefore, one man can play five characters because they are, in essence, the same man. This likeness is reiterated by the naming of the characters in their dialogues, not individually, only wh en rather as root Man, Second Man, etc.According to the Hindi version of the play, the Man in the dense Suit has a look of civility with a touch of cynicism the mettle of the First man expresses the helpless anguish of having lost the battle of feel the Second Man is self-satisfied and still a little insecure the Third Man projects an air of someone who is committed to a smell of convenience and the Fourth Man looks older, quite mature and shrewd.They have different characteristics, lifestyles and manners of speech, save according to critics Nita Kumar and N. S. Dharan, this device makes use ofthe inherent notion of playacting which includes the concept of independence to pretend and be whatever one likes. Every man remains an actor and therefore, it is easy for him to put up a facade and to hide his interiority according to the demands of the situation.This concept is emphasized not by the localisation that the same man plays all the characters, but rather by the concomi tant that it is possible for the same man to play all the characters. Simply by changing his costume and facial expression, he manages to change into a different soulfulness entirely.Therefore, the assertion of the prologue of the interchangeability of these characters is understandable. The problematic element in the play arises out of the contention of the Man in the Black Suit that interchange of roles can take place not only between the men in the play but also between the man and the woman. This strikes a discordant note as, according to critic Arti Mathur, it negates Savitris gender-specific struggle against social constraints. unmatched of the biggest contributions to the sameness of the multiple characters is that they are all men.And men, by the patriarchal definition especially prevalent in urban middle-class India, have a certain societal role which leads to their convergence into one man. Irrespective of circumstances their position in society is defined while that of the woman is defined in relation to the man. However, the command is not entirely wrong every as Savitri, as the breadwinner of the household is actually the man of the house. Every society has an economic lay down and a cultural super construction, which is derived from the base.In Halfway House, the base has shifted and it is the wife who is economically nonsymbiotic, however, the calamity of the ironically named Savitri lies in the fact that the superstructure has not shifted in accordance with the base. Mahendranath has not become the domestic centre just because of his lying-in to the house Savitri is still required to fulfill her womanly domestic duties. She is defined by the context of what it promoter to be a woman and has internalized the patriarchal system. This is also made clear by Savitris disrespect of what she believes is Mahendranaths lack of manliness.She despises his dependency on herself as well as Juneja and constantly searches for escape routes by other, more suitable men. An element of unrealism is brought in, in which even the characters seem to be aware of an be similarity between the men, a device not forthcoming to them as characters. Askoks sketch of Singhania leads Savitri to ask Binni if the portrait reminds her of someone, and on being asked, Whom, she replies Your father. This intermingling of the play and the outside elements draws attention to this device.There is irony in the fact that one of the ways in which these men are actually the same is in their victimization of Savitri. According to critic Veena Das, these characters are seldom all of a piece, they are the broken images of a decomposing society. Mahendranath is a self-described sponge and is later shockingly revealed to be a former wife-beater. His inability to hold the position of the head of the family has made him bitter and suspicious suspecting his wife of illicit liaisons, which, although hinted at are never confirmed by the text.His fuzziness make s Savitri lose all respect for him, till their marriage is reduced to a sham of public expectations. Singhania treats Savitri with contempt and his favors are granted with an obvious air of patronization. His pompous manner and speech is calculated to make the attendee feel inferior, a fact that is explicitly stated by Ashok. However, in Savitris eyes his position as her boss and his salary makes him superior and she remains silent in face of his thinly-veiled innuendos and his humiliation situation of her as one of his childs aunties.His crude behavior is a caricature of the sexual exploitation that women have to deal with in work places. Jagmohan is introduced almost an antithesis of Mahendra. He is suave, successful, with a man-of-the- human race air and is presented as the ordinal hour rescuer. He is the only outcome available to her from the hell that her house has become to her. However, this apparent proactive position loses much of its worth as it is weakened by the fact that she waits for Jagmohan to fetch her.She overlooks his barbs at her depreciate and goes