Thursday, May 30, 2019

Anxiety Disorder Essay -- Psychology, Phobia, Agoraphobia

Among many psychological disorders, foreboding disorders are the most predominant in the United States. According to Antony (2011), anxiety disorders affect near 28.8 percent of the population. An extreme and unrealistic anxiety is the most common symptom that characterizes all the psychological conditions within the category of anxiety disorders. The category includes specific phobia, agoraphobia, well-disposed phobia, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and psychoneurotic disorder. This paper examines obsessive-compulsive disorder discussing the major etymological explanations of anxiety disorders in general, specifically describing the condition, and discussing actual treatments for the disorder. fretfulness played an important role in the psychoanalytic theory, and, as a result, psychoanalytic interpretation is important to understand anxiety disorders. In the psychoanalytic interpretation, anxiety is defined an intense sensation of e ndangerment and an unconscious mechanism produced by unconscious conflicts. According to Wolman and Stricker (1994), it can be understood as a symptom that is the baffle and effect of itself and a product of past experience, psychological mechanisms, and psychic contents like persecutory anxiety or separation anxiety. For Freud, nervous anxiety was produced by experienceable frustration and repressed sexual drives, or libido. In his theory, sexual frustration creates a biochemical imbalance that results in anxiety. However, this idea does not have brave out on the empirical basis because there is not a biochemical process that correlates with Freuds theory. In addition, on the psychological basis, sexually abstinent nation do not always experience extreme anxiety (Wolma... ..., and pharmacological treatment would be better in the case of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. In this sense, the patients would be encouraged to examine their beliefs or assumptions that cr eate their compulsions. The etymological explanations of anxiety disorders represent the bases for the creation of any treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder, while they increase our knowledge to the highest degree the condition. Since diagnose is extremely related with the severity of the symptoms, the correct treatment approach is also related with the state of the condition. Future research is needed to enhance our knowledge and understanding of the causes and elements that contributed to the conditions occurrence. In conclusion since every treatment has its limitation, a combination of different treatment is the best methodology to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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