Wednesday, May 8, 2019

How does organizing affect suffering populations Essay

How does organizing extend to suffering populations - Es hypothesize ExampleThe power of numbers is now made obvious, although this knowledge emerged after umpteen exercised examples were given. While there are many an(prenominal) groups upon which the power of numbers has been a ticket to relief the ternion groups presented here are African American slaves, native Americans and women. The institute of slavery was a shame to say the least. Millions were killed and beaten. People starved and went naked in the deep winters frost. Slaves were afforded no rights and often lived their substantial lives without the slightest taste of luxury. Even though they witnessed the causal lifestyles of their masters, most slaves dared not even dream of having such provision for themselves. However, slavery was born to die. Being unjust, it could not stand for eternity. Once the slaves learned of their power, the power of their unity against the oppressor, they implant the courage to stand up for themselves and fight. Of course there were the brassiereve few who did stand up by revolting and running away, but their position in the overall let loosedom of all is as sparks to a forest fire. Tales of success spread throughout the slave population and they dared lift up their heads. It was when more came to bank that they came to organize themselves and wield a great dent into the mountain of their bondage. Gathered together they strengthened from each one different and were given the courage to fight. Fredrick Douglas had been a slave, yet he railed his people together and encouraged them. He said, I talked to them of our want of manhood, if we submitted to our enslavement without at least one noble effort to be free (Douglass, 1845 p.70). Such was a message that no slave had heard before. They were empowered. Yet, it was not until after such gatherings that Douglass and many other slaves were afforded their freedom. Native Americans also had their struggles. The very l and in which they has built their civilizations was snatched from up under their feet. At one point they had to return to being nomads, being constantly pushed around by the ever ontogenesis new world. At the beginning of Americas establishment, Native Americans were given neither rest nor respect. They were considered heathens by the self-proclaimed righteous white men that had themselves departed from a country where they were not completely free. It took the Native Americans connection of forces to come to be recognized. Even today their groups are advocates for return of the land that was stolen from them. While they have not succeeded in taking over the territories that they once owned, they have received recognition from the government and were granted mixed benefits. Another group that found strength in numbers is women. Women have been suppressed throughout fib and still there are differences made between sexes in regard to promotion, pay, and in many other areas. Women we re the property of their husbands, many of them treated as slaves. The man of the house was the absolute master. Women were not allowed to be meliorate or hold jobs. They could not vote or hold office. It took a revolution for womens rights to be granted. The stories of women burning their bras in the streets are commonly known today. However, if it had been only one woman burning her bra she would have probably been labeled as one suffering from a mental illness

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