with him willingly, an act in defiance of society which is only rewarded byrejection. Again, this seemingly perfect man is unable(p) to provide her with emotional support or security. Her disillusioned return drives home the point that there is no escape route left available for her.The point of concern becomes the fact that though Savitri is an economically nonsymbiotic woman, her means of escape from the house is linked to a man. Savitri, in her search for the complete man speaks in the language of patriarchy, as the concept of masculinity is a derivative of society.Even though she is a modern, independent woman, she is unable to cut off the suffocating patriarchal bonds of the environment in which she lives. The Fourth Man, Juneja is introduced onto the stage round this point. He gains the sympathy of the audience by showing kindness towards Kinni, a character who is almost suddenly neglected in the play. He comes as a voice of rationality as an almost all-knowing character. He seems to have intimate knowledge of both Savitri and Mahendranath, as well as their circumstances. His seems to be the communicate authorial voice in the play.His looks and manner of speech is structured so as to make the audience favor his point-of-view and assessment of character. Juneja espouses the belief that to Savitri the meaning of life is how many different things you can have and whoop it up at the same time. He lays the blame for the current situation of hopelessness squarely on her shoulder and her quest for the complete man. According to him the problem is not a social reality, but sort of lies in the psychological realm. All of the men she encounters are incomplete and therefore her solution is multiplicity.Her way of make full her void is excess. And she is only attracted to men because, they are not Mahendra. According to Juneja, if she had married one of the men whom she is attracted to she would have still felt she had married the wrong man. Juneja brings in another element of unrealism by accurately recounting the encounter between Jagmohan and Savitri because in his place I would have said the same. Once again this brings forth the sameness of these characters, as Junejas claim is validated by Savitris shatteringrealization- All of youevery one of youall alike Exactly the same.Different masks, but the face? The same wretched faceevery single one of you The tragedy of the realization is heightened by Junejas ruthless perusal- And yet you felt you had a choice? Was there really any choice? grade me, was there? In the above dialogues lies the greatest significance of that particular theatrical device. It brings out a clear dichotomy between the ideal and the real. What Savitri has been pursuing all along, the ideal man does not in fact exist.The notion of her having had a choice has been illusory all along she is trapped in a world with no exit. The play shifts focus to lack of freedom for a female in urban, middle-class India. The tragedy is that Junejas speech provides a dual closure for Savitri both in her search for the perfect man who can fill her void, as well as an acknowledgment that she shall never gain satisfaction, and related to that, happiness. In naturalism, free will is not denied but is contained and confined within the environment in which the individual lives.Savitris free will is her ability to choose but the fulfillment of that choice depends on the context. Her freedom is linked to a man. She is free to choose which man, but it has to be a man. The illusion of choice arises from the four men and her independence is related to shifting from one man to the other. In the prologue, the Man in the Black Suit had asked the existentialist question of who am I. This is now problematized, as the dramatic innovation of using the same man for multiple characters casts doubt on whether there is an I at all .I refers to individuality, the existence of a self different from the other, a projection that the men in the play are all different which is negated through Junejas speech. Savitri uses the language of social realism to justify her belief that she moves on to other men because Mahendra is not the right man. Juneja uses the language of absurdism to articulate that there is no right man her search is futile because such a man does not exist. All the men in her life are essentially the same man and can only satisfy her for a limited gunpoint of time.Surprisingly, the text does not lead up to its realist conclusion that she is trapped because of the prohibitions of the society in which she lives, a world in which a woman has no choice in her own destiny. It, in fact, veers from its apparent initial realist stance of all men are the same in a patriarchy and seems to suggest that all men are the same only to Savitri. Halfway House has often been described as a woman-centric misogynisti c play. Even as the play builds up a dark vision of trapped humanity, it weakens the force of its statement by simultaneously cutting Savitris credentials. (Nita Kumar). The play does not imply that if the only conditions were different or could be changed then Savitri would be able to escape from the trap, instead her sexuality is morally condemned, she ought not be able to escape. Juneja contends that all the men who had come into her life were different. They were individuals with their own diverse characteristics and, according to critic Veena Das, what made Savitri see them as parts of the same fractioned entities was her own diseased imagination.Juneja, in apothegm that all men are the same, is trying to define the essential nature of desire. Desire is always in excess of the individual and can never be completely satiated. The frightening aspect of desire lies in its limitlessness. All men are the same because they are looked at through Savitris desire, the fact that they wi ll all eventually be unable to satisfy her is the reason for their sameness. Their amorphousness derives from the fact that they change in accordance with Savitris assessment of them.The transcendental nature of desire will always make her move on to other men and search for completeness. It seems to suggest that every being is half-incomplete, it is not a tragedy, but rather a fact of existence, and Savitri, in her search for masculine perfection and inability to accept this fact, is herself responsible for her ruination. Unexpectedly again, the play doesnt build up even to the absurdist conclusion it does not suggest that everybody in essentiality is like Savitri, because desire is universal, exceeding every individual.Instead,the elements of Naturalism as well as Absurdism are developed only to lay the blame on Savitris inherent nature, which is considered responsible for the destruction of this particular family. She stands the last accused and the play ends before there can be any possibility of defensive structure on her behalf. Interestingly, though certain relationships in life are deterministic, including that of a mother-daughter, sister-brother, etc, the same cannot be said about spouses however, in this very context the language used by Juneja is the final language of containment, of absolute, pie-eyed determinism.As earlier mentioned, the device of one man playing multiple roles is that of the actor and is not available to the character, and therefore it is significant that the visual of the play itself shows that nothing can be changed. Junejas speech corresponds to the structure of the play, which has to come from without and therefore indicates a concurrence with the playwrights view. According to critic Kirti Jain, this device loses a little of its relevance in the actual stage performance as the focus of the audience is displace primarily towards the clothes, mannerisms and voice of that one actor rather than the thematic import.However, t here is no ambiguity on the fact that the nature of the play cannot be understood without a reference to this particular device. Through this, the area of thrust changes entirely from the universality of human experience, and the ultimate censure is not of society, or even the circumstances, but rather of Savitris desiring nature. Her lack of constraint and implicit sexuality stand accused as the essential reasons for what makes her home an incomplete, halfway house.Bibliography i. All textual quotes are from Worldview Critical Edition of Halfway House- Mohan Rakesh ii. Halfway House A House Divided by Nita N. Kumar iii. A Note on Indian Theatre by Kirti Jain iv. The Directors Viewpoint by Om Shivpuri v. A Thematic Interpretation of One Actor and Five Roles in Halfway House by Arti Mathur vi. Lust For Life A arena of Savitri in Halfway House by Naresh K. Jain vii. Halfway House Absurdism of the Indian Middle syllabus by Bharat Gupt viii.Uncertain Circumstance, Undefined Individual s A Study of Halfway House by S. G. Bhanegaonkar ix. Sexism and Power Games by Manchi Sarat Babu x. Halfway House Some Stray Comments Only by Dilip Kumar Basu xi. There is Something in this House by N. S. Dharan xii. Halfway House A Play of Incomplete Utterances by Veena Nobel Das xiii. Realism and the American Dramatic Tradition by William Demastes xiv. Mohan Rakesh, Modernism, and the Postcolonial Present by Aparna Dharwadker.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Life Ambitions Essay

Owen Stuart Phillips-Statement of Am phone numberions and Life Purpose Scouting has taught me many things about myself. It is a massive part of who I am now and it will stay with me forever. Through Scouting, I have l earn the importance of preparation, personal responsibility, service to others, and leadership skills. I first started out with Cub Scouts where I earned every rank and have my Arrow of Light. After Cub Scouts, I crossed over to son Scouts and joined Troop 40. I have been extremely involved with my Troop and I have through almost everything they have had to offer. I am proud of the fact that I will be the sixth member of my extended family (cousins) to earn the rank of Eagle Scout from Troop 40, all under the advocate of the same Scoutmaster, Mr. Clifton Glover. I plan on staying involved Scouts to improve on my leadership skills and earn redundant merit badges. I would also like to earn the three Eagle Palms. In school I am an honor roll student.I am in the band a nd I have received awards at band competitions in Greenville at ECU and Music Performance Adjudication held in Jacksonville. When I was in the fifth grade I completed the DARE program which stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. We were required to pen a 2 page essay to complete the course. The winning essay would be read out loud by the student at the graduation ceremony. My essay won the competition, I received a pillage and I was very proud. I play sports such as football, baseball, and wrestling. I have been team captain in football. I was also asked to participate in a youth football instructional painting for Championship Productions.The video was filmed at Wingate University with other youth players and college coaches, demonstrating football drills and fundamentals. The video will be sold to youth players and coaches nationwide. After I graduate High School, I have strong interests in applying to our Military Service Academies. I would like to be an officer in the Military because I relish like I can be a leader instead of a follower. I started acquiring strong interests in the Military Academies when we went on a camp out to the United States Military honorary society at West Point. It was a great experience and I absolutely loved every bit of it. If it was not for Scouting, I would have not had that opportunity. I enjoy math and engineering, and would like to pursue a career in this area in the military, such as a combat engineer.

Importance of Literature Essay

Literature is the foundation of life. It places an emphasis on many topics from human tragedies to tales of the ever-popular search for love. While it is physically written in words, these words come subsisting in the imagination of the mind, and its ability to comprehend the complexity or simplicity of the text. Literature enables people to assure through the lenses of others, and some times even inanimate objects therefore, it becomes a looking glass into the world as others find out it. It is a journey that is inscribed in pages, and powered by the imagination of the reader.Ultimately, literary works has provided a introduction to t individually the reader about life experiences from even the saddest stories to the most joyful ones that will touch their hearts. From a very young age, many are exposed to lit in the most stripped pop out form picture books and simple texts that are mainly for the sole purpose of teaching the alphabet etcetera Although these are not nearly a s complex as an 800-page sci-fi novel, it is the first step that many aim towards the literary world. Progressively, as people grow older, they explore other genres of books, ones that propel them towards curiosity of the subject, and the overall book.recital and being given the keys to the literature world prepares individuals from an early age to discover the true importance of literature being able to comprehend and understand situations from many perspectives. Physically speaking, it is unrealistic to be someone else. It is impossible to switch bodies with another human being, and it is impossible to completely understand the complexity of their world. Literature, as an alternative, is the closest topic the world has to being able to understand another person whole-heartedly.For stance, a novel about a treacherous war, written in the perspective of a soldier, allows the reader to envision their memories, their pain, and their emotions without actually being that person. Conse quently, literature gage act as a time machine, enabling individuals to go into a specific time period of the story, into the mind and soul of the protagonist. With the ability to see the world with a pair of fresh eyes, it triggers the reader to reflect upon their own lives. Reading a material that is relatable to the reader may teach them morals and set ahead them to practice advanced judgement.This can be proven through public school systems, where the books that are punctuate the most tend to have a moral-teaching purpose behind the story. An example would be William Shakespeares stories, where each one is meant to be reflective of human nature both the good and bad. Consequently, this can promote go against judgement of situations, so the reader does not find themselves in the same circumstances as maybe those in the fiction world. Henceforth, literature is proven to not only be reflective of life, but it can also be used as a guide for the reader to follow and practice good judgement from.The world today is ever-changing. Never before has life been so chaotic and challenging for all. bread and butter before literature was practical and predictable, but in present day, literature has expanded into countless libraries and into the minds of many as the gateway for comprehension and curiosity of the human mind and the world around them. Literature is of cracking importance and is studied upon as it provides the ability to connect human relationships, and define what is right and what is wrong. Therefore, words are alive more than ever before.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Introduction to Export Finance Essay

recognize and finance is the life and blood of any business whether domestic or international. It is more important in the case of merchandise transactions due to the prevalence of novel non-price competitive techniques encountered by exportationers in different nations to enlarge their sh ar of world markets. The selling techniques are no languisher confined to mere calibre price or delivery schedules of the products but are extended to payment borders offered by exporters. bighearted payment terms usually score over the competitors not save of capital equipment but alike of consumer goods. The payment terms however depend upon the availability of finance to exporters in relation to its quantum, cost and the boundary at pre-shipment and post-shipment stage. Production and manufacturing for substantial supplies for exports take time, in case finance is not available to exporter for production.They exit not be in a position to book large export order if they hold outt have sufficient fiscal funds. Even merchandise exporters require finance for obtaining products from their suppliers. This project is an act to throw light on the various sources of export finance available to exporters, the schemes implemented by ECGC and EXIM for export promotion and the recent developments in the form of tie-EXIM tie-ups, credit policy announced by RBI in Oct 2001 and TRIMS.Concept of exporting financeThe exporter may require short term, medium term or long term finance depending upon the types of goods to be exported and the terms of statement offered to overseas buyer. The short-term finance is required to bring working capital needs. The working capital is used to meet regular and recurring needs of a business firm. The regular and recurring needs of a business firm refer to purchase of altogether material, payment of wages and salaries, expenses like payment of rent, advertising etc. The exporter may also require term finance. The term finance or term loans, wh ich is required for medium and long term financial needs such as purchase of fixed assets and long term working capital. Export finance is short-term working capital finance allowed to an exporter. Finance and credit are available not only to help export production but also to sell to overseas customers on credit.Objectives of Export Finance* To track technical & Non-commercial or political risks attendant on granting credit to a foreign buyer. * To cover natural risks like an earthquake, floods etc.An exporter may avail financial assistance from any bank, which considers the ensuing factors a) handiness of the funds at the required time to the exporter. b) Affordability of the cost of funds.AppraisalAppraisal means an approval of an export credit proposal of an exporter. While appraising an export credit proposal as a commercial banker, obligation to the following institutions or regulations needs to be adhered to. Obligations to the RBI under the Exchange Control Regulations ar e* review to be the banks customer.* Appraise should have the Exim code enactment allotted by the Director General of Foreign Trade. * Partys name should not appear under the watchfulness list of the RBI. Obligations to the Trade Control Authority under the EXIM policy are* Appraise should have IEC number allotted by the DGFT.* Goods must be freely exportable i.e. not falling under the forbid list. If it falls under the negative list, then a valid license should be there which allows the goods to be exported. * Country with whom the Appraise wants to trade should not be under trade barrier.Obligations to ECGC are* Verification that Appraise is not under the Specific Approval list (SAL).* Sanction of Packing Credit Advances.Guidelines for banks dealing in Export FinanceWhen a commercial bank deals in export finance it is bound by the ensuing guidelines a) Exchange control regulations.b) Trade control regulations.c) Reserve Banks directives issued through IECD.d) Export Credit Gua rantee Corporation guidelines.e) Guidelines of Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Management & Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Management & Organisational Behaviour - Essay ExampleComing together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.-Henry Ford This adage is especiall(a)y relevant for prevailing times where the significance of bodied efforts and notions like decision making by mutual consensus, strategy formulation after consideration of all possible ideas, encouragement of a free-flowing grammatical construction are practices not only being enthusiastically embraced by organizations, but also being implemented and promoted. With the advent of new concepts, organizations are recognizing that a mechanistic structure has been rendered obsolete by the dynamics of the global world and by the variability in nature, preferences and demands with time. They now take that the most favorable organization structure to boost their productivity is an organistic structure which is defined by a few(prenominal) regulations, and inspires working of employees as teams, their coordina tion with each other as well as the unbounded exchange of familiarity and thoughts between employees and the management.Generally, two forms of groups operate within an organization members of a formal groups work together to take a hop the goals of the organization, on the contrary, informal groups involve pursuit of social and other common interests of the members which are not instantly linked with the task assignments of the organization. (Robbins and Coulter, 2003) A formal group development is a comprehensive phenomenon the activities of the groups are influenced by the fluctuation in aspects as well as the change in entities of the external and internal environment. It comprises of stages of forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

What Makes Advertising Effective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

What Makes Advertising Effective - Essay ExampleTo pull in the mind of the customer orient towards the product and importantly entice, push them or even seduce them to elucidate the buying decision, advertising plays a key role. To achieve that for an organization, the entire marketing department in tie with other departments will initiate various marketing strategies. Among the many marketing strategies, advertising occupies a bounteous role. Advertising plays a very important role in the marketing process. It increases the consumption of a grumpy product or service and reinforces the image of the brands, by continuously raising awareness (Blurt It). For a booming marketing strategies and importantly to come up with sound advertising endures, it is of great importance to first set out out and focus on the mental state and the resultant behaviors that will be shown by the prospective customers before they imparts the crucial buying decision. So, one of the key aspects of comi ng up with an effective advertising campaign is understanding these mindsets of the customers. Then, the other key aspects will be the creativity, shock factors and other enticing factors featured in the advertisements. Among these factors, one of the key factors that spring advertising not only a roaring success and withal makes an in-depth impact on the customers is the emotion aspects featured in the advertisements. So, this paper will discuss the aspects that makes advertising an effective at the same time a successful one, particularly how the incorporation of emotional elements can make the advertisements optim bothy effective. Advertising is a way of attempting to persuade the earshot in order to purchase a certain product or service. It is a way of communicating in order to encourage the audience to continue using or buy a new product or service. It can be a way of informing or reassuring the employees or shareholders of a certain company that it is heretofore feasible and thriving. Advertisers use the mass media including newspapers, television, radio, magazines, or posters in order to reach the intended audience. New ways of advertising include the use of mails, websites, and text messages. Advertisements appear in many various forms and across all media (new and traditional). They are, basically, short messages inserted into the flow of a broadcast programme, or in a magazine or newspaper. (MacRury 2009). The radiation diagram of the advertisements will differ according to the purposes and the product or service, which has to be advertised. However, there is a common pattern. This was also pointed out by MacRury (2009) who state Advertisements invite the audience to consider the advertising proposition (for 30 seconds during the break, or as their eyes drift over a story feature towards a half-page photograph) a commercial interlude to the main media communication and against the flow of other advertising communications. One of the basic as pects which will make the advertisements effective is, understanding the targeted customers background, particularly the cultural aspects and come up with in ad campaign. Studies have prioritised the psychological, affectionate and cultural contexts within which consumers relate to commercial information and the roles that marketing media play in their lives (Aitken, Gray and Lawson 2008). As per these studies, people get influenced by marketing strategies based on their cultural background and hence the consumer is real the focal point of an advertisement and not the advertisement itself per se. Effective advertisi

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Medical errors Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

medical examination errors - Research Paper ExampleDue to development in science and related ethical considerations in the western break out of the world, patients and those related to them have more opportunities to be aw are of mistakes and errors committed by their medical practitioners which further allows them to follow an appropriate course of action depending on the nature of MEs. Another significant component part that leads to formation of processes involved in disclosure of medical errors is Judeo-Christian traditions prevailing in western part of the world. Although these traditions are not universally applicable however secular western societies recognize them well. Some of the major Judeo-Christian expectations include confession, repentance and forgiveness. According to Berlinger and Wu (2003),When one misses the mark in terms of another person, Judaic and Christian traditions prescribe a series of cover, reciprocal practices confession, which includes disclosure and apology repentance, which includes the actions that the person who has harmed another undertakes to represent for the error and forgiveness, through which the person who has been harmed signals that he or she has been adequately compensated. These practices may serve as a lifelong reference point for ethical conduct (106)i.In order to devise a concrete mechanism of disclosure and apology by medical institutions to those directly affected by these medical errors, it is measurable to identify and understand expectations on part of patients and those related to them. Where apologies are the ultimate expectation of these parties, admitting fault and confessing them are the first step to resolutions of such situations. It is of the essence(p) to note that admitting fault may be sufficient luxuriant to raise liability of medical practitioners and institutions in case patients and their relatives decide to enter into law suits.Another important element of accepting and disclosing m edical errors is repentance on part of medical authorities involved

Monday, May 13, 2019

Research method of business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

look into method of demarcation - Essay ExampleTo demonstrate credential towards its stakeholders (society, consumers, and investors), that is concerned about ethical and environmental issues. Ongore & KObonoye (2011) defines corporate complaisant responsibility as, the idea of triple bottom line people, planet and scratch which aims to evaluate the social, environmental and financial performance of business enterprise (Ongore & KObonoye, 2011). The idea emphasizes that the organizations should not be cogitate to maximize its profit but also act responsibly towards environment and society. The increasing advancement in the social media has amplified the consumer to raise concerns regarding business practices of an organization. It has increase accountability of the organization toward society, consumers and stakeholder by undertaking ethical and environmental practices in its operations. However, Corporate Social Responsibilities remains to be debatable phenomena with respect to competitiveness, sustainability, and globalization. Until now no special definition for Corporate Social Responsibility is prose. Some of the researchers claim that CSR is the combination of approach towards social performance, social responsiveness, corporate governance, sustainable development, etc. However, the organization inclined to attain sustainable business practices to improve its stance in the market for a longer period. Corporate Social responsibility is becoming and important phenomena for the business entities to benefit its stakeholders nu involving in social and environmental activities. Also, it is also argued that the CSR activities allow improving product quality, attaining customer devotion and service quality. Corporate Social Responsibility associated with the internal production, distribution regulation, employment, and environmental protection/regulation and takings level.A report highlights that the retail sector accounts for one fifth of nonfinancial b usiness enterprises in European Union

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Initial topic proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Initial topic proposal - Essay ExampleIt is so bad that the ethnic difference itself becomes a cause of troth because unidimensional and simplistic presentation of conflict between ethnic radicals. This topic is important because the negative internal representation of the minority groups is the major source of conflict between ethnic groups. Moreover, media as the societal mirror forge an important role in shaping social functions of the corporation, as well as the perception of the commonplace towards several issues. In addition, portrayal of diversity in media programs make the public develop a validating attitude towards the minority groups while misrepresentation and underrepresentation lead to a negative attitude towards the minority groups.racial profiling is an enduring culture since the days of our ancestors that has dominated the social society to date. This means that several elements of the society including media are widely influenced by racial profiling. In a The Criminalisation of Ethnic Groups An Issue for Media Analysis, Marcello Maneri&Jessika ter Wal (2005) unwrap the composition of newsrooms reflect on an unequal distribution of power between the White majority and the dense minority. This prejudice and discrimination within the newsrooms produce the stereotyped portrayals of racial groups in the media. In another hold titled A Long Way to Go Minorities and the Media, the author expands on the view that media is the number genius teacher of stereotype in the community whether intentional or unintentional (Cort, 2011). The media has a powerful find on the public, and thus, the image they portray of the minority groups is what other people in indirect contact with this group take to be true. Furthermore, he notes that depicting the minority groups negatively by the media has driven them to create their suffer shows, magazines, radio, newspapers, and television shows where they can